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points for seti

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posted on May, 11 2004 @ 01:30 AM
what do we get points for exactly? boinc or at home?

how many points per WU?

i tried to find the info, apparently i'm not good at looking for stuff (speaks badly about me as a mod)

posted on May, 11 2004 @ 02:17 AM
If you look close to the bottom of the the forum home page you will see it says ATS points for seti work units comming soon. I do not think there has been much work done on it. I am not sure so do not hold this statement to be 100% ture.

[Edited on 11-5-2004 by ilovepizza]

posted on May, 11 2004 @ 02:19 AM
well that had been therw awhile, i dont come to this forum that often and i didnt know if they had done anything yet. sometimes certain changes like the removal of signs arent removed until some time the changes are already here. its small details that get skipped over sometimes.

but that isnt what i was refering to. i was refering to an actual post that said how we would get. usually such a post exists BEFORE the idea is implemented.

posted on May, 11 2004 @ 02:23 AM
I am not aware of any posts/thread that gives more detail about how many points you will get for each work unit and other such details. I do not have access to the mod only forum so there could possibly be one with more details in the mod only forum. Sorry that I can not be of more help to you theprankmonkey. I will try and find out for you though.

posted on May, 11 2004 @ 02:26 AM
thats why i was asking! i couldnt find one either and THEY usually have a thread or a post describing how something might work out once they get it up and running.


and it wouldnt be in the mod forum, it'd have to be public so the member could read about it and give some input.


good effort ILP.

posted on May, 11 2004 @ 02:38 AM
I think that all of us that are running SETI have been eagerly awaiting more news on the points for work units scheme ever since this post by SkepticOverlord

as he said later in the thread, the whole idea has been put on the back burner while other things have been going on, such as the time we had the problem with that hacker the introduction of ATSNN, and now the rings and blog things that are going on. I suppose that all of the time constantly spent lately with the increasing board dramas that are going on all the time must take away time that could be spent in sorting out this SETI points issue.
I don't know if the wait for the switch over to BOINC is causing another delay in getting it sorted.
basically we are all patiently waiting, thumbs twiddling until This whole thing is put into practice.

[Edited on 11-5-2004 by pantha]

posted on May, 11 2004 @ 03:10 AM
Hi all!!

Welcome, ThePrankMonkey, to the ATS SETI@home and BOINC team forum!!

Thanx to ILP and pantha for the responses to date, and to pantha's link to the "SETI team managers" post, which SO posted.

Our own discussions about "Points for Work Units" (we shorten work units to "WU's") was discussed here.

As regards "how many points" would be "awarded", I think a figure of 20 points per WU was floated. This seemed reasonable, as WU's take quite a lot of time to complete eg a 233Mhz P3 took around 35 hours to complete 1WU, whilst a 2.6Ghz P4 takes around 4 hours, etc.

The idea was floated, as you'll read, by members in an attempt to get some sort of "recognition" for their efforts: just as writers, scholars, fighters gain "extra" points for their posts, it was thought that SETI@home (and now BOINC) members might also have some additional "reward": ideas ranginged from "status " tags ("Seeker" was suggested, that members could have under their user names) and/ or "points", as mentioned above. It was also felt that such an incentive might bring "new" people to the team, as well as retain those who had joined in the past (at present, only 81 members of ATS SETI@home are active, out of 293 listed members, so our retention rate isn't ideal).

The thing is that ATS SETI@home team can be an "advert" for the ATS Discussion board: I "discovered" ATS through joining the team initially, rather than finding ATS and then joining SETI@home, so the team *does* do useful work (IMO) in promoting ATS itself, as well as "simply crunching" SETI@home WU's (or processing BOINC data). Therefore, we feel that a "strong", vibrant team, working under the aegis of ATS, is a "good thing" and ought, perhaps, to gain recognition in some concrete, tangible way (via points and/or status bars)??

So far, there haven't been any developments that I'm aware of ie as regards points for WU's and/ or "status" bars, or, indeed, SETI managers (although with having Mod status myself, I can "look after" the forum).

As you'll know, I have asked this question again in DISC recently here, although it might be that this post has been overlooked by other members who have access to DISC? (ILP *has* replied incidentally - thanx!)

Anyway, I hope that helps answer some of your questions TPM, but please don't hesitate to ask if you have any further questions or comments!!

Thank you for your interest and support!!

Let's go ATS SETI@home and BOINC teams!!

posted on May, 11 2004 @ 03:20 AM
use to have the seti@home program and i'd do a WU about every 8 hours with a 1.4 gig P4.

i stopped because it slowed everything down and 8 hours seemed like a long time to process the WU.

as for a status how about "processor" since the processors are processing the WU's? or is that too simplistic?

i think you covered everything i can think of.

posted on May, 11 2004 @ 03:39 AM
Cheers TPM!!

Well, at least you "know" how long it takes to process a WU!!
I *think* some people are surprised at the time taken and can "under appreciate" the efforts involved in crunchiing those WU's!!

As regards the "status" bar - yes, "processor" would be good (maybe even "cruncher"??) - anything, really, to let "our people" know that their efforts are acknowledged, recognised and appreciated by Staff really (I *know* they are but sometimes "pats on the back" can be reinforced with explicit signs of approval, like "points" etc).

As I've tried to demonstrate before, "20 points per WU" wouldn't be unrealsitic - even with a 2.6Ghz machine @ 4 hours nominal processing time, this equates to 5 points per hour, which most people could achieve "simply" through posting to threads??

I realise, from previous discussions with SO, that the "coding" issues are extremely difficult to achieve, as the data output, even from SETI@work are incompatible with the Board coding (I wouldn't know where to begin myself, and, if I did, I wouldn't have access to the server (quite rightly!!
) to implement the code in any case

As pantha said earlier, we *know* that there have been other tremendous developments on the board, such as, The Hunt, ATSNN, etc, which have all taken enormous amounts of time to achieve - and ATS is much better for these developements - we all benefit from them.

I *think* the "SETI managers" post(s) were floated in order to be able to "manually" apportion points to members from some "pot" of points but, as I said, this hasn't happened either - to date!!

Who knows, TPM, maybe today will see some progress towards achieving the goal??

Thanx again - always a pleasure!!

posted on May, 11 2004 @ 03:55 AM

Originally posted by Genya
As regards the "status" bar - yes, "processor" would be good (maybe even "cruncher"??)

good suggestions for a SETI member tag

perhaps I could offer the services of crunchie my guinea pig as a mascot for the SETI forum (well RATS and cosmic have got argus and spooky)

posted on May, 11 2004 @ 03:57 AM

Originally posted by panthaperhaps I could offer the services of crunchie my guinea pig as a mascot for the SETI forum (well RATS and cosmic have got argus and spooky)

That's a fine hamster you've got there pantha!!

Imagine if you scaled everything up, *our* meals would be as big as us too - in one sitting!!

posted on May, 11 2004 @ 04:00 AM
she's actually a guinea pig, it's just the giant carrot that makes her look smaller

posted on May, 11 2004 @ 04:04 AM

Originally posted by pantha
she's actually a guinea pig, it's just the giant carrot that makes her look smaller

Sorry to have misrepresented "Ms Hamsters" fine genealogy, p... mea culpa

A fine animal - and a fine icon for the board *if* we get "cruncher" status!!

posted on May, 12 2004 @ 01:28 PM
I'd quite like the tag "scanner" next to my Scholar.

TPM; i run a p4 based celeron 1.835, and it too takes me around 8hrs per WU. That is a perfectly respectable time. We're not like these other guys running S@H on servers etc. Any WU's count. I even run S@H on my parents p3 500. Keep crunching, signal scanners.

posted on May, 12 2004 @ 01:39 PM

Originally posted by minimi
I'd quite like the tag "scanner" next to my Scholar.....I even run S@H on my parents p3 500. Keep crunching, signal scanners.

Duly noted re "scanner" minimi!!

As for getting as many WU's completed as possible: sure thing - they all count. I liked Ranger's description of the computer he found in the next door neighbours trash - he's bringing that into service too!!

Yeah - let's get "crunching" - next up is Sinchron - another 80 days should see me overtake him!!
(And, if you're reading this Sinchron, *please* come back into action... )

posted on May, 13 2004 @ 01:01 AM

Originally posted by Genya

Originally posted by minimi
I'd quite like the tag "scanner" next to my Scholar.....I even run S@H on my parents p3 500. Keep crunching, signal scanners.

Duly noted re "scanner" minimi!!

As for getting as many WU's completed as possible: sure thing - they all count. I liked Ranger's description of the computer he found in the next door neighbours trash - he's bringing that into service too!!

Yeah - let's get "crunching" - next up is Sinchron - another 80 days should see me overtake him!!
(And, if you're reading this Sinchron, *please* come back into action... )

Actualy, it wasn't my neighbours, it was my uncle's neighbours (my old gym teacher) but it was still in the trash

I bought a network card for it and I've formated the hard drive and put a fresh install of win98 on it, its a 133MHz with 64mb of ram. Its now networked with my main machine(2.4GHz,256ram,XpPro) so it can send and receive WU automaticaly.

Of course both machines are on at all times and I use the familly computer(166MHz,32ram,win98) whenever I can (my father doesn't like it when I run it 24/7)

If I get the job I applied for at the community internet access center (the guy in charge wants to hire me, he just needs to get a grant from the government so he can pay me) I will definitively try to talk the guy into letting me run Seti@home/BOINC on the machines(He'll probably think its neat). If he has doubts I'll tell him about the neat screensaver and how it makes you look smart/important. I'll at least run the copy I have on my USB flash drive on the staff computer whenever I'm working. (2.6GHz)

I'm also moving up the ranks:
member since feb. 15th
310 WUs
rank: 48th

I figured that I'm about the 15th fastest team member (based on the fact that I can overtake everyone over me except for 14 users, I'm not sure about people under me)

[Edited on 13-5-2004 by Ranger]

posted on Jun, 16 2004 @ 02:32 AM
Good Afternoon,

Sorry, this is the first thread on the SETI that I have read, so sorry if I am asking again.... but....

I have been using SETI for a while.... do I only need to join your team?
Also, the WU I have now, do they count for boints on ATS?

posted on Jun, 16 2004 @ 02:50 AM
Hi, JMJ. There are a few threads on the points-for units project already. The last word we ad was this:

Originally posted by pantha
I had a word with SkepticOverlord in chat recently and he said that the points for work units scheme was on hold for now but not forgotten.
So don't worry it will be happening at some point in the future.

If you have not joined the teams, the invitation is open and you are welcome to jump in with us. There is a link in my sig to get started. Genya was nice enough to put together a while Index of ATS-SETI Threads that should make for some "light reading"! ) Good luck!

posted on Jun, 16 2004 @ 03:08 AM
thanks alot.... I just added 4200 WU.... I will keep chugging away.....

posted on Jun, 16 2004 @ 03:27 AM
Thank you, JCM. Welcome to the Top Ten list! I just announced you in the recruitment thread. you made quite a splash when you jumped in.

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