posted on Jul, 29 2009 @ 12:37 PM
I need everyone's help on this:
Talked to a Democrat buddy of mine about the Obama BC issue and here's what he said:
"Anyone born outside of the US can be President. It does not matter where Obama was born or anyone else for that matter. The Constitution was
changed specifically for Arnold Schwarzenegger so he could become Governor of California. Before Arnold there were never any candidates who took
office that were not national born citizens. Now all that is required to be in any position of office you must be nationalized."
He continued on that it was because of the Republicans who changed the Constitution to get Arnold in office that we are reaping what we sow. I swear
I looked at him with the dumbest look on my face I could not believe what he was telling me.
I was unprepared for this debate, which is why I am calling out to everyone on this. If the liberal left is going to start throwing this at us and
they are preparing for outcry of the BC issue then we need facts to back up our debate.
Help me out, tell me what you think and what you know to be true. I'll keep posting any new information I find as well.