not sure if this is allowed, but just wondering if anyone is on facebook. I'd like to get to know more of my fellow ats'rs and im sure vice versa.
If you don't want to post it here you may u2u me, i promise im not crazy lol. I'm on an island in the middle of the atlantic that cost a fortune
to get off of even if i was .
Also, mods, if this is not allowed, please close or move or whatever...
My friend! AWWW I can't believe no one has answered. They must not have seen your thread yet! I don't have facebook or any other social
networking account or I would love to take you up on your offer.
Thanks!, figured it a good idea, seeing as I spend just as much time floating around here during the day while at work. Your my online friends and
without you all, my day would be hell.
sorry I do not lol. I use fb because all my friends are scattered all over the country and thats what they use and Canada is a BIG country, so i
never get to see them, great way to keep in touch tho.
just u2u'd you with the link, for some reason my work hates bts and will not let me do much on it, blocks it half the time and wont let me message
from it