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McDonald's Alien Agenda...Delivered On Your Next Kid's Meal!

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posted on Aug, 6 2009 @ 09:03 PM

Originally posted by dizziedame
Please, I Really am turned off when I see commercials with my food talking to me.

Could we be getting the message that it's a OK to eat living things with personalities much like humans?


Thats even more hilarious than the topic of this thread.....

Thanks you just turned an average day into a great one!!!!!!!!!!!!

posted on Aug, 6 2009 @ 09:11 PM
reply to post by Floating thru Reality

I'm fairly certain that the only real McD's fan here is the OP,
who plainly stated that she was eating McD's every freakin' day
just for the beanie babies.

As far as the "reptilian" on the bag.....couldn't it also be perceived
as a swamp monster? Swamp monsters seem like a much more
plausible living being than outerspace reptilians to me.

posted on Aug, 7 2009 @ 04:38 AM

DC Comics has hell to pay, brainwashing kids since the 30's... GOOD GAWD!!

Filling their impressionable minds with all sorts of guff - outrage!!!11 And not a burger in sight.


posted on Aug, 7 2009 @ 05:09 AM
Mc Donalds is still food, where I am in new zealand they actually produce the food from real meat and vegetables.

The food tastes good, you can't deny that just because you think that the illuminati runs the business :|

posted on Aug, 7 2009 @ 05:27 AM

Originally posted by allsop
Mc Donalds is still food, where I am in new zealand they actually produce the food from real meat and vegetables.

The food tastes good, you can't deny that just because you think that the illuminati runs the business :|

It might taste good but it's not good for you

Nex time you eat Maccas keep one of their fries- it will still be there 6 months later looking exactly the same- same as their burgers- they dont break down

check out this link and scroll down to the second u tube

posted on Aug, 7 2009 @ 05:28 AM
simple really,KEEP AWAY its not like the food is any good for you anyways i watched a test that was done on every macky Ds burger and a portion of their chips they were kept for around 4 months in glass jars and none of the so called food broke down so god knows what it does when you eat it and its just sat in your stomach. not good

posted on Aug, 8 2009 @ 02:33 AM

Originally posted by mpriebe81
reply to post by Floating thru Reality

As far as the "reptilian" on the bag.....couldn't it also be perceived
as a swamp monster? Swamp monsters seem like a much more
plausible living being than outerspace reptilians to me.

I don't know why everyone was taking me seriously when I said that, although my first impression was that the thing looked like a child reptilian (look up pics on google of what reptilians are suppose to look like and then tell me it doesn't), for the most part I was just joking.

And if it were a child swamp monster it should have some sort of algae hanging off it as swamp monsters tend to.

posted on Aug, 8 2009 @ 02:48 AM
I realize that everyone would enjoy trying to poke fun at the op for her silly idea , I mean come on? McDonalds trying to indoctrinate the minds of children? That's just silly lolzomgwtf?!?!?!?!

But honestly though, the minds of children are the greatest sponges EVER. Ask anyone with kids, children are being constantly bombarded by cultural conditioning and socialization, and they just soak it up.

Someone previously stated that the image on the bag was trying to simply promote acceptance of others differences...which is a very good lesson to learn....


There are many images like the one on the McDonalds bag that American children are very familiar with that promotes the same concept:

The photo in the above link gets the message across of "acceptance of others differences," especially when it is coupled with that old song "The more we get together...the happier we'll be..."

Why aliens though?

If you look at it from the mind of a child who is already used to seeing pictures of human children of different races holding hands, then maybe you could understand. To the mind of a child they would associate the picture on the McDonalds bag as meaning "Aliens are friends..."

Its that simple, but the question is why?

We are over-saturated with images of extra-terrestrials constantly, but it is different when those images are used in a manner that the child can relate with. It may not be a bad thing to have children believing that aliens are friends, but why would you want to? What else would there be to gain besides a marketing ploy? In all honesty McDonalds doesnt really need the marketing ploy at all.

From the perception of the child, all the bag really points out is that aliens are friends. If you wanted to teach acceptance of others there are many images to use besides extra-terrestrials, so why the aliens?

If you want to teach children to be accepting of all human races then you'll just use images of human children. If you want children to be accepting of extra-terrestrials, then you'll put them in the picture too. Simple.

Although, sometimes its just easier to laugh at someone for their silly ideas.

[edit on 8/8/2009 by dalan.]

posted on Aug, 8 2009 @ 03:11 AM
I'm sorry, but I can't just sit here and not laugh

In these two pictures, we establish that McDonald's is indeed pushing an alien agenda. The next promotion involves Legos, not aliens, so why the blatant alien agenda on the front and back of the bag?

Did you go to This bag obviously has nothing to do with advertising their next lego toy, or their current is an advertisement for their online "community" McWorld.

McD's own words: The kid created, kid powered, virtual world. Which you posted...

If I were to create an online community for kids, how would I make it? With pop images, creatures, animals, FUN imaginative things. Sure I see an alien, but I also see a cat and a Dora knockoff. Is McDonalds trying to turn my kids into cats? No, they are appealing to POPULAR icons of childhood. I see a spaceship! Are they brainwashing my kid into accepting flying craft everywhere? If that is the case, I can only imagine they want my child to also be a princess in a castle, because I see two of those.

You made a point to say that a "yeti and mermaid" made the cut...why? If you really believe this is a conspiracy, why would the NWO be pushing yetis and mermaids on our kids? Just you saying that should disprove your reasoning right there.

The fact is, this symbolism that you see is BASIC symbolism for advertising in general. A circle? That is NWO agenda...their basis of symbolism is a circle? Circles are a common format to display unity, equality, and being part of a group...kind of sounds like an online community??

I also see on this bag hero man, sally the pirate, and some surfing yeti. How do those make sense? They DON''s's a surfing yeti for goodness sakes. I would say McDonalds would be stupid to include the likes of a blue surfing yeti, a pirate mermaid, and leave out an alien. A spaceship would be par for the course.

I can't even think about this topic anymore, it makes my brain hurt so bad. I spent 4 years in college and countless years after that in the advertising field studying these frustrates me to read posts like this.

You do know that those aren't devil horns right?? Please tell me you know that is a viking helmet...

posted on Aug, 8 2009 @ 03:19 AM
reply to post by dalan.

And if it were a child swamp monster it should have some sort of algae hanging off it as swamp monsters tend to.

Do you realise the weakness of this argument???

posted on Aug, 8 2009 @ 03:26 AM

Originally posted by dalan.

If you look at it from the mind of a child who is already used to seeing pictures of human children of different races holding hands, then maybe you could understand. To the mind of a child they would associate the picture on the McDonalds bag as meaning "Aliens are friends..."

Its that simple, but the question is why?

We are over-saturated with images of extra-terrestrials constantly, but it is different when those images are used in a manner that the child can relate with. It may not be a bad thing to have children believing that aliens are friends, but why would you want to? What else would there be to gain besides a marketing ploy? In all honesty McDonalds doesnt really need the marketing ploy at all.

The marketing ploy, and the "why" is because it is for promotion of an online community...where the child picks their avatar. It is simply a depiction of many USERS of this community getting along, being friends, unified within this online group. They choose the aliens to show acceptance of others because of that simple fact. Are they also showing acceptance of cats? Or SURFING BLUE YETIS?? No, they are showing acceptance of the users, the kids that are playing this game...

There are plenty of these communities for kids, and most have the same "symbolism".

I mean this place even has a flying devil guy, a yeti, a castle, a pirate ship, a rockstar zombie, and a cupcake with a face! And yes, don't worry...there are aliens involved as well. Don't stare at the website too long tho...or else you will find yourself signing up for the NWO tomorrow

posted on Aug, 10 2009 @ 08:48 PM

Originally posted by Watcher-In-The-Shadows
reply to post by dalan.

And if it were a child swamp monster it should have some sort of algae hanging off it as swamp monsters tend to.

Do you realize the weakness of this argument???

I personally thought it was a good one.

Its important for people to have the ability to recognize a swamp monster in critical situations.

posted on Aug, 10 2009 @ 10:22 PM
reply to post by whoshotJR

Thats just going to far. lol leave the kids meals out of the picture lol

posted on Aug, 12 2009 @ 07:51 AM
Thank you for all the replies. I appreciate everyone's thoughts on the topic.

I know that the bag is a promotion for the website, that I did figure out.

I just thought it was very interesting the bag contained so much symbolism.

And while I may know the viking hat is not devil horns, little kids might see them as devil horns.

Again, thanks to all who participated in the discussion.

OH! An update!

McDonald's Corporation called me back. They explained the J Turnblow on the bottom of the bag was the bag supplier's name.

However, my google skills are not bringing anything up in way of bag manufacturers under this name.

At least I got a return call, that was surprising!

posted on Sep, 6 2009 @ 03:12 PM
Come on, they're trying to promote peace.
Its like, discouraging multi-planetry racism. So if the happy meal generation come across cryptids and aliens they'll remember the McDonalds bags from their childhood and not try to kill them or do tests on them!

Or it could just be interesting cartoons for kids, afterall, I know of loads of cartoon stuff with mermaids and aliens and stuff from my childhood, and it hasn't damaged me in any way (not that I know of anyway)

I don't think these bags or that website will have any effect on anybody.
But you never know, I don't think we had/have them over here.

I do agree that the clowns creepy though, but I find most clowns creepy.

posted on Sep, 6 2009 @ 03:15 PM
reply to post by hotbakedtater

Are you kidding me.... Wow, looks like somebody has been watching way too much star trek... Everybody is entitled to their opinion, but the way the minds work of a few people just baffles me... Somebody needs to lay off the pipe

[edit on 6-9-2009 by tmayhew01]

posted on Feb, 6 2010 @ 11:27 AM
Jeez.....I knew it all along

In these two pictures, we establish that McDonald's is indeed pushing an alien agenda. The next promotion involves Legos, not aliens, so why the blatant alien agenda on the front and back of the bag? It is not a tie in, but an AD for their website. Anyway, the bag actually contains TWO kinds of aliens!! The green space man, and did yall notice...a REPTILIAN?? I was rather shocked."

All about them here

Here is proof the owners of McDonald's are pushing an alien agenda

In this pic you can see ronald mcdonald trying not to shift forms

[edit on 6-2-2010 by conandtel]

posted on Feb, 6 2010 @ 11:54 AM
reply to post by conandtel

See? I knew others would make the connection!! Those reptoids do look similar!

And that is the creepiest Ronald McDonald I have ever seen.

posted on Feb, 6 2010 @ 12:31 PM
I know one thing about mc d's, they love alien's here in Seattle
I rarely do fast food but when I go there I can barely understand what they're saying
there's barely an American in the building ...

Ya I Know, y'all don't mean That kind of alien but I wish some kind of ship would beam 'em up up and Awayyyy

posted on Feb, 6 2010 @ 01:23 PM
Just what is wrong with putting fantasy stuff on a kids meal? If youre a child you are SUPPOSED to enjoy things like planets and aliens. What do you want them to put on a kids meal, the poster art for the Shining?

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