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Jurassic park creation theory?

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posted on May, 10 2004 @ 03:50 PM
I've heard of the theory that aliens assisted humans in devolping, which explains the spontaneous jump in evolution in our creation, and helps explain the teleomere idea; but I had a thought earlier today. What if we're a sort of Jurassic park. Along with the Atlantis idea, maybe humans were very advanced at some point in the distant past, as has been said many times, we destroyed outselves. Maybe the aliens (who may or may not have been watching/helping us at that point) helped revive our species with some added benefits. Maybe we killed outselves off and they took our DNA and revived us and helped us back on our way, and that's why they watch over us (whether because they're just interested or because they brought us back so serve some purpose for them). The very few survivors for the first destruction might have gone to live underground somewhere, which could help explain some of the tales of people running into human looking people that appear to live underground and have technololgy more advanced than us (because it was more advanced at our time of destruction). What do you think?

[Edited on 10-5-2004 by mdcclxxvi]

posted on May, 10 2004 @ 03:56 PM

Originally posted by mdcclxxvi
I've heard of the theory that aliens assisted humans in devolping, which explains the spontaneous jump in evolution in our creation, and helps explain the teleomere idea; but I had a thought earlier today. What if we're a sort of Jurassic park. Along with the Atlantis idea, maybe humans were very advanced at some point in the distant future, and has been said many times, we destroyed outselves. Maybe the aliens (who may or may not have been watching/helping us at that point) helped revive our species with some added benefits. Maybe we killed outselves off and they took our DNA and revived us and helped us back on our way, and that's why they watch over us (whether because they're just interested or because they brought us back so serve some purpose for them). The very few survivors for the first destruction might have gone to live underground somewhere, which could help explain some of the tales of people running into human looking people that appear to live underground and have technololgy more advanced than us (because it was more advanced at our time of destruction). What do you think?
Maybe...or maybe our evolution from primate to homo sapien was simply triggered by a freak act of nature such as radiation from a crashing meteor. Our beginnings are shrouded in mystery...when trying to come to a conclusion you'll come across the word "maybe" quite a bit.

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