posted on Aug, 1 2009 @ 12:47 PM
reply to post by Chadwickus
I'm not sure why they would hide 9/11 in the media before the attacks if in fact these people who made the movies were really in on it. Maybe they
wanted people to look back at these hidden messages and understand that it really was a planned demolition? I'm not sure if other big events post
9/11 have been injected into the media if there are big events planned, but it's definitely easier to find clues about an event that already happened
than in an event that already happened.
In my opinion some of these "hidden messages" are coincidences but others do really refer to the 9/11 attacks. In part 1 alone the super mario bros
scenes really convinced me, the zoomed in picture of the plane flying by right before one of the towers is destroyed is scary. Why would they put that
in there? Also in Gremlins the radio has "Sapphire XI" on it, sapphire is the september birthstone and XI is 11 in Roman Numerals. I find it hard to
believe that some of these things are coincidences, and also there are often multiple hidden messages in one movie or in one movie series.
It's not that hard for me to believe in these hidden messages as I've already thought that 9/11 was a planned demolition that many influential
people were in on before I even watched these videos. The attacks definitely looked like a controlled demolition to me, just can't see the towers all
of a sudden falling freefall like that just because of the planes, or building 7 collapsing so unexpectedly just because of fires. The Illuminati
strongly influences the media and I believe many of these movies are Illuminati-made or at least influenced by them.
[edit on 1-8-2009 by AliensExist]