posted on Aug, 2 2009 @ 07:08 AM
reply to post by mithrawept
I'm not a right-winger... i just feel very alienated in my area! Why you label me as a right-winger is anyones guess but i think you do it because
you have no other word to describe me.... someone who is now a minority and who is not white!!
Maybe you too would feel out of place if you lived here..... it's especially noticable on the buses..... doesn't seem so bad when out walking
about..... but still..... i feel uncomfortable here...... too many of them are religious folk too..... which makes me feel even more intimidated...
You can believe what you like but if you don't see it now then i suppose you never will.....
I wouldn't have so much of a problem if they spoke English and weren't religious.... religious to the point of Fanatically Religious!!!
NB I did just re-read my post and it's not some nazi rant at all...... maybe if you re-read it you will see that i'm just after opinions and
offering facts!!
[edit on 2-8-2009 by TruthxIsxInxThexMist]