a reply to:
Exactly. Plus the 'shadow dude' image is too grainy compared to the walker on the beach.
I don't disbelieve the woman's eyewitness account, but there's a chance that the person made the image because they felt embarassed and insecure about
their encounter and didn't want people to call them nuts or something. For me at least, I've witnessed a plethora of very incredible events and not
once did I pull out a phone or take a picture because when wild things happen in the moment, one is often so stunned and filled with adrenaline from
the fight-or-flight reaction that taking a picture is counterintuitive to survival in that instant.
Professional "ghost hunters" don't usually see much clearly in front of their faces and often when they do they don't get the evidence because of what
I stated above. That kind of thing happens a lot in Ghost Adventures, for one. I guess my point is, I'm not a ghost hunter and have never tried to
hunt for things. Creepy stuff has appeared in the past and most-often I was with other witnesses (besides my encounters with demons during infancy,
but I did tell my parents as soon as possible, In that case, they were nightly visits for nearly half a year or more beginning when I was about six
months old. I wasn't able to remember the events and speak about them until several months into the event--literally the morning right after it ended
completely--so they supported me and believed me and that was super helpful when i forgot it happened while growing up. It's funny because one day in
high school I brought it up to them and asked them if that really happened and that I'd just remembered it and they were like yeah that's exactly what
you said when you were an infant (I spoke fully by 9 months and spoke fluent English and some Spanish) The main demon that was involved appeared once
more but in my fiance's bedroom wall air vent randomly a few years ago and that was the last I saw of it. Thankfully. I'm a Christian and have always
been one, so even if things do mess with me--knock on wood because my life is honestly super normal and happy--I don't care since it's not like they
have any power)). I have a great memory, but I also feel like taking pictures might be a bad idea, since it encourages the entity and it's like an
invitation of sorts. I don't know--the Bible says don't mess with these things and I completely agree.
Talking about it with others is one thing--people should talk about experiences and tell each other the truth. It's important, because weird things
happen to everybody. However, people are often afraid of being judged and ridiculed. I'm a confident person, but even I feel that on some level. I
guess, I know many won't believe me even though I'm telling the truth. However, that doesn't matter in the long run because it's the truth and one way
or another they'll find that out--might be when they're dead. Who knows. I just know that God is my friend and has my back
Anyway, if you guys ever see anything creepy just think about Jesus and pray. Jesus saves and he's the reason why my childhood experiences had a sense
of finality whereas it seems like the majority of people who get messed with (or a lot of them) have to deal with the annoying creepy stuff their
whole lives. I feel quite blessed to be able to forget that anything happened most of the time. And I've seen an almost ten foot tall demonic
werewolf-esque monster that attacked a car I was in. Doesn't make me lose any sleep--praying made it run away
God is good!
As for shadow things, I've seen them a couple of times. Not in my house or anything, though. That would anger me, since it's not like they got an
invite. The demons when I was a kid didn't have invites either and one got stabbed in the head by an angel. So I guess there's that. There are rules
of sorts, since God is in control. I recommend talking to an exorcist about things like this, since they have the most information on how the unseen
world works. But even they get fooled by the enemy, sometimes. It's an invisible war and it's going on all around us at all times. That's why people
fighting people is stupid since it's spiritual warfare and we aren't supposed to be the ones fighting. God does it. We just have to have faith and
hang on and enjoy the ride
edit on 4-4-2023 by rukia because: (no reason given)