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US to Israel: Leave the military option against Iran to us

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posted on Jul, 31 2009 @ 09:58 PM

US to Israel: Leave the military option against Iran to us

The weeklong US-Israel marathon in Jerusalem and Tel Aviv ending Thursday, July 30 was the platform for the Obama administration's first unveiling of a new US diplomatic-military program for Iran and its nuclear threat, DEBKAfile's military and intelligence sources disclose. The three-staged program was presented by US defense secretary Robert Gates and national security adviser James Jones to prime minister Binyamin Netanyahu, defense minister Ehud Barak, chief of staff Lt. Gen. Gaby Ashkenazy, Mossad chief Meir Dagan and military intelligence head Amos Yadlin.

The new approach consists
(visit the link for the full news article)

posted on Jul, 31 2009 @ 09:58 PM
Ok, if this story is to be believed, then it seems that we will now begin to see a steady increase in anti-Iran rhetoric in the western media as the burden of dealing with Iran militarily has now been taken off Israels shoulders. The article basicly says that the recent influx of US officials to Israel resulted in a 3 stage plan being presented to Israeli officials.

Stage 1 would give Iran till early Sep 09 to submit to the US/Israeli demands diplomaticaly.

Stage 2 would then majorly increase sanctions on Iran.

Stage 3 would be a Millitary soloution, led by the US.

Israel was reportedly told to play the part of a good Ally, and that in the end it was the responsibility of the Worlds leading power (the US) to deal with the worlds 'leading threat' (Iran).. although ironicaly some may say that it is indeed the US that is the world biggest threat to peace.
(visit the link for the full news article)

posted on Jul, 31 2009 @ 10:48 PM
Sounds very plausible to me. Israel is running out of patience and will force the US to take action sooner or later. A naval blockade would be interesting, to say the least

posted on Jul, 31 2009 @ 11:20 PM
I don't see any military action occurring unless there is something else that happens which can rally world support for a military action against Iran. It can't just be over their nuclear program.

posted on Jul, 31 2009 @ 11:27 PM
Someone. Give me a clue. What does this all accomplish? Is it for oil? Well, then, just pay the price in money. Oil was cheaper before the U.S. got involved with this war in Iraq. Are we planning an eventual attack on Northern India to get the soma?

I don't see the big picture. I quit the U.S. Army following Desert Shield/Storm. It all made no sense to me. What a bunch of crap, that I believed in before that all occured.

I thought at first is was all for a "good war" heh. I learned later it was all planned. My buddy, a security NCO, beforen the SHTF had been in on a computerized plannig game that summer. The game plan was just as it all happened. We had a general at my base, who was asked to create and solve a senario, just like we experienced. His name was Swartchkoff. My apoligies to him for mispelling his name, Now, apolize to me Norman for this plan you devised and then later was put into action on a computer simulated exercise in July of that year. And then, suddenly it was all played out. And it all happened just like the plan. Yeah but guess what? We were all well trained and it was easier than you thought, eh? My division, the 24th Inf (Mech) the elite desert fighting division, LOL. we only trained in the swamps of Georgia, lol, We had only 8 soldiers killed in this war. And those 8 soldiers were killed by their own fellow soldiers,

It was an amazing war to be in. It was over in 4 days. I said, what? And then I got a bit more action when a division of Iraqis didn't understand their instructions from American voices on their radios and went down the wrong road and we destroyed them all, everyone dead.

I say, let the Israelis fight their own fight. They have been protected for far too long. I, and many others. are tired of fighting your wars and we are tired of financing you.

posted on Jul, 31 2009 @ 11:56 PM
This article is just someone's opinion.

posted on Aug, 1 2009 @ 12:05 AM

Originally posted by savetimerushonline
Israel was reportedly told to play the part of a good Ally, and that in the end it was the responsibility of the Worlds leading power (the US) to deal with the worlds 'leading threat' (Iran).. although ironicaly some may say that it is indeed the US that is the world biggest threat to peace.

Read it again.
Dont read into it.

Gates and Jones wound up their presentation by stating unambiguously: Iran is a big power issue and it behooves the United States as the leading world power to handle it. So leave it to us and act like an American ally and friendly government. The role they assigned Israel was to leave its military option on the table in order to keep Tehran under pressure.

posted on Aug, 1 2009 @ 12:11 AM
reply to post by RetinoidReceptor

What do you think the Green Revolution is for? If that fails to garner support as it continues to peak and trough then I am sure another destractant will emerge. Who knows these "hikers" that were just arrested might be fall men?

posted on Aug, 1 2009 @ 12:16 AM
reply to post by kyred

I don't think its about oil anymore, i used to but not anymore. We have alot of untapped reserves and so do our neighbors to the north and south. I think this goes deeper than just oil. It may be an attempt at cleansing shiite muslims, the ouster of a madman who is anxiously awaiting the coming of the mahdi, or just a debt laced economy that needs more war to drive the machine. Who knows? But I don't buy the oil story anymore, but maybe.

posted on Aug, 1 2009 @ 12:18 AM
Kissinger told the world during the Iranian protests... it will be either revolution or war.

This looks like it. So far the revolution failed.... So I guess Kissinger will have to do what he likes the most...war.

And a blockade on iranian ports is a declaration of war.

And to start a war, they like doing false-flag, the last time, 2007, Cheney wanted to stage an attack on US ships near Iran and blame Iran for it to start a war. It was disclosed on all MSM.

Also, Obama approval ratings are going down, a little crisis might help him like it did with Bush and 911.

Also, Gary Hart warned Iran in a letter to them back in 06 I think, that the US was able to stage false-flag to get in a war, they already did it a few times, one more time wouldn't be a big deal.

[edit on 1-8-2009 by Vitchilo]

posted on Aug, 1 2009 @ 12:24 AM
reply to post by Vitchilo

Yes the U.S. seems to follow the same pattern over and over

posted on Aug, 1 2009 @ 12:33 AM
I can tell you that my Iranian contacts (real people, not Twitter) and everyone they know (their friends, family, colleagues, next door neighbours etc) have strong opinions that the regime will probably fall within months.

Some of them were there in Tehran 2 weeks ago when protestors almost took the state TV station. If they ever do that, and have 1 minute of airtime, then the streets will be filled with 10's of millions.

Iranian's are resilient, I don't think they will ever give up. Unfortunately protests are patchy and excuses are needed such as mourning, prayers, speeches etc, to begin protests. And no apparent leaders seem to be organising the protests, or rather the leaders vary depending on who is the bravest on that particular day.

Iranian's knew how oppressive the regime was when they went out to protest, they were brave enough to accept the consequences. Martyrs in Islam are considered to be brave and some of them may be prepared to die. It's difficult to accept that from a western point of view, but that's how it is there.

The protests are about Iranian's wanting freedom from constant abuse to their human rights over the past 30 years, with the election an excuse to protest against the regime. After all, the regime began to beat protests who chanted "where's our votes", and the regime ended up causing Iranian's to hate the regime even more by beating & killing them. Therefore this caused the chants to change to "death to the regime" and even "death to the Islamic republic" etc.

You make it sound like the Iranian protestors are so useless that they need American's to go over there and organise them, and are so naive to go out protesting because covert spies has convinced them of freedom. Well here news to you, they do it of their own accord, not because they have been forced into it, or promised rewards. Not everyone is a puppet of the US, and the whole world doesn't revolve around CIA spies attempting to control countries covertly.

From my own sources we don't see any US involvement. But if you see it differently could you care you give more than a couple sentences to explain without making mass assumptions, or are you just wanting everyone who believes in that particular conspiracy theory to acknowledge you? Is that all you are looking for here?

As ATS has become the acknowledgement of believers, and the rest are often called agents for not agreeing. ATS should be about discussing what people have learnt, instead of random conspiracies that people think up in their heads that appear to make sense because they are based on limited knowlege. Learning is achieved better by going out into the world and talking to people, not by sitting at home in front of the computer agreeing with fellow believers.

Sometimes a motive isn't acceptable evidence on it's own! The US and Israel may have motives, I'm not going to say they don't, but on its own that doesn't prove what you are seeking here.

Now to Israel... I agree that they won't wait forever, and it is highly likely that they would strike by the end of this year IMO. But I would hope Israel and the US would give Iranian protestors the chance to rid their country of this diseased regime themselves, and not rush into an attack which could unite all Iranian's or at the very least give them a common enemy, and so in our eyes appear to unite them even if Iranian's still hate their government as well.

Iran detains 3 US tourists near Iraqi border

Could the regime in it's desperate attempts to win over their people start a conflict that may or may not be inadvertent due to incompetence or stupidity?

[edit on 1-8-2009 by john124]

posted on Aug, 1 2009 @ 12:34 AM
Israel is not going to stand aside forever. All of the rhetoric coming out of the U.S. is not going to placate them until they are destroyed. They remember what happened not too long ago. The current American administration is not showing support. They know what can happen next.

If they truly feel that they are threatened - and no one will help - they will take action. They have no choice. Ironically, the U.S., by choosing the path of appeasement and 'negotiation', could be forcing Israel's hand to the sword.

The Iranian regime has made clear, repeatedly and emphatically, that their goal is the destruction of Israel. If the U.S. does not stop that threat than Israel will. They have no choice. History has shown them that.

posted on Aug, 1 2009 @ 12:44 AM

Originally posted by Vitchilo
Kissinger told the world during the Iranian protests... it will be either revolution or war.

This looks like it. So far the revolution failed.... So I guess Kissinger will have to do what he likes the most...war.

Actually he said that if the protests do not force the regime into backing down and letting Mousavi be the president then the US may have to go for regime change.

Therefore he didn't say the US was already implementing regime change, and had a backup plan of war.

Although I agree both come to the same possible outcome, and a war may be inevitable through inadvertent means or a blockage or something similar.

posted on Aug, 1 2009 @ 12:48 AM

posted on Aug, 1 2009 @ 12:50 AM
reply to post by kyred

Remember when the world was divided after WWII, the allies had control over all the captured land, that division still exists, that control still exists. Iran is becoming a new world player, America won't compromise the Middle East which she has worked hard to gain. The bottom line is that if America allows Iran to advance then ultimately she has to give up Iraq, Afghanistan. This doesn't just affect American dominance but also the Russian. Russia owns Uzbekistan, Tajikistan, etc, etc, the countries could also get influence by Iran if she advances.

If a war erupts I'm sure Russia will not intervene because the Russian interest is the Massive oil reserves in its puppet states in the north of Iran.

posted on Aug, 1 2009 @ 12:53 AM

Originally posted by Vitchilo

And to start a war, they like doing false-flag, the last time, 2007, Cheney wanted to stage an attack on US ships near Iran and blame Iran for it to start a war. It was disclosed on all MSM.

Sources please, and MSM sources as you just claimed. And not some speculative mis-interpreted stuff.

Also, Obama approval ratings are going down, a little crisis might help him like it did with Bush and 911.

Is everything orchestrated in your mind?

Also, Gary Hart warned Iran in a letter to them back in 06 I think, that the US was able to stage false-flag to get in a war, they already did it a few times, one more time wouldn't be a big deal.

[edit on 1-8-2009 by Vitchilo]

Where did you hear about that?! Real sources please, and not unreliable Islamic propaganda websites, or opinionated blogs.

I suppose you guys will do your usual "you're a sheeple for not believing".

One day hopefully you'll probably realise you're a sheep for following blindly.

If you have more evidence than wild speculation, even if it's only personal experience then I would take you more seriously.

You would not believe how many people who have personal experience that I've talked to that contradict many of the rumours going around here about Iran and western involvement at this moment in time. It makes some of you look like a right bunch of loonies. And you believe what you believe because you want to believe it, and therefore that makes everyone else a dis-info agent. Am I right that this is your line of thinking.

And you also feel that a motive is enough to prove what you believe. Sometimes a motive alone is insufficient proof.

[edit on 1-8-2009 by john124]

posted on Aug, 1 2009 @ 12:55 AM

Originally posted by breakingdradles

It's the unfortunate situation the US is in all of the time because they are the strongest democracy and your leaders are often willing to send your soldiers to die for freedom of people in distant lands.

Personally I think the battle in Iran should be fought by their own people. They want freedom, they should fight for it!

[edit on 1-8-2009 by john124]

posted on Aug, 1 2009 @ 12:58 AM
I sure hope not, the Iranians are good people. Well, at least the majority of them.

posted on Aug, 1 2009 @ 01:14 AM
Israel will pull the trigger soon on their own. This is all lip service to fool the Iranians into thinking that Obama has some say over what Israel does. Israel will never let their security be left up to anyone but themselves.

Israel can handle itself.

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