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Boston cop calls Gates 'banana-eating jungle monkey' in mass e-mail

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posted on Jul, 30 2009 @ 01:50 PM
reply to post by xmotex

That is rigth, just to step on somebody's higher than you wrong foot, or having that person on top of you been influenced by others that disagree with you.

So much for Freedom of Speech my way or the highway.

posted on Jul, 30 2009 @ 01:50 PM
I think it's sort of discriminating. It's incredibly stereotypical. Who is this guy to say that all monkeys eat bananas?

Seriously, first time I heard this I thought that it was an effort to smear the guy, but then I saw him on the telly admitting to it and apologizing for it.

Racism is wrong. Natural, but wrong.

Edit to retract some inflammatory language.

[edit on 30-7-2009 by KSPigpen]

posted on Jul, 30 2009 @ 02:21 PM
reply to post by marg6043

I don't think the email violates the law. But if he had started bombarding her and harassing her with those kinds of emails, it would have.

posted on Jul, 30 2009 @ 04:48 PM
reply to post by nunya13

Yes harassing e-mail are a problem but depends on how many and how often they has been send.

Still we get inundated with spam on our e-mail boxes all the time, unless the person is actually promoting bodily harm to the recipient of the e-mail is nothing that can be done.

All you can do is block the e-mails.

posted on Jul, 30 2009 @ 04:56 PM
reply to post by CSquared288

Good for you. You don't let silly names or slander bother you. Words only have as much power as you give them.

posted on Jul, 30 2009 @ 05:02 PM
reply to post by nixie_nox

If words can kill we all be death by now, sometimes is better to just ignore those that make no sense.

posted on Jul, 30 2009 @ 07:12 PM
This just

Damage control in full swing. Boston LEO's don't need anymore animosity from the Black community.

posted on Jul, 30 2009 @ 07:19 PM
reply to post by whaaa

Interesting, I didn't know that being compare to banana eating monkeys is racist.

You know, is albino monkeys out there.

[edit on 31-7-2009 by marg6043]

posted on Jul, 30 2009 @ 10:33 PM
When Officer Justin Barrett says that he is actually not a racist, I can actually believe him. In my view, with limited personal knowledge of him, it seems a very real possibility that this Officer was simply extremely upset with Professor Gates, and he was blowing off some steam as a result of such. Here you have a Professor with "Friends in High Places", getting off scot free from having committed a crime, and the LEO involved is being trashed by Leftists and certain Black Americans alike for simply performing the duties of his job. Not to mention the fact that Professor Gates has forever, to a certain degree, tarnished the reputation and image of a respectable Law Enforcement Official, by hurtling baseless claims of racism at him.

I do find it ironically absurd that it somehow seems okay to label a certain race as "Racist" whenever the slightest argument takes place, and you can also spout some other seemingly vile and biased claims, YET, the minute that the targeted race answers back with a politically incorrect label, they themselves are demonized, lynched, and forever tarred with banishment from our Society.

This is NOT the same as some bigot simply dropping the "N Word", or the "C Word" through hate filled ignorance, but rather, it is a case of an ignorant and race baiting individual being given their own medicine in return per say.

posted on Jul, 30 2009 @ 10:40 PM

Originally posted by marg6043
reply to post by whaaa

Interesting, I didn't know that being compete to banana eating monkeys is racist.

You know, is albino monkeys out there.

This reminds me of a time when some lady was outside her house, and she happened to notice the neighborhood kids climbing a tall tree. She shouted to the kids "Hey, stop climbing that tree and acting like a bunch of Monkeys, you'll end up hurting yourselves". Some of the kids were Black, and they ran home and told their mom. Then their mother ended up on the evening news ranting and raving about that "Racist Lady" who "Called my kids Monkeys!".

I seriously cannot fathom the sort of "Cry Wolf" attitude that some people have, and I sometimes believe that when such absurdities and baiting type actions of the "I'm the Victim" mentality become so prevalent, the only way to counter such is to forgo the formalities of Political Correctness, and to simply speak ones mind, regardless of the subsequent perception and/or ensuing reaction.

posted on Jul, 31 2009 @ 02:30 AM
Personally, I find it double hillarious.

First, that he called him a banana-eating jungle monkey (common, smile guys, it's funny)

Second, that he actually put it in an e-mail and mailed it to the Boston Globe and didn't do it anonymously.

So he gets double laughs for being funny, and a complete retard.

posted on Jul, 31 2009 @ 03:16 AM
As a private citizen, he'd have a right to his opinion. As a public servant, he would not.

In his e-mail, this guy clearly identified himself as a police officer. Saying that was just begging for trouble. That took him out of the private citizen category and identified him as a public servant. He is held to a higher standard in that case. Beyond that, it is likely that he agreed to bring honor to the police department at all times, on duty and off. That's a common expectation of police officers, especially in larger cities.

For him (or anyone) to claim that calling someone a "banana-eating jungle monkey" isn't racist, is ludicrous. It's about as racist as it gets.

This guy has probably talked himself out of two jobs now, his police job and his Natinal Guard. I can't imagine how he'd ever get a job in law enforcement again after this. Not only was his behavior racist, it was just plain stupid. He had to know that what he said would get him into trouble. You just can't say things like this and expect that there won't be some serious fallout. What did he think would happen? The journalist would say, "Gee, you're right, I shouldn't have written that"? He didn't think maybe the journalist might be angry about the letter, and want to fight back? The cop provided the journalist all the ammunition s/he needed.

Really, what was this guy thinking?

posted on Jul, 31 2009 @ 03:17 AM
Not a fan of the comments relating a black man to a monkey, just knowing how sensitive remarks like this can be, As a white man, I have neen called worse for my skin color by friends making fun of me. It never bothers me as we all pick on each other. Its a lot different when it comes to an arrest. You dont make comments like that. Its unprofessional. I think its very possible that both of them overreacted. It should serve as a lesson to both of them to keep their cool. If it happened to me, sure I would be upset, but I would rather cooperate and come to a quick resolution. This could have been so much easier. Show your ID, cooperate, go back to bed. Let the EGOS go. Show some maturity, its embarassing, both of you.

posted on Jul, 31 2009 @ 03:49 PM

Originally posted by TheAgentNineteen
When Officer Justin Barrett says that he is actually not a racist, I can actually believe him.

Great, I have a bridge to the moon I'd like to sell you...

In my view, with limited personal knowledge of him, it seems a very real possibility that this Officer was simply extremely upset with Professor Gates, and he was blowing off some steam as a result of such.

Yeah, sure, just blowing off some steam and ending his career with 100% racist remarks emailed out to everyone. Perfectly understandable behavior, the kind you would expect from a Law Enforcement Officer.

Here you have a Professor with "Friends in High Places", getting off scot free from having committed a crime,

Getting arrested and taken off to jail for voicing your opinion to an officer who refuses to leave your property after finishing a bogus burgerly investigation isn't exactly "scott-free"

and the LEO involved is being trashed by Leftists and certain Black Americans alike for simply performing the duties of his job.

True, if the officer's duty is to escalate an already inherently intense situation, and not leave the property once he had completed the "burglery" situation, then I guess he's performing is duty as a cop.

Not to mention the fact that Professor Gates has forever, to a certain degree, tarnished the reputation and image of a respectable Law Enforcement Official, by hurtling baseless claims of racism at him.

No one would have ever known those words were said except for Gates & the officer (maybe a couple concerned neighbors) if the officer wouldn't have arrested the man for voicing his opinion on his property. That's the officer's own fault for being an idiot.

I do find it ironically absurd that it somehow seems okay to label a certain race as "Racist" whenever the slightest argument takes place, and you can also spout some other seemingly vile and biased claims, YET, the minute that the targeted race answers back with a politically incorrect label, they themselves are demonized, lynched, and forever tarred with banishment from our Society.

"Lynched"? I don't think that word means what you think it means. African Americans do, however. And it means something entirely different from what you think it means.

This is NOT the same as some bigot simply dropping the "N Word", or the "C Word" through hate filled ignorance, but rather, it is a case of an ignorant and race baiting individual being given their own medicine in return per say.

Yeah, sure, "banana eating jungle monkey" is not something a bigot would say. That, and 2 + 2 = 5.

posted on Jul, 31 2009 @ 04:56 PM

Originally posted by Rockpuck
Personally, I find it double hillarious.

First, that he called him a banana-eating jungle monkey (common, smile guys, it's funny)

Second, that he actually put it in an e-mail and mailed it to the Boston Globe and didn't do it anonymously.

So he gets double laughs for being funny, and a complete retard.

like a poster said earlier rock

if anyone really wants to "get rid of racism" which is a STUPID unrealistic statement ......more like .." lower it further"...they need to STOP making a huge deal about things like this......the media perpetuates racism by reporting these details.....they should DEAL with the officer.....and keep it PRIVATE....because anyone who wants to lower racism would realize hey "the media cares about getting a story and making a story well known" when the effect this will have will be much worse.....more criticism of the police department on the whole......more violence in response to police stupidity and then just the usual political correct nonsense

posted on Jul, 31 2009 @ 05:46 PM
reply to post by cpdaman

Easy little experiment. I went to a Catholic school with like .. mm .. 3 or 4 black kids in the entire school. 9 years there, I never heard ONE racial remark. We never discussed race. Never discussed racism aside from slavery in American history. Never considered anyone any different.

Went to Public School and all we did was read racial books.. about how we should all feel bad for being born white, how we owe blacks something, and the blacks believed they were owed something. Racial remarks all over the halls, people segregating themselves.

It's my belief that racism is taught, it's not a natural instinct. In most cases, it's our parents and our educators that turn us into racist bigots without even knowing.

posted on Aug, 3 2009 @ 10:30 AM
When are some of you people going to start catching on and begin thinking outside the box of what passes for excellence toady.

What you have here is one and or possibly two racists having a go at each other and the media shaking the rest of us down by using this to promote its own brand of racism.

In the midst of this you have a President of the United States making merchandize of this incident for whatever purposes.

You have a college professor with racist guilt baiting techniques...having a go at a policeman who he thinks is beneath him in every facet and attempting to use guilt baiting techniques to promote his beliefs as the moral high ground and then capitalizing on his relationship with the President of the United States.

This is not the conduct of a highly educated individual but a hack political puppet who has enough education to parasite the rest of us out onto his treadmill..willingly or unwillingly.

You also have a President of the United States with tremendous responsibilities ...who has associations with known racists....and is interfering with a local matter because he thinks it is all about race...and this President also thinks that race is his exclusive bailiwick.

I expect my President to be above such as this and tend to the matters of the People of the United States....only to find out that he is not above this fingerprint. This causes me to question his suitability for the job as President of the United States.
Some of you need to educate yourselves to think further than the "guilt programming" which has been so foisted onto you by public education and a hack phoney media shilling for thier respective political parties.

What you have here is a shakedown by someone attempting to put others on thier guard for future purposes. More guilt programming.

Some people...all they have to capitalize on is race, sex or some other placebo issue to make merchandize of the rest of us. To put us on thier treadmill.

I get so tired of such practices attempting to pass as the moral/ethical high ground when one thinking can see that it is nothing more than a shakedown of the rest of us.

Racism, sexism or whatever one percieves is going on is not an automatic default setting to play through to a preconceived conclusion or template....or of what some think is owed to them by the public purse. Nor is it justification for "guilt" programming of the rest of us by default.
At best, this can only be a shakedown.
I dont approve of someone or politics/the media itself attempting to make merchandize of America in this manner.

Buckle up..pull your straps are going to see more of this guilt programming/merchandizing/shakedown taking place...carte blanche.

I agree with what Rockpuck implies. We are being conditioned/programmed to respond to guilt racism by a subversive control mechanism....through shakedown techniques.



[edit on 3-8-2009 by orangetom1999]

posted on Aug, 4 2009 @ 10:46 PM
I find this kinda funny. me and my wife actually had a good life off this racist cop. we are so used to seeing this and being victoms of this kinda crap, that it dont shock us at all. but what we find funny is they fact he is a racist. if he wasent he would not say crap like that. the fact that he would say crap like that then deny being a racist is funny to me. i see it so many times lol. people call me a 'n-word' and a terrorist, all the time then when i call them out for being a racist they wanna back track and say. " i assure u mr macbeth im not a racist" it just gets old. im glad this dumb cop got fired, and i hope it exposes more of the racial prejudice in the police force


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