posted on Jul, 30 2009 @ 08:58 AM
Somethimes I feel a little philisophical... like today so here is a post to read and think over and if you feel like commenting or ranting or
whatever... have at it..
If someone were to ask the question: What is more important; 10,000 people or 10 billion euro what would your answer be? What if it were 100 people or
1,000,000 euro? Is a human life of more or less substantial importance than a dollar or a euro or a pound?
Most people, I would hope to think; would answer that human life of course is of infinitely more importance than money. However when one takes a
critical look around at practice, an observation can be made that would appear to illustrate otherwise. In fact, it would appear to illustrate that
money is of vastly more importance than human life. From a corporate or governmental perspective the quantifiable issue is profit. If a conglomeration
of entities analyze a particular issue and determine that they are able to rectify said issue at a profit to them, then further action might be taken.
However if it is determined that the endeavor would create a deficit rather than a profit, the issue is then nullified, cancelled or ignored.
Corporations say they “care” about this and that, about the environment, about their employees, about whatever. That is a lie. We all know very
well that these entities are hypocritical and only care about the bottom line.
Who is driving this cold harsh attitude towards all that is not beneficial to the corporate hegemony? Is it the base level people working as employees
for the companies? Could it be the various people that sit in management? Probably not, as they are only working and managing for a higher executive
level branch of folks and then there is of course; the board of directors. Usually these are the largest share holders and these are the folks that
would financially benefit from any positive aspects of the company.
When we take a good look at ourselves, and at our level of achievements, technologically and even spiritually what do we really see? Are we to believe
our eyes and ears? To attempt to place into perspective these queries one could point out several examples of study. Some of these being the
achievements made in space travel.
We as a species, can place into orbit around our planet large computers we call satellites. We can map the brain, and manipulate a neuron. We can
build at the atomic scale; the art of nanotechnology has been embraced. We can place a car on the moon - in the previous century mind you. We can put
a robot on Mars and control it remotely from Earth; and beam information back from probes sent into space in the 1970’s but we cannot move water to
the desert? Is this just funny? We can build a submarine that holds hundreds of people and can dive to crushing depths in the oceans, we can fly
faster than the speed of sound, we make machines that make machines; little tiny intricate machines. We can pull oil from deep within the earth,
refine it, then pipe it across miles and miles and miles of various landscape and underwater, or put it in a ship and move it over the seas; or mine
gold and diamonds from rocks in mountains but we can’t get water to the desert? Does anyone actually buy into this?
Should I keep going? It would appear that yes, anyone does actually buy into this. So much so that someone else is making quite a profit.