posted on Jul, 30 2009 @ 10:18 PM
If we are to "Dissolve The Union", then what is there to prevent an enemy of ours from completely taking over a Divided Nation? Also, what makes
ANYONE in their right mind somehow believe that we can do a better job of creating a New Order of the Ages, than what our Founding Fathers and Framers
did before, and for us? People need to simply wise up and begin electing common sensed, everyday folks into office. Whether you agree with her
politics or not, why do you believe that Sarah Palin is constantly trashed by yuppies, pundits, and the Mainstream media? It is because she represents
REAL change. Palin is a common citizen, a plain spoken individual with vast amounts of tenacity and fortitude, and therefore she is a threat to the
set Beltway Establishment (On BOTH sides of the aisle).