posted on Aug, 5 2009 @ 03:52 AM
reply to post by romanmel
well, you kind of DID attack me by calling my beliefs new age mumbo jumbo and saying that if the leaders of the world followed my thought process then
we would still be under a British regime, which I disagree with.
So as well and good as the title of this thread is, you were responding to my posts, and I responded back to yours. The quotes I used were entirely in
line with our conversation, which yes, does seem to have gone off topic.
I also never said anything about 'false love' or even hinted that Jesus referred preached it either. Turning the other cheek does in no way admit
defeat... You are showing your enemy compassion, you are STANDING UP in an even stronger way. This is the ULTIMATE act of defiance. The enemy is
trying to weaken you and your saying, no, I let you do this, I have the power.
Anyway, thats how I interpret it. And no matter what names you call Ghandi, he followed the teaching of Jesus as well, quoted those same quotes, and
it worked.
But I made a thread quoting pretty much everything I said in here, so if you do disagree with me and want to continue this convo, which I'm more than
happy to do, feel free to drop by:
Is Fighting Back Really Going To Help?
PS- and you kinda did categorize India and not just Hinduism...
Look at compassion for the less fortunate.
But thats great
you put some kids through school, really, it is. I'm sure your responses wernt as thought out as you liked and they came off a little harsher than
you intended.
[edit on 5-8-2009 by Odessy]