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9/11 A Truthers Theory.

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posted on Jul, 31 2009 @ 02:37 PM

Originally posted by Seventh
reply to post by zysin5

You`re welcome bud, it seems the whole point of this thread has been completely overlooked, it was intended to be a stepping stone and for other guys to add bits and try to form some credible story to oppose the OS with.

It`s been nearly 8 years and still no positive account of events is on offer to challenge the OS with, and why this is so is plain to see.


Technically, it's only been since Nov. 08, when NIST came out with the final report (hypothesis), and since then, the "NO JOLT" paper showing there is NO singular mass of weight "pushing" the towers down, proves it without a doubt, and ALSO points out a HUGE mistake by Bazant, that he was off by a factor of ten in his calculation of the stiffness of the columns, with his 71 GN/m estimate. The actual stiffness, calculated here using the actual column cross sections, is approximately 7.1 GN/m.

Then we have Professor Niels Harrit with his work of almost two years, showing un-reacted nano thermite in the dust particles along with the iron spheres that were ALSO found by The United States Geological Survey, in its "Particle Atlas of World Trade Center Dust Report," and RJ Lee Group, Inc., in its December 2003 WTC Dust Signature Report: Composition and Morphology, both document these once-molten drops of metal without explanation.

There was the airing of Press for Truth that was run on PBS in Denver a couple months ago, along with Gage being on a morning talk show in San Fransisco, A&E for 9-11Truth also had a booth at the A&E Conferences for the first time

ALL the OS has is the WEIGHT of the Gov. behind it...That's it....with NO facts and LOTS of contradictions within it's own HYPOTHESIS'S.

oop's.....gotta fix that image

that's better
[edit on 31-7-2009 by Architect David Banner]

[edit on 31-7-2009 by Architect David Banner]

posted on Jul, 31 2009 @ 03:09 PM
I guess if you research enough you can find what you are looking for, sniffer dogs and explosives in places they would discover them was always going to be hard to work out, we have a power down and the removal of the dogs, time stamp to work with, working on the assumption that the trusses and exterior frame have already been wired, it gives little time to wire the inner core, but according to this guy and his way it was very do-able....


So a seemingly pointless power down and removal of sniffer dogs just became a little bit more understandable

posted on Aug, 1 2009 @ 11:08 PM
reply to post by Seventh

Except the normal explosive sniffing dogs assigned to the WTC....were still there. It was the extra dogs that had been there temporarily that were removed.

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