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Humanoid Cryptids - The Other Humans

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posted on Aug, 3 2009 @ 06:43 PM

Just imagine it, another species of humans on Earth that is and intelligent humanoid like us. I believe all these myths and legends of bigfoot, fairies, and elves have to come from somewhere.

I just want to show you what I have found across the internet. I would like to know if anyone believes in humanoid cryptids besides me.

Gnome Video

Bigfoot Pictures (I will not be using the classic bigfoot footage, it is a hoax)

Here is the link to most of thes pictures of bigfoot:


I don't really like this picture, but here it is.

It looks like a garbage bag got stuck on the bridge.

Please, if you know of any lesser known ones, I will put some pictures of them up. If you find and videos I will also put the good ones up.

posted on Aug, 3 2009 @ 07:07 PM
Whoops, it didn't actually put the picture up... oh well

posted on Aug, 3 2009 @ 07:13 PM
You know that the consensus among the Cryptozoology community today is that the 'classic bigfoot footage' (by that I assume you mean the Patterson video) is not a hoax, but possibly the only genuine footage we have.

Analysis of the footage with modern computer software have concluded that no human in a suit could recreate the movements and muscle structure.

But thats another topic.

The gnome video has been debunked already, sorry. ATS search for gnome video and you'll find plenty to keep you occupied.

The bigfoot images are pretty varied. The 4th one appears to simply be a bad photograph of a man in a sweater and shorts.

The final image is the supposed only known photo of 'Mothman'. It could be anything.

[edit on 3-8-2009 by fooffstarr]

posted on Aug, 3 2009 @ 07:20 PM
Ok that video of the Gnome is freaking crazy. He even has a little pointy hat on LOL

My question is this, how the hell could they fake this?

The object sure looks real, I do not see any signs of GFX manipulation.

The object is certainly about 6inches to 1 foot tall based on points of reference.

It's movements are realistic looking and fit with what we would expect from a 6inch -8inch tall dude.

I have one problem with this video however, why does it cut off right as the Gnome is crossing the street? Something fishy about that. Although I do admit they probably screamed like little girls and were embarrassed so they cut the part of them peeing their pants out.


It is possible that it could be real. But it is also possible that it could be faked.

Yet, the video is of such quality that I would expect it to be real.

If it is a hoax, its one of the best ones yet, easily.

posted on Aug, 3 2009 @ 07:21 PM

Originally posted by fooffstarr

The gnome video has been debunked already, sorry. ATS search for gnome video and you'll find plenty to keep you occupied.

[edit on 3-8-2009 by fooffstarr]

Ok ill do that. Although if your sure it is a Hoax, its a good one. They must have studied up on how to create it by covering alot of the initial bases.

Anyhow, Ill go see.

Thanks for the post.

posted on Aug, 3 2009 @ 07:25 PM
reply to post by fooffstarr

I agree I believe that the Patterson footage is most likely real.

Combine that with virtually 10's of millions of people claiming to have seen a "bigfoot" in real life (seemingly credible people from everyday life) and I am hard pressed to argue that it could not exist.

I would be embarrassed to claim bigfoot is not real, because there is a very good chance something about it is real to some extent, what that extent is i do not know.

posted on Aug, 3 2009 @ 07:29 PM

Originally posted by muzzleflash
reply to post by fooffstarr

I agree I believe that the Patterson footage is most likely real.

Combine that with virtually 10's of millions of people claiming to have seen a "bigfoot" in real life (seemingly credible people from everyday life) and I am hard pressed to argue that it could not exist.

I would be embarrassed to claim bigfoot is not real, because there is a very good chance something about it is real to some extent, what that extent is i do not know.

I believe bigfoot is real, but the Patterson video is a hoax,t hey even went on TV and announced it. To the other person who said the same above, the muscle structure doesn't prove anything. I can walk like that if I wanted to.

posted on Aug, 3 2009 @ 07:32 PM

Originally posted by Phlynx ican walk like that if I wanted to.


Go out and succeed where huge budget film crews have failed and make an acceptable recreation of the footage.

They tried in the 90's with a custom build suit and actor and didn't even come close.

But as I said, this is another issue for another thread. Carry on talking about gnomes or whatever

posted on Aug, 3 2009 @ 07:35 PM
reply to post by Phlynx

Well then you wouldn't mind if I just paste in one of my earlier reply from another post about the Patterson film?

The verdict was out for me until there was some motion stabilizing software used. The thing that makes me think this is real is that if they are going to fake a "Bigfoot" why make a fake "Female" Bigfoot. When nobody at the time could tell from the footage that in fact it's female?

Look at the way it turns it's head above. Note that it has to turn it's whole upper body because it's head sits low on it's shoulders like an ape with it's chin in it's chest like a gorilla and not like a man in a ape suit.

Not only that. Look at the forearms in the above images they are much longer than a mans more like an ape and look at the shoulders and forearms on this one here. Much too long and muscular for a human.

I think it's a Gigantopithecus blacki or a distant relative. Look at this thing it's built like a tank and it's only a female.

posted on Aug, 3 2009 @ 07:35 PM
I don't know if I would call Bigfoot a humanoid. It's about as human as an orangutan, maybe more. It's likely not the same species, so I don't know if I would call it human-like.

Mothman is more into the paranormal realm, if I'm not mistaken.

And the Gnome video has been debunked, which is not to say that gnomes to not exist, but rather that there is little tangible evidence of them.

The Patterson Footage has gone both ways, again and again, and at this point even with all our technology great scientific minds are still divided on the issue. I personally do not believe that the creators of that video had the knowledge and skill to make a video of a human in a suit look that realistic. If I see more realistic videos of humans in suits, I may have a different opinion. I don't really have a final say on the video. But I do know many people, many members of this website, who have claimed to have seen bipedal ape-like creatures in various regions of the globe that resemble "Bigfoot." I do not think that these people are lying.

Phlyx, there are many experts in the field who agree with me that if the Patterson Footage is a hoax, it was expertly planned. Everything from the muscle movement to the stride, the proportions, everything... was done in such a way that if it is a hoax, it is not an obvious hoax. I don't know how anyone would make a suit like that. I don't know how anybody associated with that film would have the knowledge base of primate locomotion and anatomy to pull this off.

I also agree that many of these myths had to come from somewhere. Some probably come from real organisms. Some may be due to drug-induced hallucinations. Others may just have been invented as fiction and became legendary. I do not believe that they all came from the same source, however, but from numerous accounts, sightings, and stories over the years.

[edit on 8/3/2009 by ravenshadow13]

posted on Aug, 3 2009 @ 08:09 PM
really...gnome with the thing in the head hahha just like in movies .... no, I dont think so ... it must be a toy

posted on Aug, 3 2009 @ 09:56 PM

I can walk like that if I wanted to.

This made me laugh

Its been tried and has yet to recreated. No human could walk like that.

[edit on 3-8-2009 by FoxMulder91]

posted on Aug, 4 2009 @ 06:26 AM
Indeed, microscopic testing of the paterson film revealed the bigfoot's facial expressions as it was moving, one even showing it 'poking' out its bottom lip like a gorilla.

and the one thing that no one ever mentions is that its a FEMALE in the video !! You can see her large breasts swaying in the video. Now, if your gonna fake a bigfoot... wouldn't you fake a male and just not go thru the trouble of making breasts?

posted on Aug, 4 2009 @ 06:51 AM
reply to post by SLAYER69

I think it's a Gigantopithecus blacki or a distant relative. Look at this thing it's built like a tank and it's only a female.
ya eh, anybody who says the patterson film is a fake, for me that's
proof the person dosn't know what they're talkin about.

posted on Aug, 4 2009 @ 03:29 PM
@Slayer69, great footage there! you will rarely find me saying that i truly, 100% believe in something, i'll more often say that i believe in the possibility of its existence based on what can be substantiated, and will base my discussion on that. having said that, here is what i know to be true about the patterson film:

1. Nobody has ever been able to show how such a sophisticated suit was made, and no one has taken credit for it. John Chambers, makeup artist for Planet of the Apes, who someone once said was the only man at the time who could have made such a suit, has flatly stated that he had nothing to do with it.
2. Bob Heironimus, the supposed "man in the suit" doesn't know where the footage was shot, doesn't know where the suit came from, and has basically provided no proof of his claims aside from corroboration from his local buddies, whose testimony just seemed to have a bit of a false ring to it, to me anyway.
3. As mentioned above, there have been numerous analyses conducted of the film, with the vast majority of them saying that, yes this creature is moving in such a way that would be almost impossible for a man in a costume. further, as previously mentioned, the analysis of tiny details, magnified many many times, seem to show facial and muscular movement, which, to my knowledge, would be almost impossible to replicate with a costume.

that is what i know, and i must say, it is the most compelling piece of evidence for the existence of bigfoot that i've ever seen

posted on Aug, 4 2009 @ 03:34 PM

[edit on 8/4/09 by Ophiuchus 13]

[edit on 8/4/09 by Ophiuchus 13]

posted on Aug, 4 2009 @ 07:00 PM
If you don't believe what I am saying right now, I really don't care, but the bigfoot footage is a hoax by a distant cousin of mine. I didn't say that earlier because I didn't see the need to, because I thought alot of people thought it was a hoax too. They are "relatives" on my step grandmas side.

posted on Aug, 6 2009 @ 03:16 AM

Originally posted by ravenshadow13
I don't know if I would call Bigfoot a humanoid. It's about as human as an orangutan, maybe more. It's likely not the same species, so I don't know if I would call it human-like.

I think your definition of humanoid is slightly incorrect, Bigfoot is most definitely a humanoid.

Wiki Definition

Its primarily upright, has a human gait, arms, legs and a head on top of its vertical trunk.

Id personally call most known apes humanoid, with only their mode of locomotion edging them out of the definition, although even they can sustain bursts of bipedalism that could class em as humanoid.

posted on Aug, 6 2009 @ 04:23 AM
It is hard to imagine, even as little as a few hundred thousand year time span, given geography and the size of the Earth that there was not (by our standards compared to todays people ) many extreme examples of speciation from not just home sapiens but also neanderthals and perhaps other relatives of mankind.

What is out there currently is very difficult to say

But our legends of ... Giants, and dwarves and trolls and ogres etc, etc...

almost certainly have some basis from reality, most aren't even very extreme expressions of our dna... big people, little people, big hairy people...

When you factor in INTELLIGENCE and the ability to hide

Sure, sure... there could be some out there

Big Foot?

Have you ever thought of this?

If you were with Human Intelligence, plus some enhanced senses, smell, vision hearing being a bit keener... were raised in the woods your entire life, and all your human intellect, was developed to harness thos senses and evade other humans...

Not on math or science or tv...

But if the whole of your Intellect was applied to survival and stayinmg hidden in the woods as taught by a mother who did the same her whole life and could... pass down knowledge as well just like we can

Could any civilized human ever track you down and catch you?

The answer of course would be No

posted on Aug, 6 2009 @ 04:30 AM
The gnome video definitely made me laugh.
I can't believe that anyone ever believed the gnome video....the red pointy hat literally had me giggling.

The Patterson video though, it's good stuff. I DO buy that video, because of the mountains of research and evidence that back up the creatures locomotion.

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