posted on Aug, 5 2009 @ 02:30 AM
Jesus and God aren't Christians either, and Jesus is directly against the religion that is in his name. Christianity as you know it is a Satanic
religion where the truth has to be sacrificed in order for the lie to live. Not to say all Christians are Satanic, but that it was warped and
manipulated long time ago into that, and then they went around and killed anyone who didn't go along with the manipulated view(prophecy that is
already fulfilled, but Christians themselves do not realize it). Christians aren't going to hell(neither are you) or anything, they are still
blessed(as are you) because you are just poor in spirit. Only those who purposely deceive need worry bout such things.
The part about Jesus and the sword. He is talking about the truth being like a sword to the lie. He does not "come in peace" because he isn't
going to compromise with the lie. But you notice he doesn't harm anyone, and when Peter cuts the guys ear off, Jesus heals him etc. He doesn't
advocate going around and killing people with the sword, quite the opposite. But does advocate using the truth as a sword to cut up the lie.
Don't let them decide the topic for you. Just because they do things in the name of something doesn't mean that's what it's really about.
Believe or disbelieve is not really any difference as long as you accept them as being the authority on the subject. Because your basis is not on
your own understanding, but based on their claims - either for or against.
Worry not and surely don't let them fear you into things. Good that you see their hypocrisy, but if you know they are full of it - then why still
allow them to be the authority on what god is or isn't and so forth? I don't recommend it, and if I wasn't able to seperate them from Jesus and
God, then I wouldn't be talking like this, I'd be saying it was all dumb. But I don't in anyway accept them as being an authority on anything.
Read Proverbs and always go in the way of understanding. Coincidence you can understand and see their wrongs? Nope, not at all. You are given
such understanding for a reason, just dig deeper rather than outright rejecting is my best advice.
And ignore Paul, he is a false prophet, self proclaimed apostle who appeals to the authority of this world and creates the church. If you want to
see some contradictions, just look at Paul vs Jesus. Paul makes up half the NT, and quotes Jesus directly like only 1 time.
[edit on 8/5/2009 by badmedia]