posted on Aug, 4 2009 @ 10:14 AM
Here is my advice......
Do you or a friend have another computer???
If so, load your harddrive into computer 2 as a data drive.
First run anti virus and anti spy programs then defrag it.
Ok, now ready for work......
I hear you don't have space for a complete copy.....
Ok, what files do yuou have that you need to keep, I mean files and not programs..for example:
Save Microsoft word documents, but not microsoft word program...see???
Save music files but not windows media player...
Save Video files, but not the player.......
Even with games, if you google it, you can find exactly where the games data base is and save it. When reloaded, you will be at same point in
I hope this starts to help your process.
If you have more questions, feel free to post them or u2u me.