posted on Aug, 2 2009 @ 08:56 PM
No, this guy is a wingnut.
While everyone rips the Obama administration for wanting to re-do health care (whether rightly or wrongly) it is obvious that most Americans have been
listening to Rush and Glenn Beck too much.
There is a huge gap between what Obama proposes to do with health care and what most Americans think he is trying to do.
I heard Beck say that Americans would have to "win a lottery" to decide which patients see doctors.
This wingnut thinks seniors are going to die waiting for care. If done properly, Nothing of this sort will occur.
I'm Canadian, we have public health care and no one would trade it in for pure private care.
Is public care perfect? Hardly. Is it better than what you have in the US now? Absolutely.
I think the best (but not perfect) solution is a mix public and private. Allow the public portion to take care of the major surgeries, things like
Allow people to pay for elective surgeries and "jump the line" if they can afford it. Those who can't will have to wait - but it's better than not
being able to afford it at all.