posted on Jul, 31 2009 @ 09:13 PM
I have been doing a lot of thinking lately and trying to objectively review my beliefs on the NWO and other such establishments and beliefs. Instead
of taking the opinion of others I do my best to form my own ideas. Now keep in mind that the theory I am proposing is only theoretical and I am in no
way saying that I "completely" believe such and I do not submit myself "entirely" to such beliefs. However, in unbiased perspective I force myself
to consider all sides appropriately if possible for the most realistic and untwisted truth.
A theory that crossed my mind is such:
I personally will admit that I believe 9/11 was staged along with others like 7/7, the JFK assassination and more. Now to put in perspective mine and
others beliefs with 9/11, it was a false flag. A false flag is an event that is created for further control, usually setup by our government and then
blamed on someone else or denied entirely. 9/11 was a false flag in my mind and was used for the patriot act. Baby steps toward the NWO is how I see
it. There are other reasons for 9/11 and the global agenda I'm sure but that is another thread.
Now even though this is crazy, for the sake of perspective, I will temporarily take side of the NWO in saying a NWO is best and those among the
members of its ranks and establishments believe such for the betterment of mankind as one might believe in their personal religion regardless of its
fallacies. Regardless of its truth and regardless of its infringement upon agency it is for the betterment of mankind as those who are a part of it
believe so. (roleplaying here)
Man is a trivial beast and even though advanced, he is locked within a primitive ideal that he must always have an enemy. There are many things that
unite the masses and it eventually boils down to the core beliefs they share. Religion, Politics and every other belief are what create groups and
bonds within those groups, unifying them into things we know such as the democrats, republicans, catholics, mormons, athiests, agnostics, libertarians
and such. As information is spread across the earth from end to end and as man continues to wag war against his own, his beliefs also separate him
from others. Tolerance is not something that many truly embrace these days as we watch the news and hear about radical extremists beheading others for
their religious beliefs, we can see how tolerance is lacking. I know that the beheading's are limited and isolated for the most part but it is one of
the extreme examples that you can see that separate man from his fellow brother only over different beliefs. There are many more if you care to watch
the news or google it.
Unity is a long and complicated subject but ultimately every many is trying to unify himself with others or trying to get others to unify with him.
Even here on ATS that is what is happening. We are reaching out, hoping to enlighten someone else to our view regardless of whether or not it is
correct. Once we think we have the truth we want to share it and such are the above groups, as opinions are one of the tools in doing so.
As information is so scattered many are left not knowing what to believe and so people take sides or sit on the fence. Since it seems man is incapable
of unifying with no enemy to battle, an enemy must be created. Would it be so ridiculous to think that TPTB know this? Would it be so crazy to think
that by them knowing this they choose to become a enemy to many for the betterment of man? Is it so insane to ponder that 9/11 and other false flags
were used to unify us even if the enemy was fake because TPTB know we cannot be unified any other way. Is this why America always creates enemies even
if invisible or why man is always at war?
I am not saying it is so but what I am saying is that perhaps the only way to unify man, since he cannot seem to unify without an enemy, is to create
an enemy that can never be defeated or to create some grand scheme that focuses us on a allied purpose. We would all have unity in one belief if such
a thing were to occur. A good example of this is the movie "Watchmen". In the movie the comedian says it's all a big joke and it truly seems to be
that way. When man does not have some common enemy he will fight amongst himself.
Regardless of the information out there and regardless of everything this rings clear to me. I do not believe the NWO is good and I personally agree
with the rest of you on that matter but honestly, will we ever have world peace without some enemy to fight against and unify us? Time has proven no
to be the answer to that.
The one and possibly only way we can ever get along is by unifying in beliefs. With so much out there it is impossible to do so as a whole, unless
something entirely different were introduced into the picture. Think about it. If something threatened mankind as a whole we would have a common enemy
to unite our cause, hence creating unity among us, even if on a smaller level. But alas, the NWO does understand this and that is why they have
introduced so much information and disinformation.
An army cannot ally if they are confused on what side to join can they? A revolution cannot take place if its members do not agree on the reasons for
it happening. I have an uncle that was in Iraq and the way few soldiers can control thousands of prisoners is by confusion. No one knows what to do so
they do nothing. No one can agree on little things like political ideals and religious beliefs so we cannot unite. Such is mankind and I really think
the NWO knows this and are using it to their benefit. Would a false flag of catastrophic and life threatening proportions unite us? Realistically is
this the only way mankind can coexist or do you think there is another way?