posted on Dec, 5 2009 @ 10:46 AM
well, 3 hours after waking up this morning, I had this movie running through my head kinda, but not sure why exactally since I thought it was a decent
film and didn't really dwell on it much after words. What strikes me as odd now is, it wasn't the alien tech or even the aliens themselves but, the
whole scenario itself...
To me, the film isn't about aliens disclosure, it's about over population of either a city/county/country and it's effects of what will happen
eventually to that area.
Here in the USA, illegal immigration is a HUGE problem, along with unemployment, housing crisis and the list goes on, which I totally believe was
brought about by those in the tier higher than the governments of the world; possibly the Illuminati or even higher.
The aliens in the short film, don't get enough basic necessities to live or even exist, get frustrated and go to drastic measures to do so. The short
film, should have been included in the production film since I think it would have made a lot more sense, but, I'm no director either.
IMO, what is being completely left out is what really is the end result? In the production film, they just move them to another area, but, that is a
band-aid, not a real fix. what really is the solution? The alien DO have skills we could use, not to mention the intelligence but, why don't they
utilize them? Why keep then locked up and separated/segregated?
It's intresting to reflect on;
~Immigration at a all time high; meaning foreigners moving to the country in droves looking for better work but, not finding any .. because..
~Jobs are being shipped overseas to China/Asia
~thus, making housing crash because the jobs are there to sustain a decent living..