posted on Jul, 31 2009 @ 01:53 AM
Ok, it's late, I don't have much time here.
But does anyone know the typical shutter speed for a cell phone camera? Couldn't find it quickly doing a google search.
I have been doing research on interdimensional beings and interdimensional travel for a sci-fi story I'm writing. And someone at allexperts dot com
told me that we cannot easily see other dimensions residing near our own, or travel to them, because of time. One second of time is what we can easily
comprehend. But in reality, one second can be broken down into fractions of a second, down to 100s of a second, thousands of a second, millionths of
second, and so forth. And all these parts of a second pass before us as each second ticks by. To us, time flows smoothly. But eventually, breaking a
second of time down deeply enough, until I don't know, to its Planck time or trillionths of a second or whatever, it is just parts of time. Parts of
time...if one part of time in another dimension can be captured, at the same moment as a part of time in our dimension, both can be viewed...but this
would be too fast for the human eye, possibly, I don't know...
Not sure if this makes sense, but there are some people who believe in other universes residing directly upon our own...maybe in another universe,
this older woman, the relative of this dear little girl, has not died, but continues to live on...
The photo doesn't seem fake to me, but I'm no expert.