posted on Aug, 3 2009 @ 11:06 PM
I never did watch mtv, or, muchmusic i should say, even when i was growing up. I pretty much threw in the towel with that when blink 182 was just
comin' up.
However, there are still some vidz i'd like to be able to bring to a certain type of party comin' up soon where my plan is to scare the crap out of
I think it'll take 45 minutes or so for people not to be able to handle the vid that i voted on, but if you gotta better one, hey, shoot it to me we
might even record the night and make a funny sketch about it, who knows.
The thing with evil/trippy music is that it totally depends on you outlook on life. Myself, i'm religious, so for me the song i'm voting for, as
i'm sure you know what it is, is a pure choice. It's not so much the song itself but the song with the video.
I could imagine people of a different m.o. scoffing at this and being somehow strangely freaked out by the care bears for instance, lol.
come to daddy