Originally posted by grapesofraft
reply to post by damwel
Yeah it is kind of like food stamps but for EVERYBODY, whether they want it that way or not. Just think of it as Single Payer Food.
You got to love you some single payer food !
1984 and Brave New World can be our model societies, but
Mr. Rockefeller says he likes China as a model society.
So we can take all the whiners and put them in work camps
like they do in China, and HR 645 will do that for us,
if it gets out of subcommittee.
And we can make this global with Codex Alimentarius !
We can raise taxes even more by tagging all farm animals with RFID
tags and charging a head tax per animal and call it NAIS !
We can even pass S.787 to tax all water including ponds on private lands !
With the new carbon tax as a carbon emitter we can technically
tax you for the air you exhale, think of the revenues !
We can really expand this control system to everything !
What a great idea !
I have known for a long time it would be a lot easier if we just
went to a 100% tax immediately, and it would make the true
marxist paradise.
I guess I should have got a Phd in sarcasm...
[edit on 5-8-2009 by Ex_MislTech]
[edit on 5-8-2009 by Ex_MislTech]