posted on Jul, 31 2009 @ 02:23 PM
reply to post by JesusisTruth
Maybe you should try goin to a nightclub you know ??
Its an experience you've never tried and you never know, you may enjoy it
New experiences are the essence of life---trying things that you've never done before. It makes you grow as a person.
You seem a nice guy to me, so please have some fun and let your hair down a bit .
You're 28 and say you've never kissed a girl.
I'm sure there's plenty of nice girls out there that you could meet.
and I'm sure that kissing a girl for the very first time would bring you such pleasure.
You must think about sex to have done this thread ??
Sex is an amazing God given experience------losing your virginity is something very few people forget.
Everyone is different, some people start sexual activity quite young, and others , like yourself, prefer to hold back.
Either way, its cool .
But at 28, you should be livin life to the max.
Get to that nightclub, meet a girl, experience that first kiss .
Its all out there-------