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The ego

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posted on Jul, 30 2009 @ 04:10 PM
I have been thinking a lot about the ego & the self lately and I found this video to be a very nice overview:

I am not saying that the ego is necessarily bad, because it's not. It's essential for our survival, but I think it's very important to be aware of what the ego is and, more importantly, what it is not.

The ego is not who we are, just as our thoughts are not who we are.

Through meditation one can learn to become more aware of the ego, which is the first step towards managing the ego & being able to let go of it.

I personally believe that this is one of the most constructive and revolutionary endeavors one can undertake.

Peace & love

posted on Jul, 30 2009 @ 04:17 PM
I don't think it is the ego that is the problem, without ego where would humans be, we are where we are because of the brilliance of the individual and the ego of those individuals. The problem with ego is the failure to realise that we are individuals and that we should not impose our egos on others. We are what we are, and they, you, are what you are. The sum of all our parts. When we all stop trying to impose our reality, or ego, on others, is when we will all move beyond this point in our collective existence.

posted on Jul, 30 2009 @ 04:49 PM
Thanks for the video. It really helped me realize some things.
I just wanted to say that ego can be our greatest ally, and our worst enemy.

posted on Jul, 30 2009 @ 04:53 PM
reply to post by coodeytar

I agree about the ego imposing itself on others to an extent. But from what I understand/believe about the ego is that we only need it until we are comfortable. For example, if we are in the jungle searching for food I doubt we will contemplate the navel. Therefore, I think that the ego was something we needed but that it is not who we really are intrinsically. If you cannot control the ego, move beyond its primitive nature, you will be forever trapped in a useless power struggle with all things around you.

posted on Jul, 30 2009 @ 05:33 PM
Very nice Thread! S+F'd for you, Dear One!

I like to visualize the Ego, that poor, misunderstood, often misidentified object in you awareness that tells you "This is Me", as the Gossamer Bridge between the Gross Physical Illusory existence as a Human BEing and the Nondual realm of Pure Consciousness Reality. When in meditation, One can feel that little pull just behind and between the eyes as the resisting of expansion into All begins. Once seen for what it is, it is easy at that point to just let go and step off....

In Lovingkindness



posted on Jul, 30 2009 @ 05:55 PM
reply to post by acmpnsfal

The thing that I found most profound in the video was the idea that it is the ego which creates enemies in order to reinforce the idea of the self, in opposition to an "other"

I think it is true that all of the wars, conflict, misery & exploitation in the world can be attributed to acts that originate from the ego.

But it is also true that without the ego, humanity probably wouldn't have accomplished anything, most likely we would have been extinct long ago.

I think what is required is balance and moderation of the ego.
If one is aware of the ego, then one can also identify the harmful impulses that come from the ego & stop them.

This can be a pretty interesting thing to observe in ones daily life.

Lately I've often stopped myself before i got angry or offended & realized that these impulses stem from the ego & are often quite destructive & really unnecessary.

Like it said in the video, the ego constantly seeks control, affirmation & to judge. often at the expense of other people.

[edit on 30-7-2009 by MrVertigo]

posted on Jul, 30 2009 @ 07:00 PM
reply to post by MrVertigo

From a psychological stand point, the ego is what makes decisions based upon the wants of the id, or the primal wants and needs, and of the superego, the part of you that says this is wrong, bad, or inappropriate. Proper functioning is based upon finding a proper balance between the id and the superego.

If one gives into the superego more often than the id, then one may be seen as very anxious and worried.

If one gives into the id more often that the superego, then one may be seen as very sexual, outgoing, and selfish.

The ego's job is to find a proper balance in between the two and make decisions upon what one feels is right.

This probably has nothing to do with the point of your post. But wanted to share what the ego was in the school of pysch.

posted on Jul, 30 2009 @ 07:03 PM
reply to post by Holographic

The school of psych does not make the ego and superego that simple. At the base level yes, but it is, just like all other sciences, starting to understand that there is something else to it. Something else as in more to the puzzle than just basic needs and right/wrong make you who you are.

posted on Jul, 30 2009 @ 07:18 PM
I think it's good to stop every now and then and ask yourself "who am I, really?" and then in all honesty, be able to respond with "to be honest, I do not know who I am". Not knowing who we are, doesn't mean we can't have fun getting into the various roles we play however. The difference is simply that whoever we are being at any given moment, relative to whatever situation or relationship, is nothing but a role, a way of being that we create, from nothing. And so long as we don't identify our true self with that role, then we can really play it to the hilt and have fun with it, because from this new perspective, we can have the freedom to be completely comfortable, self expressed and authentic, and both lose our self in the role we are playing, while at the same time, watching as we do so from that transcendant place of pure being. This brings in energy, power, self expression and CHARM or FUNness to our way of being and it becomes literally impossible to take ourselves too seriously.
Surely enlightened spiritual masters, are all comedians and people of immense joy and laughter, charismatics, but without any ego.

posted on Jul, 30 2009 @ 08:36 PM

Originally posted by acmpnsfal
reply to post by Holographic

The school of psych does not make the ego and superego that simple. At the base level yes, but it is, just like all other sciences, starting to understand that there is something else to it. Something else as in more to the puzzle than just basic needs and right/wrong make you who you are.

Either way - simplistic summations by the OP do no favors to the reality behind the concept.

Qakery of the highest order is all that comes from those who have no idea....

posted on Jul, 30 2009 @ 08:59 PM
Ego is not a dirty word.

The way I see it, ego is the part of us that recognises ourself, the self aware part of us. And when you observe nature you will also see all living things have self awareness.

If our universe is an energetic awareness, as I think it is, then it too is self aware and therefore also has ego. So, in a sense we can say if God has Ego then how can it be a bad thing?

From my current understanding, Ego like all things and abilities we have, is to be Balanced for more effectiveness in life.

Balance is the key to all things in our physical life.

[edit on 30-7-2009 by Tayesin]

posted on Jul, 30 2009 @ 09:25 PM
I havent even read your OP, but want to say thank you already.
I love talks about the ego and consciousness.
I am trying to lose a bit of my ego every day, its VERY hard.
Living in the now helps a little, but dam if that isnt hard too!
I have a huge imagination and I cant seem to stop thinking about my future.
I guess that where we need to find that balance.
Anyway, thanks again for the video and I'll post more if it sparks any interesting thought, ideas, concepts, etc.

posted on Jul, 30 2009 @ 09:56 PM

Originally posted by coodeytar
I don't think it is the ego that is the problem, without ego where would humans be, we are where we are because of the brilliance of the individual and the ego of those individuals. The problem with ego is the failure to realise that we are individuals and that we should not impose our egos on others. We are what we are, and they, you, are what you are. The sum of all our parts. When we all stop trying to impose our reality, or ego, on others, is when we will all move beyond this point in our collective existence.

Where are humans exactly? massacring, starving, warring, loving, raping?

Now where are animals? In perfect balance, that's where. Why? because they have control over their ego. Look at the average household cat or dog, does it come up to you and show off, massacre you or ignore you? no 99% of them show 100% unconditional love towards you. even if you scorn them or yell and shout.

The lions of Africa are at the top of the wild animal food chain are they massacring, starving, warring, or raping? no. They only take what they absolutely need, and look after the pride.

We have allot to learn from the animals they are far superior to us.

posted on Jul, 30 2009 @ 10:02 PM
I experience some degree of uncertainty on this issue.

I perceive my ego as a distinct thing. I perceive my heart as a distinct thing. I perceive my body as something I'm using. A tool. But I can also perceive my ego as a tool that I am using. My heart...I dislike the idea of my heart being a temporary tool. I like it too much to be very comfortable with the idea of simply swapping it out for another, though my ego is well aware that this is possible.

Who is the "I" who is saying these things? Well, the ego has a lot to do with it. But I am aware of an observer experiencing these things, this body, this ego, this heart. Am "I" the observer? well...maybe. I'm not certain. I can occassionally identify with the observer, just as I can identify with the ego, and sometimes I can identify with the heart.

My intellect tells me that "I" am everything that exists in the universe, and that I am identifiying with observers, hearts and egos interchangably. Is this "intellect" of which I speak the same as the "ego?" There's some uncertainty here, but the observer doesn't appear to have access to be able to say for sure, and my ego is aware that "I as everything" is a terribly convenient answer. It perceives this as the best of all possible worlds, and recommends further examination before beliving with complete faith and certainty an answer simply because we would like to be true.

Fear. I don't really like fear. Where does it come from? Some would say it is created by the ego. I'm not so sure. My ego appears mostly just to want things to be pleasant. It is aware that it could be changed, and it is not unwilling to do so it if it would generate more pleasantness. My ego works more to make fear go away than any other part of me. The observer simply observes it. The heart experiences it, and the ego really wishes the heart didn't have to because of all the varies "i"s the ego perceives the heart as the most beautiful and wonderful, and certainly the most deserving of being free of fear. And yet...I'm not certain what my hearts perception of the fear is. It's difficult to identify with my heart when it experiences fear. This makes my ego wonder if the fact of non-identifcation with the heart is what fear is. Ego is unsure.

I don't perceive my ego as an enemy. More as a tool to create an experience. And yet, my ego is aware of this, generally ok with it, but also aware that it is sometimes not the ideal tool to create the sort of experiences we would like to have. To which my heart cries out "I love you! Please don't feel inadequete. You are beautiful and I love you." To which my ego response "yes, and this is why I believe you are the most valuable and deserving of all of us. You don't judge. You simply love unconditionally. The observer also does not judge, but it appears not to love. You love. The observer simply observes, and finds this whole interplay between heart and ego interesting. And yet...isn't such a judgement as "interesting" supposed to be a function of the ego, and not the observer? Is then, the observer identifying with the ego more than the ego is?"

And then I laugh, and really wish this whole thing could be sorted out.

Welcome to my internal dialogue. Thanks for listening.

[edit on 30-7-2009 by LordBucket]

posted on Jul, 30 2009 @ 10:18 PM
For me, the most profound comment in the video is "you don't control me (the ego), I control you". And isn't that the problem with most of us?

As a previous poster stated, it is a matter of balance. It should be the balance between the id and the super ego.

So can we have the ego in balance and still recognize ourselves as one individual as well as part of a larger whole?

posted on Jul, 30 2009 @ 10:42 PM
reply to post by liveandlearn

I'm going to start doing that. I've always said life is about balance. Now I can live up to it.

posted on Jul, 30 2009 @ 10:59 PM
Ego is also connected to ones internal clock. Once you shed the ego for any length of time, that time seems to fade. It gives you a sense of time speeding up. A day may seem like only 12 hours instead of 24. Your mind slows down but yet you have a sense of time speeding up. I can't explain it.

posted on Jul, 30 2009 @ 11:15 PM
The ego is just another word for self-image...

And like everything in life, we are all different in how we wish to portray ourselves.

Some can fulfill their egotistical needs through calmness and humbleness, while others need others approval and jealousy.

THAT is the ego...who we are, what we stand for, and how we wish others see us.

posted on Jul, 31 2009 @ 12:04 AM
reply to post by MrVertigo

check out this thread
link to kymatica video which describes similar idea
ego is not who we are
we are divine


posted on Jul, 31 2009 @ 01:38 AM
I would highly recommended getting your hands on Eckhart Tolle's book or audiobook "The Power of Now."
imo, it a great source of information about dealing with the ego.
He's also featured in these videos the OP posted, but doesn't go into nearly as much detail as he does in his audiobook.
Check it out.

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