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How does it feel to be gay?

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posted on Aug, 5 2009 @ 10:17 PM
reply to post by Ventessa

This isn't gay bashing at all. The video is trying to show people that.. Learning that you're gay can be difficult because often in society people are saying it's wrong, or immoral. The man speaking was showing the reversal of roles, by saying "What if everyone else was gay, and that it was considered wrong to be straight"

If you didn't get this from the video, I suggest you re-watch it.

posted on Aug, 5 2009 @ 10:18 PM
reply to post by Deaf Alien

The part about the OP changing his/her mind was added in an edit. Originally when Ventessa and I had posted, that edit was not made.

I'd like everybody to understand that part =)

When we came into this thread it appeared as though the OP was very negative toward homosexuality and he was posting this video to support that. And it appeared as though there had been no reconsideration.

[edit on 8/5/2009 by ravenshadow13]

posted on Aug, 5 2009 @ 10:20 PM
wow i'm diggin' the honesty in this thread good job people. I think the op got attacked a little bit, which is weird to me cause in my mind he is admitting a newfound weakness within himself and is glad he learned this thing. Now he wants to share it with people. He wants to grow and all people are doing is cutting him down for not stating his honesty in the prescribed manner.

posted on Aug, 5 2009 @ 10:22 PM
reply to post by tothetenthpower

Yeah I understand what you mean.

But this person was brave to post and tell everyone that he has reconsidered his position about homosexuality. This is a huge admission from him. That is what I understand about the OP.

posted on Aug, 5 2009 @ 10:24 PM
reply to post by Miraj

Maybe I was confused by the OP saying they don't approve of it, or like it. It just came off the wrong way. It shouldn't matter if a person loves a man or a woman or both. At least they have love in their hearts.

posted on Aug, 5 2009 @ 10:25 PM
Well, OP .. now you've seen it with your own eyes.

You are honest. You are open. You are decent. And because you are this way, you naturally expect all others to be as honest, generous in spirit, as you are.

Sorry you've been disillusioned and attacked here.

All you did, with the best of motives, was attempt to open other's eyes in the same way yours had been opened.

And look at the responses. How disgusting. Vile, judgemental opportunists saw THEIR chance to make you feel bad about yourself for a moment in time.

They deliberately MISINTERPRETED your VERY EASY TO UNDERSTAND comments and intentions.

Yet there are still those in this forum who claim there's a 'mass consciousness raising' in effect in this sad old world.

But instead, you OP .. and those of us here with a modicum of intelligence .. have witnessed yet again the ANGER that festers continually within so many, and which LEAPS at the chance to make someone else (you in this instance) feel as miserable as they do themselves.

The attacking responses you've received here, OP, have NOTHING to do with you personally and NOTHING to do with the subject of you post.

Instead, the fact that you're decent, generous and open was seen by people as 'weakness'. And the cowards rushed in to attack you.

All they wanted to do was make you feel as BAD inside as they so obviously do. They're very unhappy people. Maybe life didn't give them their little wish list and they're very peed off and want to take it out on someone .. anyone ... to spread their own anger and misery. You couldn't raise their consciousness with a CRANE !

Never fear, OP. Many of us appreciate and understand your sentiments and your openness.

Hope you go on your way now with your head high, a spring in your step and a tune on your lips. You're one of life's decent folk. You're head and shoulders above. Keep your eyes on the sun and let the shadows fall behind you.

Hope you have a great day

posted on Aug, 5 2009 @ 10:27 PM
reply to post by ravenshadow13

The part about the OP changing his/her mind was added in an edit. Originally when Ventessa and I had posted, that edit was not made.

Oooh gotcha.

I was wondering why everybody was complaining about the OP

I was thinking that everybody should be jumping with joy.

posted on Aug, 5 2009 @ 10:27 PM
reply to post by ravenshadow13

THANK YOU. See. The original post was not clear about their position at all.
Now that things are all cleared up, I'd like to apologize for accusing the OP of gay bashing. I'm sorry OP. Glad you had a breakthrough.

posted on Aug, 5 2009 @ 10:31 PM
reply to post by Deaf Alien

Happy to clear it up. We're all very glad to hear that he has had an apparent change of heart, or increase in clarity.

posted on Aug, 5 2009 @ 11:51 PM

Originally posted by ravenshadow13
reply to post by FreddyAuratus

Seems like that, but that little detail was added in an edit.

It was a good video, of course. Now if we can make similar videos about all races, religions, and people with disabilities and physical differences.

Discrimination is wrong. Period.

[edit on 8/5/2009 by ravenshadow13]
I don't believe discrimination is wrong, what is wrong is when you expect others to think and behave based on those discriminations. Discriminating is basically DECIDING what YOU want and don't want.

And I will add when I think or imagine what it feels like to be gay... first I think that I wouldn't really feel male or female exactly. Then deciding on what gender I was in actuality.. male or female.. I would notice that my sexual feelings tended to go one way or another, maybe both. I find myself very attracted to women and I think they are beautiful, but I am sexually attracted to males...I have thought of women that way but it doesn't last long, so I am pretty sure I am not gay.

[edit on 5-8-2009 by seagrass]

posted on Aug, 5 2009 @ 11:54 PM
reply to post by seagrass

I disagree. I think you have every right to decide what you do and don't want for yourself and your family. But discriminating against others, judging other people and treating them differently or poorly based on specific things like race, religion, sexuality, physical appearance... generally, it's just wrong.

posted on Aug, 6 2009 @ 12:00 AM

Originally posted by ravenshadow13
reply to post by seagrass

I disagree. I think you have every right to decide what you do and don't want for yourself and your family. But discriminating against others, judging other people and treating them differently or poorly based on specific things like race, religion, sexuality, physical appearance... generally, it's just wrong.
what that is is taking a discriminating thought and using it for the purpose or motivation of an action. Thinking it is one thing.. Such as "I don't like being around gay people" and the action is wrong to tell them you think they should "leave". I think that the discriminating thought is not wrong, it is a choice, but to expect others to follow your "choices" is wrong. If I thought someone was say... not attractive, I would feel bad if for some reason they were to know that. To deny that we make choices, mental or emotional choices, like these is wrong. It is natural, the judgment is wrong when acted upon to hurt others to make us feel better about our choices.
Raven, we agree... it's semantics again.

posted on Aug, 6 2009 @ 12:02 AM
reply to post by seagrass

Oh, okay. Thanks for clearing that up
Glad that we agree.

I shouldn't post on ATS when it's late. My brain doesn't work properly. My apologies.

posted on Aug, 6 2009 @ 12:07 AM

Originally posted by ravenshadow13
reply to post by seagrass

Oh, okay. Thanks for clearing that up
Glad that we agree.

I shouldn't post on ATS when it's late. My brain doesn't work properly. My apologies.

not necessary Raven, I don't believe you and I are ever too far off in opinion.

posted on Aug, 6 2009 @ 12:27 AM
I think the OP of this thread just didnt expect to be confronted with so many sanctimonious and condescending judgmental people.

People accused him of being "the bad guy" as soon as they read " dont like" when they were the ones who are clearly biased by labeling anybody who doesnt embrace the homosexual lifestyle of having done something "WRONG" !
What pathetic double standard!! Why should I accept something just because you think its ok and good ? Are you people some moral compass I should emulate because you are better than me ??
It is YOUR philosophy that is small minded and intolerant! Had people actually bothered with the video they would have understood exactly what the OP was saying but apparently the moral judge and jury brigade couldnt bother with facts.

Billions of people have a problem with Homosexuality, are they all doing something "wrong" ?? What about the Billions of people who think Homosexuals are doing something "wrong" ? You people are merely placing your version of "wrong" as something superior to those who think the opposite of you !

Disclaimer- I dont condone the homosexual lifestyle but I endeavor to treat people as they are without prejudice as best as I can. I support every single human's right to the pursuit of happiness and equality. I also dont believe that their pursuit of happiness and equality has any bearing on my own pursuit of happiness or my rights.

posted on Aug, 6 2009 @ 12:31 AM
reply to post by IAF101

I believe it is hard for people to act differently than they think. For some reason they think they must create an action to validate a belief or thought.
It will take time, but people are coming around to the idea of live and let live. What choice do we really have?

posted on Aug, 6 2009 @ 12:33 AM
reply to post by IAF101

No, what actually happened was that the whole "This video made me change my mind" thing was edited in after a few people had already posted in this thread. If that had been there to begin with, my posts would have been very different.

posted on Aug, 6 2009 @ 01:12 AM
The OP admitted to having a bias; he also said he had learned from the video. There is not one of us who didn't hold some ignorant view at one time, who has since learned more and changed that view. So what's the problem?

This is not gay-bashing. It's presenting a video that, if honestly viewed, could help a person to understand what it feels like to belong to a sexual minority in a largely intolerant world. That could help someone learn *not* to be prejudiced against gay people.

So the OP used to hold an unpopular, politically incorrect view. He learned, and he's trying to share the video that helped him learn. He's saying, in essence, "You know, I used to believe some nonsense, but now I see things differently. Here's what helped me to learn..."

Cut the guy some slack. Not one of us is perfect.

posted on Aug, 6 2009 @ 01:19 AM
reply to post by TrainDispatcher

I appreciate your honesty, want you to know that. You did nothing wrong. It was an interesting experiment, and your willingness to entertain the concept of "what would it be like" role reversal, is courageous and shows you are not unwilling to look at things from another perspective. Bravo!

posted on Aug, 6 2009 @ 01:30 AM
Everyone knows the answer to the question

"What does it feel like to be Gay?"


(sorry I just had to)

Seriously... and I mean this.

Many gay people go through a living hell on Earth, people are sick idiots... to lose your family, be intimidated... I mean imagine it, one day your DAD simply disowns you, or being abused in school every day...

I didn't watch the video, I went to a school for performing Arts and grew up knowing Allot of Gay students

And some of them went through terrible stuff for no reason at all, really none..

I am not sure at all what the fascination with Gay threads is lately

Kinsey opened the closet, and this ONE single subject of Homosexuality is still debated feared...


people don't fall into a range of Homosexual and Hetero Sexual

True Homosexuals and True Hetero sexuals probably make up 5% on either side of the spectrum...

inbetween there is everything from a myriad of Fetishes, sexualities that range from transexual to Asexual, both just as common, the majority of people are to one small degree hidden or large degree blatant actually Bisexual by studies that have been done anyway...

Sexuality is an imprint

a Chemical bath that starts in the mothers womb...

all our sexuality is varient with various hormones having been wshed during various stages of brain formation

and it continues into adolecence...even adult hood where various experiences alter your nueral net and imprint all sorts of desires...

Why are we all so PATHETIC in regards to sexual expression?

If every type of sexuality had a parade... there would be a parade every day of the year....

Yet just a divide of two..... very non reality sexualities dominates some kind of war with everyone else being varients

As a general question, What do you like... Feet? BDSM? Cos Play? hot for teacher? 3 somes? are you ployamorous, bisexual, maybe your asexual? Maybe you just don't like Sex at all and are perfectly happy that way... I'll bet dollars to donoughts that... there are as many of those people out there as Gay people

So what's it like to be Gay

surely hard as heck...

Just as hard as expressing any sexuality you have...

Like it's easy being straight? How much Trauma did we all go through just to take THAT first step...

Sexuality is pathetically feared in this society

If we can't get past... some people being Gay, we have barely breached the tip of the ice berg.

This is way to modern a world and there is way too much education available that this all should be so Traumatic.

Did you know

They can take the tissue responsible for an orgasm and implant it into different parts of the body now?

If people can't handle Gays... what will they do about the handshakers lol, the Transhumanists?

We should all be way over this by now...

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