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Did Jesus tell us who satan was? Name is Baraq O Bam-maw..if wrong prove it.

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posted on Jul, 30 2009 @ 10:34 AM

Originally posted by CSquared288
reply to post by Disclosure Agent

I sound like a broken record but I forgot you knew this as fact, too. And to clarify, I am not a religious proponent by any means, I just dislike when people declare conjecture as fact. Unless you were present at the writing of the original bible, you can't present that statement as if you KNOW.

It is true that this is conjecture and theory, but a fascinating theory, none the less. Many have already labelled Obama as the Antichrist, and once the label is applied, people tend to identify the thing with the label. I'm taking about fundamentalists here now. The odds of this being a coincidence is astounding, even knowing what I know of the Illumuinati. Thanks to the OP for this on a rainy, boring day!

posted on Jul, 30 2009 @ 11:03 AM
reply to post by autowrench

i do not disagree at all. It's a fascinating topic.

posted on Jul, 30 2009 @ 11:08 AM
Jesus spoke Aramaic, not Hebrew.

Just FYI.

posted on Jul, 30 2009 @ 11:44 AM
That's funny, there was a time when I was thinking that Bush was the Anti-Christ. It was silly, of course, but he just seemed possessed by a kind of evil. I guess who you think the Anti-Christ is depends on your own point of view. If you're not happy that the leader of the free world is a black man, and you're a right-wing Christian fundamentalist, then I guess Obama would be a good choice. But realize that your point of view says more about your biases than it does about Obama.

posted on Jul, 30 2009 @ 12:14 PM
In the UK people have a healthy contempt for our leaders. Very few people have any trust or respect for our politicians. We just don't like 'em. That's all there is to it.

So why is it that in the US when a politician (in this case Obama) is disliked he's accused of being Satan or the frickkin Anti-Christ? WTF?!

"OMG!! Obama is Satan! He wants to burn us for eternity in hell with demons and stuff! He's bailed out the Fed...he must be the ****** anti-Christ come to kill Jesus. He wants to steal our Rapture! Wail. Cry. Sob."

I'm a little slow kinda seems a little bit overboard

posted on Jul, 30 2009 @ 12:19 PM
reply to post by damwel

So, "they" made Jesus up to control people, eh? And who exactly are they? The PTB? no, they want to eliminate religion, since it takes away the control of the people. But the do exploit religion at times, and try to pervert the meaning of excerpts, like Romans 13. But they did not create it.

The idea of god takes away from the government being the ultimate authority. God creates competition, and the PTB doesn't like that. Jesus was a man, and the bible is simply a volume of testaments, or, chronicles, or simply a collection of news papers, however you want to look at it. A document of historical accounts. There is more evidence of his existence than there is that nothing in the bible was true. I am not religious, but I do, however, believe that there is truth to the historical aspect of the teachings and scriptures in the bible.

But in my own opinion, if more people believed in god, and respected god as the highest authority and not a governmental authority, that would truly threaten the PTB more than anything.

posted on Jul, 30 2009 @ 12:46 PM

Originally posted by Jadette
Jesus spoke Aramaic, not Hebrew.

Just FYI.

The phrase he would have spoken would have been in Aramaic. Aramaic was the language in Galilee at that time.

posted on Jul, 30 2009 @ 01:12 PM
reply to post by DaisyAnne

True, that he spoke Aramaic, but being that he WAS Jewish, it is very possible, and likely that he spoke Hebrew. However, just out of curiosity, how would one say those words in Aramaic? would they be similar?

posted on Jul, 30 2009 @ 01:15 PM

Originally posted by Mindmelding
But isn't Obama's name really Barry Sotoro?

This is the sort of psuedo prophetic nonsense that really twists my nipples. It's all bs. First they setup the premisse, linked to satan which, through indoctrination since childhood is supposed to fabricate a fear based reaction, for control obviously. Then they fabricate the circumstance to fit the premisse.

Again, ALL THIS IS PSUEDOPROPHETIC PSYCHOLOGICAL MANIPULATION. This is how psychopaths work. They analyze (and sometimes fabricate) your fears and then they provide the stimulus to control you by them.

Wake up. Christ and antichrist are archetypes, they manifest themselves endlessly through the universal fractal. There is nothing to be scared of, it's just yin and yang, and can be lived or unlived with nothing more than an individual choice.

I hope the mods forgive the billboard all caps, but some of us have to keep the sheep sane.

Yes he was born Barry Setoro. Which makes it all that much strange how his name came to be completely changed, both first and last. How many people do you know who have a completely different first and last name than they were born with?

posted on Jul, 30 2009 @ 03:37 PM
Obama isn't Satan, since Satan can not be human. But if Satan could be human I think he was was George Bush Jr. After all more deaths were caused because of him through out his 2 terms.

posted on Jul, 30 2009 @ 04:13 PM

Originally posted by resist2012
reply to post by DaisyAnne

True, that he spoke Aramaic, but being that he WAS Jewish, it is very possible, and likely that he spoke Hebrew. However, just out of curiosity, how would one say those words in Aramaic? would they be similar?

They would be pronounced like this:

Satan: D'So+onoa

Lightning: B'arqoa

Heaven: B'ashmayo

It doesn't sound anything like "Barack Obama."

posted on Jul, 30 2009 @ 04:54 PM
reply to post by Bombeni

How many people do you know who have a completely different first and last name than they were born with?

Cassius Clay to Muhammad Ali after joining the Nation of Islam in 1964....
Ferdinand Lewis 'Lew' Alcindor... several years after converting to Islam, he changed his name to Kareem Abdul-Jabbar.
Malcolm Little... AKA Malcolm X... also known as El-Hajj Malik El-Shabazz after he became a member of the Nation of Islam.
Muslims change their names once they convert to Islam.

posted on Jul, 30 2009 @ 05:17 PM

Originally posted by canadianmouse
Obama isn't Satan, since Satan can not be human. But if Satan could be human I think he was was George Bush Jr. After all more deaths were caused because of him through out his 2 terms.

He has yet to make his first term. However I do not agree with him being Satan. The very same statement was made about Jr. He is quite arrogant though. But again we all know that the president is just a puppet that takes the fall for all that goes wrong. The last real president we had was JFK who actually saw through the lies and was killed for it.

posted on Jul, 30 2009 @ 05:24 PM
The Abomination of Desolation.
Desolation - Could be this - De Soul Nation
Sounds interesting not sure if people think it makes sense, but worth a try.

The abomination of desolation (or desolating sacrilege) is a term found in the Hebrew Bible, in the book of Daniel. It also occurs in the book of 1 Maccabees and in the New Testament gospels.

The 1 Maccabees usage of the term points to the actions of Antiochus IV Epiphanes in the mid-second century BC. Specifically, he set up an altar to Zeus in the Second Temple in Jerusalem, and sacrificed swine on it around the year 167 BC. Accordingly, most modern scholars believe that Daniel 9:27, 11:31 and 12:11 are a prophecy after the event (or vaticinium ex eventu) relating to Antiochus.[7][8] (see Dating of the Book of Daniel).

Sacrificed Swine on the alter, funny how Swine is popping up today in the result of human sacrifice from the desease it spreads to the world, it may mean something, it may mean nothing and jumping at shadows.

posted on Jul, 30 2009 @ 05:37 PM

Originally posted by DaisyAnne

Originally posted by resist2012
reply to post by DaisyAnne

True, that he spoke Aramaic, but being that he WAS Jewish, it is very possible, and likely that he spoke Hebrew. However, just out of curiosity, how would one say those words in Aramaic? would they be similar?

They would be pronounced like this:

Satan: D'So+onoa

Lightning: B'arqoa

Heaven: B'ashmayo

It doesn't sound anything like "Barack Obama."

wELL barqoa is close to baraq..
To say it still sound's nothing like is closing your eye's.

Christian Aramaic Literature Although Jesus spoke Aramaic, the Gospels are in Greek, and only rarely quote actual Aramaic words. Reconstruction of the Aramaic background of the Gospels remains a fascinating, but inordinately difficult area of modern research.

Not for sure what they meant there.
Jesus spoke Aramaic..but they rarely every wrote it down as Aramaic it's still anyone's ball game if ya ask me.

The Hebrew language, the same language used in writing the Books of the Old Testament, came into common usage in the Liturgy of the Shabbat (Sabbath) of the Synagogue, even though there were few who understood it clearly.

Palestine, given that it was always a crossroads for entire peoples in their spontaneous, and often times forced, migrations, was by necessity a multi-lingual land. It was a place where they spoke several languages at the same time. That is, in the times of Jesus, there were no less than two local languages spoken and understood by the majority of the people: Hebrew and Aramaic. Two “international” languages were also used: Greek and Latin. These however were spoken by a small group of persons found in State Administration and Education.

So it was wrote down as Baraq O Bam-maw..Not in Aramaic.
At least 99% of all scholar's on the planet think so.
ON the old testament was wrote in old Hebrew Mostly.

Basically they all say he spoke the language .
But they wrote the old testament in Hebrew so the mass's could read it.

make's sense because it was a dead language.

So it was wrote down for century's till translated to english.
Baraq O Bam-maw

posted on Jul, 30 2009 @ 05:59 PM
Sorry to burst yall's bubbles but the real Anti-Christ is Stephen Colbert.

I'm almost 100% positive, think about it...

posted on Jul, 30 2009 @ 06:06 PM

I saw Satan fall as lightning from the heavens or heights.


ראיתי את השטן נופל כמו ברק מן השמים או גבהים.


رأيت الشيطان كما سقوط صاعقة من السماء أو مرتفعات

posted on Jul, 30 2009 @ 06:18 PM
Maybe there are lots of people called Barack O'bama, it does not mean its him, what if he has other relatives of the same same, but did you know a Barack is also a Horse.

Obama's first name -- Barack -- interesting. Barack (Lightning) was the name of the Prophet Muhammad's horse, which giving a tremendous leap, carried the Prophet Muhammad up to heaven. It would be interesting to have a president named for the Prophet Muhammad's horse.

The President's first name, Barack, is a Swahili name that has its origins in the Arabic language. The original Arabic root of the name (B-R-K) means "blessed." In Arabic, the root word is used in many other phrases to denote blessings and to describe people who are blessed:

•Mabruk! = "Congratulations!"
•Barakallah feek = "May God bless you"
•Barakah = blessings from God (feminine version of the name)
President Obama's middle name is Hussein, which was his grandfather's first name. The name, of Arabic origin, means "good" or "handsome one." It is common in Muslim cultures for children (both boys and girls) to have a middle name which directly connects them to their father or grandfather.

posted on Jul, 30 2009 @ 06:37 PM
reply to post by TheAmused

No, it's not really closing my eyes in the least.

B'ashmayo does not sound anything like Obama.

The general consensus among scholars is that Jesus spoke Aramaic. The contention lies between whether there is Aramaic Primacy, or Greek Primacy for the New Testament.

A lot of Rabbinical literature was also written in Aramaic, as well as parts of the Old Testament. Eastern churches use the Pe#ta text of the bible, which is in Aramaic.

For instance, in the book Language Choice in First Century Christianity, Barbara Grimes states that in the first century, the most widely spoken language in Palestine was Aramaic. Hebrew was not commonly spoken or understood, and the most likely conclusion is that if Jesus were preaching to the masses, he would have been preaching in Aramaic, the language of the masses and the language of Galilee.

posted on Jul, 31 2009 @ 12:25 AM
I ask myself almost daily why I still come to this site. The amount of idiocy here is like a tsunami. Yes, our President is the Anti-Christ. Any day now he's going to ask you to sacrifice your firstborns. Come on people, do better than this. He may be a great President, he may be a totally crappy President, but he's our damned President. Now shut up, grow up, and lets proceed as adults please.

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