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Radio Host warns that a Nuclear bomb is set to explode in Washington DC on October 11th 2009

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posted on Aug, 8 2009 @ 04:14 PM
This is a note to all members living in the Washington area....

IF this "nuclear bomb" does explode, sue this radio host. He is implying he KNOWS there is a weapon... He KNOWS WHEN it will go off..... Therefore he is liable for foreknowledge of said attack.. Just like Alex Jones on 9/11.

See these radio guys predict stuff like this, yet don't understand they could be held accountable for planting said device.

BTW I think this guys talking balls and doesn't know anything.

posted on Aug, 8 2009 @ 04:25 PM
reply to post by EnhancedInterrogator

Star for you. An excellent observation. These zealots these days are desperate to keep their archaic message popular. The people are still religious, they just don't fall for this bull

posted on Aug, 8 2009 @ 04:51 PM
I actually doubt that anything major will happen this fall. The economy will grow progressively worse with more and more layoffs, but other than that, nothing...

The rich will grow richer, and the poor, middle class will grow poorer...

The economy will continue to separate into the "haves" and "have nots" - the complete destruction of the middle class as we know it.

posted on Aug, 9 2009 @ 04:31 AM

Originally posted by RenDMC
IF this "nuclear bomb" does explode, sue this radio host.

It's people who think like you which created the DISGUSTING litigation culture in the US which has now found its way across the Atlantic.

Hang your head in shame.

posted on Aug, 9 2009 @ 05:09 AM
reply to post by Ignorance Denied

Lets wait and see, you guys should never doubt something no matter how bizarre it seems, no matter how many times its been predicted and hasnt come to pass.. Its possible that it could happen..
thats right, only an open mind can deny ignorance.

posted on Aug, 9 2009 @ 05:14 AM
reply to post by RenDMC

BTW I think this guys talking balls and doesn't know anything
that is the SAFE bet!

posted on Aug, 9 2009 @ 09:50 PM

Originally posted by Gorman91An excellent observation

Actually, I can't take credit for it ... I searched "October 11th 2009" on Google and the very first thing that came back was a link about the "National Equality March" in Washington D.C. that weekend!

[edit on 2009-8-9 by EnhancedInterrogator]

posted on Aug, 11 2009 @ 01:55 AM

Originally posted by randyvs
reply to post by Ignorance Denied

Lets wait and see, you guys should never doubt something no matter how bizarre it seems, no matter how many times its been predicted and hasnt come to pass.. Its possible that it could happen..
thats right, only an open mind can deny ignorance.

Good post, and your right..

Well if this radio host had correctly predicted Sept 11 before it happened, then people would be alot more likely to take this Washington prediction seriously... but I suppose until a prophet actually predicts something correctly, he is nothing more than an attention seeking madman. Unfortunately the ironic thing is that once he is proven right, it is to late.

[edit on 11-8-2009 by savetimerushonline]

posted on Aug, 11 2009 @ 03:09 AM

Originally posted by Digital_Reality
Some evangelist saying he knows because God told him. I wouldn't put much stock into that. No facts just the ramblings of a madman.

I tend to agree here.

We got many many false predictions by various kooks worldwide.

If he had a history of success that would be different.

Right now the biggest likely scenario for problems is them trying to
anger the public into lashing out violently and then using it as
an excuse to follow thru on the MIAC list.

Once that starts it goes downhill from there, and even if the
so called rebels start to win against the Socialists, they will call
in the blue helmets or new Hessians ( China ) to mop up.

That is how the former USA will become the new and reborn NAU
most likely.

They are just trying to sucker bait ppl into doing something stupid.

Problem...Reaction...Solution...all over again.

Aka it was the rebels fault, they started the violence, etc etc...

The winners write history, and so it will go this time.

[edit on 11-8-2009 by Ex_MislTech]

posted on Aug, 11 2009 @ 02:23 PM
Heh I came onto this topic expecting to see the smug face of Alex Jones...

posted on Aug, 11 2009 @ 03:01 PM

I could never figure out why the movie Fight Club used 10-11 instead of 9-11.

This movie had 9-11 subliminal images all over it... Including Occult / Illuminati / Masonic symbolism as well.

Just a thought...

I do believe the TPTB show you what they are doing before it happens.

But all my research suggests that nothing major will happen until the year 2010.

posted on Aug, 12 2009 @ 01:53 PM

Originally posted by joecool280
Heh I came onto this topic expecting to see the smug face of Alex Jones...

lol, yeah he's looking extra smug in his latest character portrayel as the joker... it's worth a look if you got a spare moment... quite funny.

posted on Aug, 14 2009 @ 02:39 PM
Just wanted to do a quick update by linking to two new vids I have found, that I believe are relevent to this thread:

YouTube clip 1

YouTube clip 2

There is alot happening at the moment.. everything seems to be coming to a head... stay tuned!

posted on Aug, 14 2009 @ 03:01 PM
I believe people can be forewarned of events.
I am not sure if I posted my story on here about 9-11. I had a dream March 2001 about 911.
In my dream I saw the exact scene that was on TV on 9-11. I did not know at the time that it was a forewarning. I did not want people to think I was crazy so I said nothing and did nothing. This was at a point on my life that I did not realize a good portion of my dreams come true.
The voice in my dream said in about 200 days this will happen. The weird thing was it happened 198 days from my dream.
In 2002 I set up a site where I posted all my dreams of any significance. I predicted a bridge collaspe in Minnesota. The economic downfall and even a major diaster for 2009.
The site is no longer up and running. I kept it up not just to see how accurate my dreams were and they were an astonishing 80% true.
Maybe this guy had a dream that told him the date and what would happen. I admire him if that is the case. People may say he is crazy but at least he got the information out there.
If I really believed something might actually happen I would warn people and if it doesn't happen oh well I may look like a fool but at least I did what I felt was right.
I have also had dreams of tornados that came through the very next day and a dream that happened scene by scene word for word. That dream happened in my personal life and everything was identical including what we were wearing.
It is ok not to believe that this could be true but at least be open minded enough to consider it. I am not worried because I know I can handle whatever happens.

posted on Aug, 14 2009 @ 06:09 PM

Originally posted by RenDMC
This is a note to all members living in the Washington area....

IF this "nuclear bomb" does explode, sue this radio host. He is implying he KNOWS there is a weapon... He KNOWS WHEN it will go off..... Therefore he is liable for foreknowledge of said attack.. Just like Alex Jones on 9/11.

See these radio guys predict stuff like this, yet don't understand they could be held accountable for planting said device.

BTW I think this guys talking balls and doesn't know anything.

Well if you're going to sue anybody for predicting 9/11, it wouldn't be Alex Jones, it would be Bill Cooper. I still find it funny that people say Alex predicted 9/11, but he got his information from Bill Cooper who was talking about it a MONTH before Alex did. It doesn't matter if you like Bill Cooper or not, he still predicted it before Alex.

posted on Aug, 14 2009 @ 06:13 PM

Originally posted by Sirius20

TBH I've never really listenend to Bill Cooper, but yeah, whoever predicted 9/11 should be held responsible too. Just like Condoleeza saying airliners weren't a threat.

posted on Aug, 14 2009 @ 06:17 PM

Originally posted by Geladinhu
Lets see if his dreams come true, I doubt it.
But I have to confess that I wouldn't mind a bit.

You would not mind if tens of thousands of innocent people die to wake you up? Get and alarm clock or leave the country. Here in the U.S. no matter how differently people think - wishing death upon an entire city of people is not American. What happend to actual patriotism? Would you have the nerve to go to each and every family that loses loved ones and explain to them that their innocent family had to die because you wanted a wake up call?

posted on Aug, 17 2009 @ 04:00 AM
Hey. First Post. I like it here, I think.

The date October 11th does have some significance in relation to nuclear weapons.

On October 11th, 1940-something, Einstein warned FDR about the horrors of the atom bomb.

Also, it's the day before Aleister's birthday.

Hope it doesn't happen. It's strange world we live in, the football chatter and the fear chatter really ramping up around the same time of year.

D.C would be the next logical place for an attack to take place. NYC was the big "financial hit" and this would be the big "seat of power" hit.

It's also "Harvest Time" ....y'know....whatever that's worth.

posted on Aug, 17 2009 @ 06:14 AM
PRESIDENT BUSH: “Special atomic demolition munitions?”

DIRECTOR CIA: “Nuclear suitcase bombs, Mr. President”

BREIFING OFFICER: “Mr. President, this mornings brief covers the latest intelligence reporting on the likely whereabouts of some of the nuclear suitcase bombs that were manufactured in the Soviet Union. Several years ago, Alexander Lebed, Boris Yeltsion’s Security Secretary, admitted that eighty-four (84) out of one-hundred thirty two (132) nuclear suitcases produced in the nineties were missing. We have reason to believe that al-Qaeda have acquired several of these bombs and at least five (5) of them are now in the United States. There may be two (2) others: one (1) in the United Kingdom and one (1) in Australia.

PRESIDENT: “Where the hell did they get hold of those?”

BREIFING OFFICER: “As you are aware, Mr. President, Osama bin Laden has considerable financial backing. After the break-up of the Soviet Union in 1991 several Russian officers, some of whom hadn’t been paid for months, turned to the black market.”

SECRETARY OF STATE: “Several of these bombs turned up in 1994. The leader of the Chechen separatists, Jokhar Dudayev, put some of them on the market when we refused to recognize Chechnya’s independence.”

PRESIDENT: “So how did they get them into the United States?”

BREIFING OFFICER: “ They may have been here already. We have reason to believe that Soviet agents smuggled some of them during the Cold War and pre-positioned them. Others may have been brought in more recently, probably by sea.”

PRESIDENT: “How is this possible?”

BREIFING OFFICER: “As I am sure the Secretary for Homeland Security is aware, up until recently, less than five (5) per cent of shipping containers that came into this country were inspected.”

PRESIDENT: “We should be able to do a lot better than that.”

SECRETARY FOR HOMELAND SECURITY: “The International Shipping and Port Security Code will help, Mr. President, but we have over fifteen thousand (15,000) ships docking in this country every day. We are not the only Western country facing this problem. In Australia last year, nineteen (19) out of every twenty (20) containers moved into that country without inspection, and similar situation has existed in the United Kingdom.”

PRESIDENT: “What sort of damage can one of these suitcase bombs do?”

BREIFING OFFICER: “It depends on how and where they set them off, Mr. President. The preferred method of delivery would be an airburst from a light aircraft.”

SECRETARY OF DEFENCE: “Why not on the ground?”

BREIFING OFFICER: Buildings tend to minimize the blast and thermal effect of a nuclear explosion. Although in the case of a ground burst the long-term casualties would be higher due to a more concentrated irradiated fallout. But terrorists tend to look to the more dramatic short-term effect and for that reason I am suggesting that a nuclear suicide attack from a light plane would be their preferred option.


BREIFING OFFICER: “Even a one (1) kiloton nuclear blast, which is the equivalent of the smallest suitcase, is no ordinary bomb. The intense heat of a nuclear fireball reaches about ten million (10,000,000) degrees. If you want a comparison, the September 11 fireball was of the order of four to five thousand (4,000 to 5,000) degrees. In New York, London or Sydney, for example, anything within five hundred (500) feet will be vaporized. Within fifteen hundred (1,500) feet from ground zero metal will melt. The blast will generate winds of over six hundred (600) miles an hour and everything out to the eighteen hundred (1,800) feet range and beyond will be destroyed. In the big cities there will be up to a quarter of a million (250,000) dead on the first day, and up to one million (1,000,000) within two weeks. Over the ensuing days many hundreds of thousands more will die of radiation poisoning and burns. Any city attacked will be uninhabitable for years.

posted on Aug, 17 2009 @ 06:25 AM
Honestly, it's funny to see people's reaction to this claims.

"He's just saying BS! Ahahah... Another religion fanatic trying to make profit! BS!!!


I wouldn't like to be that guy if everyone is this hypocrit...

[edit on 17/8/09 by Tifozi]

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