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Insider says WHO FLU VACCINES will activate AEROSOL PRECURSOR and spread of the WHO FLU / H1N1 Infl

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posted on Aug, 4 2009 @ 04:32 AM
I was watching this Vid with Kerry and Bill of Project Camelot, at the end of this part 2, they talk about the swineFlu vaccine and some thing they call Aerosol Precurser that will React to the h1n1 vaccine, well , the Aerosol is as many of us know as Chemtrails and have benn sprayed for some amount of years now..

I personal dont take PJ for good fish, but they had correct information on the economy etc...

As you read down here, you see this affects the Lungs, and isnt there just now dying people in china of some lung disease ??? Didnt they quarantine a city of 10.000 citizens just a few days ago ??

Town in quarantine after deadly plague hits China(03 August 2009)

Thousands of people have been quarantined in northwest China after two men died of pneumonic plague, and 10 others became infected with the deadly and highly contagious lung disease.

A 32-year-old herdsman died in Ziketan, a Tibetan area of Qinghai province, on Friday, and his neighbour, 37, died on Sunday, according to the province's health authority.

The other 10 victims are relatives of the deceased and are in stable condition in hospital.

The remaining 10,000 inhabitants of Ziketan have been quarantined and a team of medical experts are monitoring the disease.

Pneumonic plague is easily spread through the air and can be passed from person to person through coughing. It is triggered by the same bacteria as bubonic plague, which killed more than 25 million people in Europe during the Middle Ages.

Bubonic plague can now be treated with antibiotics, but pneumonic plague remains highly lethal and infectious.

According to the World Health Organisation (WHO), pneumonic plague can kill within 24 hours of infection and is one of the deadliest infectious diseases.

- GLP -
I have spoken with a trusted friend who has spoken to an insider that works for a major pharmaceutical company as a biochemist. She (the biochemist) states that everyone has already been breathing a precursor that has been sprayed into the air, and that the vaccines this Fall will be used to ACTIVATE the H1N1 Influenza A when it comes in contact with the precursor in the body, especially the lungs.

The real threat is not the virus so much as the unapproved, uncleared, unlabeled, uninsured, gov indemnified VACCINES that are going to be primarily aimed at the children in the schools, who will be damaged or killed first. The children, who will spread the virus by bringing it home to the family and friends, are top priority for getting jabbed first. First responders will also be participating in the spread as they too are top priority for getting jabbed.

Amazingly, while the papers whip up more frenzy by stating recently that there may be a struggle over who gets vaccines, many people will actually be upset that they may be left out of getting jabbed with the poison vaccines.

Email her : [email protected]

Source : Ustream - Prj.Camelot - 08/01/2009

I had this one my self, almost 4 years ago, still sick , back then 5 of us got this MycoPneumonia, my wife and daughters got over, my son with AdHd never got it ! But, Mycoplasma is also BioWarefare...

Source with Wave Frequences
Mycoplasma can bind with virtually any cell type and interfere with protein, RNA, and DNA synthesis. The resulting cellular abnormalities can result in cancer. The ability of Mycoplasma to invade the body’s lymphocytes, bind to them, and reduce their numbers, considerably weakens immunity so the person is susceptible to many other infections as well. When a Mycoplasma emerges from a cell, it takes a piece of the host cell membrane with it. Later, the immune system attacking the Mycoplasma cannot differentiate the Mycoplasma from the body’s own cells and attacks the host cells, too. This is the beginning of all types of autoimmune conditions, such as rheumatoid arthritis, Crohn’s Disease, fibromyalgia, thyroid and adrenal dysfunction, Lupus, Multiple Sclerosis, and Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis (ALS). Other Mycoplasma diseases include Gulf War Syndrome / Gulf War Illness, Chronic Fatigue Syndrome (CFS), chemical sensitivity, HIV / AIDS, and Alzheimer’s.

The most well-known of these pathogens is Mycoplasma pneumoniae. However, the strain Mycoplasma fermentans incognitus is now becoming known in a small circle of researchers, war veterans, and laypeople who are aware of its creation as a biological warfare weapon.

Mycoplasma pneumoniae / Pneumonia

Mycoplasma pneumonia causes severe pneumonia, an infection and inflammation of the lungs, usually caught and spread by children and young adults. Symptoms include copious amounts of fluid and mucous in the lungs, high fever, chills, cough, nasal congestion, sore throat, tracheobronchitis, pharyngitis, and sometimes blood in the mucous of the lungs. This condition is also associated with joint, central nervous system, liver, respiratory, autoimmune, and cardiovascular and blood conditions. Among them are asthma, heart disease, leukemia, polyarthritis, urinary tract infections, Irritable Bowel Syndrome, encephalitis, and meningitis. Also see “Klebsiella pneumoniae / Pneumonia” under Bacteria; “Pneumocystis carinii” under Parasites, Protozoa and Worms; and “Pneumonia / Bronchial Pneumonia” under Respiratory Tract, Lungs.

WHO site

•Annex 4: Medical and public health effects of attack with chemical or biological weapons

General principles
Examples based on hypothetical situations
A. Tularaemia
B. Pneumonic plague
C. Nerve gas-VX

In this 1970 WHO assesment , Pneumonic Plague is an hypothetical situation.

[edit on 4/8/2009 by ChemBreather]

posted on Aug, 4 2009 @ 05:35 AM
Now thats scary... I do believe more injections are more harmful than good. But to make it react with something in the air...

See I do not really buy in to chemical trails because when in the open there are dangerous particles free floating everywhere naturally, and when sprayed in the stratosphere things tend to disippate too quick for to reach our level in concentration. So I think to do real damage to us would not be feasible.

But I do think some contrails are to be used as a reflective surface in the sky for hmm Haarp or weather control or such. Just not chemicals for us. I think it is far easier for water supplies to be contaminated, and we all drink from them. But then beg the question, is weather precipitating in our water sources that is contaminated? Much more feasible I think... but directly spraying us with chemicals in the sky... no. We were even taught that biological warfare is not as deadly out doors after say 2 hours because it is not as concentrated (still dangerous but not as much).

posted on Aug, 4 2009 @ 06:16 AM
reply to post by Ridhya

It is hard to grasp that fact.
I think in that 1970 who assesment, they asserted that with 75kg of y-pestis, they can make 150.000 people sick, in a city with 5 million people, 35.000 would die and 80 to 100.000 would be very ill and needs treatment.

thats just 75Kg back in 1970..

posted on Aug, 4 2009 @ 07:14 AM
Yes and always assuming it spreead from one person to another to another to doorknob to restaurant counter...
It is not the original amount that does anything it is that the (usually bacteria) agent will spread by humans, and especially by multiplying inside of our bodies.
Domino effect really.

posted on Aug, 4 2009 @ 07:26 AM

Originally posted by Ridhya
Yes and always assuming it spreead from one person to another to another to doorknob to restaurant counter...
It is not the original amount that does anything it is that the (usually bacteria) agent will spread by humans, and especially by multiplying inside of our bodies.
Domino effect really.

When they force the kids to take the vaccine in the school( I do not hope that will happen), they come home and spread it to you and the rest in the house.

The vaccine it self spreads the virus.

posted on Aug, 4 2009 @ 07:32 AM
Another good thread.

Way to be on the frontlines of truth.


The scary stuff in the vaccine, to me, is Squalene. It's an adjuvant. It's what cause the Gulf War Syndrome.

Supposedly, the way to fight the flu is to slow down the response of the immune system.

The vaccine, increases the immune response, creating a catastrophic shutdown of the essential organs, even to the point of bleeding out. Very bad stuff is just around the corner.

posted on Aug, 4 2009 @ 07:54 AM

Originally posted by Udontknowme
Another good thread.

Way to be on the frontlines of truth.


The scary stuff in the vaccine, to me, is Squalene. It's an adjuvant. It's what cause the Gulf War Syndrome.

Supposedly, the way to fight the flu is to slow down the response of the immune system.

The vaccine, increases the immune response, creating a catastrophic shutdown of the essential organs, even to the point of bleeding out. Very bad stuff is just around the corner.

i think there are atleast 5 poisons in it..

Here in Norway and in Sweeden, it is illegal to use Mercury in vaccines, yet they are going to allow this vaccine with mercury in it.

Eco Child's Play
Now the Washington Post confirms that most of the swine flu vaccines that will be available in the fall, probably in October, will contain thimerosal.

It makes me wonder why they will allow this in scandinavia when it is banned as poisons...

posted on Aug, 4 2009 @ 10:00 PM
You know our leaders are not exempt from Satanism

posted on Aug, 4 2009 @ 10:39 PM
star, and flag. Thanks for presenting good sources for the coming deceptions. I have heard about the aerosol activation for a while.. Are they chemtrailing to kill us?? Absolutely!!!!!

Now, The PTB view the world's average population as cannon fodder, or not fit for anything, but slavery.

The exception to chemtrails being deadly is, I fully believe the swine flu real vaccine is/was already distributed in chemtrails to the regions in which the PTB wanted to keep particular serfs.

Reasoning behind the choices made? No clue. Maybe better slaves in some areas. So lets say, state A has good slave material in it's northeastern boundaries, they were then inoculated via chemtrails.

No doubt the chemtrails are going to activate the H1N1 in vaccinated people, but from what I've read, and heard the flu will mutate with some other icky stuff.

People who've caught it already, or the people deemed worthy to be slaves(receiving via chemtrails real vaccine) will be able to handle the enhanced lethality of mutated virus when released.

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