posted on May, 25 2004 @ 02:47 PM
Qlone asked this very profound question...
The Alien Letter "W"
So simply put why is the letter "DOUBLE U" the only letter with more than one syllable?
Any english scholars out there?
Why couldn't they think of a name for it with only one syllable like the rest of the letters of the alphabet?
Which response to have been very shallow all the rocket scientists seem to be staying down to earth-which is typical of the anglo-saxon mind in these
matters of esoterica, which only they are supposed to be the authority.
Above in my reply I came off the top of my head and gave you an answer which may have eluded most of you-then I'm sure some are aware of your genetic
make-up, i.e. your true origin; if you want to believe in J.C. thats ok too, we must understand that DNA is The blueprint of life, therefore it is not
man who do what he does save life itself if you get my point, when Quran says,and Allah is as close to you as your juglar vein this means that Allah
knows all it is he who cause us to do what we do and not we ourselves I'm aware that you's might be joking around, but I'm still present the facts
of this matter of the double u's now go back up and read what I said above before I went to see what The 'Wyaat' man had to say about this subject,
first I would like to say in relation to my first post that the DNA is Binary, i.e. double helix as the binary star sirius that is to say back up sun
to ours and its own twin stars B/C, now to Academia's or a 'Wyaat' man's research...
The Cosmic Code by Zecharia Sitchin
Chapter 7 � Sacred Knowledge, Sacred Texts
Page 147
There is more to the first alphabet as a secret of the gods. It is based in our opinion on the most sophisticated and ultimate knowledge-that of the
genetic code.
When the Greeks adopted the Mosaic alphabet a thousand years later (reversing it as a mirror image), they found it necessary to add more letters in
order to allow for all the pronunciation needs. In fact, within the confines of the twenty-two letters of the Mosaic-Semitic alphabet, some letters
can be pronounced as "sot" (V, Kh, S, Th) or hard (B, K, SH, T); and other letters had to double up as vowels.
Indeed, as we contemplate this limitation to twenty-two -no more, no less � we cannot help recalling the constrictions applied to the sacred number
twelve (requiring the addition or dropping of deities in order to keep the "Olympian Circle" to precisely twelve). Did such a hidden principle �
divinely inspired � apply to the restriction of the original alphabet to twenty-two letter?
The number ought to be familiar in this day and age. It is the number of human chromosones when The Adam was created, before the second genetic
manipulation has added the sex chromosones "Y" and "X"!
The Twelth Planet
Chapter 2 � The Sudden Civilization
Page 13
Even the Hellenic alphabet, from which the Latin and our own alphabets derive, came from the Near East. The ancient Greek Historians themselves wrote
that a Phoenician named Kadmus ("ancient") brought them the alphabet, comprising the same number of letters, in the same when order, as in Hebrew;
it was the only Greek alphabet when the Trojan War took place. The number of letters was raised to twenty-six by poet Simonides of Ceos in the fifth
century B.C.
So we can see if we have eyes to that the orgin of the two u's is truely Alien and not from this planet it is genetic meaning there is not a
thing u's
discovered it was all here before u's were genetically created...
[Edited on 25-5-2004 by LordEnki]