posted on Aug, 9 2009 @ 02:27 PM
reply to post by son of total newbie
dude learn something from me- before thinking anything you should first look at the raw facts about swine flu spreadout dynamics and then later you
have a reason to think whatever it is...
this swine flu pandemic has been created in the most secret bio labs of Russia and has been created and calculatedly planned to be let free in mexico
just for the springbreak for thousends of american and european tourists in mexico in March&April 2009 from where it started spreading to North
America, South Americ and Europe as planned. There are practically no cases in Russia and surrounding countries, there is no spread of the virus there
at all and which is the most wierd of all is that there is even no import of sick people to Russia and all those surrounding countries which we call
para-Russia, lol. China cases is lil bit different but at the end is the same case too bcz there is very few cases imported by western travelers and
as we know all they have been isolated and quarantined by chinese gov. So from 1.3 billion which is the chinese populationo right now there are almost
no cases( just maybe a thousand of cases of swine flu) which is nothing compared to 1.3 billion.
I dont like watching the whole western world succumbing under the constantly increasing number of swine flu deaths in more and more western-world
countries while those barbarian bastards in Moscow and their surrounding allies are laughing at the west and telling to their citizens that Russia is
"chosen by God to survive all apocalyptic disasters of
the world and then later dominate the remainder of the world together with the chinese slave workhorses.