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Met Office cools summer forecast

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posted on Jul, 29 2009 @ 10:14 AM

You will need a brolly on holiday in the UK in August - the Met Office is issuing a revised forecast for more unsettled weather well into the month.

The weather here in the uk is strange to say the least april showers in july.
The met office can not get it right anymore.

The real problem for the Met Office is that this is the third summer in a row where its forecast has failed. In 2007, the Met Office chirped: "The summer is yet again likely to be warmer than normal. There are no indications of a particularly wet summer."

What is going on with the weather it's always raining here its not usually like this at this time of year so is it going to get worse the met office doin't seem to be reliable anymore what are your thoughts
For what its worth a link to the met office


[edit on 103131p://2009-07-29T10:21:51-05:00297 by mars1]

posted on Jul, 29 2009 @ 10:21 AM
Thats rubbish. You know it's funny. I'm sat in my flat in Plymouth wasting time on ATS and waiting for it to stop raining so I can go into town and do stuff I need to do.... and then here's this thread!

I remember when the initial forcast came out for this summer and now, because uhhh duhhh it's raining all the time, The MET office decide to 'revise' their forcast! Well, thats it. The last iota of trust I had for what they say has gone but it's not their fault. Something is happening, something which involves our climate but has much further reaching consequences and makes for almost impossible forcasting imo.

posted on Jul, 29 2009 @ 10:28 AM
We had a local weather reporter on the 6:00 news tell us (while indicating a weather map of the surrounding area) that tonight, we are having "generic rain" in parts of the region. Really? Generic rain...uh - ok.

posted on Jul, 29 2009 @ 10:42 AM
Interesting how we all seem to take our turn with drought or excessive rain.

I'm sure Texas is ready for some of the wet stuff.

I hear they're not too fussy and would gladly settle for some "Generic Rain"

Don't you folks over there usually have long spells of rain during the fall and winter?

posted on Jul, 29 2009 @ 10:48 AM
Just found this one UK long range weather forecast. you can change the area for the weather where you live in uk.
I doin't think long range forecasting is reliable anymore every time the weather as said it will be sunny it's been cloudy or raining my son has been on school holidays two weeks now and nothing but rain.


edit spelling

[edit on 103131p://2009-07-29T10:55:37-05:00297 by mars1]

posted on Jul, 29 2009 @ 10:57 AM
reply to post by Hazelnut

HA HA HA!!! generic rain! really! is that the level of ambiguity we now have in our forecasts??!!??! I guess they really don't have a clue what's going on then?

what would non-generic rain look like???? pink rain? elephant poo instead of water what?

posted on Jul, 29 2009 @ 11:13 AM
reply to post by Desert Dawg

We usualy have alot of rain over here but not usualy this much at this time of year something is amiss here i know everyone is going to say climate change but i doint think we are to blame all the planets are warming did we do that too
So global warming caused by us is a lie


posted on Jul, 29 2009 @ 11:21 AM
I would'nt be suprised if there is some kind of "weather control" going on here!
For almost a month before the schools broke up for holidays,the weather was superb!
Then, as soon as the holidays started,rain everyday,or every other day!
Is this some sort of plan to keep troublesome youths of the streets,by making the weather so miserable?
Bet you,as soon as the schools go back,the weather will improve markedly!

posted on Jul, 29 2009 @ 11:28 AM
the MET office should long range forecast rain as standard, at least then, if they get it wrong, everyone is happy they got it wrong.

a rainy british summertime, who'ld have imagined that would happen

[edit on 29/7/09 by pieman]

posted on Jul, 29 2009 @ 11:40 AM
We'll have another good autumn again, mark my words. I think our seasons have shifted - warm springs, wet summers, warm autumns and then winter - who knows.

This is what we've had the last 3 years. I was in shorts and T-shirt until mid-october last year and the year before. That's not right.

We should just write off july and august, and look to enjoy april-june and september - october.

I'm just annoyed that the cricket is going to be rained off for the next 5 days.

posted on Jul, 29 2009 @ 12:57 PM
reply to post by Chonx

Originally posted by Chonx
The last iota of trust I had for what they say has gone but it's not their fault. Something is happening, something which involves our climate but has much further reaching consequences and makes for almost impossible forcasting imo.

Indeed something is happening. The global warming alarmists predictions are failing, the globe has been cooling since 2002. The Met Office has clearly shown it's alliance with global warming alarmists, hence the constant "it's gonna be a hot one" projections.

But then again, the climate is always changing, with or without us. Weather is strange, we just have to learn to adapt to it. I wouldn't really put a lot of trust into any long term predictions as there are just too many variables that we can't comprehend. Although the solar guys might have a valid point when predicting cooler temps due to the recent solar minimum...

posted on Jul, 29 2009 @ 01:09 PM
The MET office produces an accurate statistical analysis, and publishes it as a probability. This is all science can do. I understand that the hot summer was a 2:1 bet, pretty good odds, but not assured. Anybody who expects more has missed the point of what stats can give. I think there's an education problem, or lack of it, both in the media and the public.

posted on Jul, 29 2009 @ 01:11 PM

Originally posted by Curious and Concerned
reply to post by Chonx

Originally posted by Chonx
The last iota of trust I had for what they say has gone but it's not their fault. Something is happening, something which involves our climate but has much further reaching consequences and makes for almost impossible forcasting imo.

Indeed something is happening. The global warming alarmists predictions are failing, the globe has been cooling since 2002. The Met Office has clearly shown it's alliance with global warming alarmists, hence the constant "it's gonna be a hot one" projections.

But then again, the climate is always changing, with or without us. Weather is strange, we just have to learn to adapt to it. I wouldn't really put a lot of trust into any long term predictions as there are just too many variables that we can't comprehend. Although the solar guys might have a valid point when predicting cooler temps due to the recent solar minimum...

That's more false information there... the globe has been warming, and ice caps and glaciers in Greenland retreating dramatically more than seasonal variations. You are in denial if you cannot accept global warming as fact.

posted on Jul, 29 2009 @ 02:03 PM
reply to post by john124

Sorry mate, but it's you who has swallowed the alarmists and profiteers lies. If you can claim global warming is real without any evidence, it is you who is in denial.

Heres a graph since 1979 of the data from the Advanced Microwave Sounding Unit (AMSU-A) flying on NASA’s Aqua satellite. It is regularly updated here.


Also heres what the trend looks like since 2002, with co2 levels thrown in for a bit of comparison.

Also ice caps are tracking at higher ice levels this year than 07 and 08.
The dark red line measures the actual ice extent against the average (black), whilst the light pink line reflects where faulty sensors had been underestimating Arctic sea ice extent until the fault was discovered. The purple line is 2007 and the blue is 2008.

I understand that the hot summer was a 2:1 bet, pretty good odds, but not assured

So the predictions were narrowed down to 2:1 odds. Where did those odds come from? I'm genuinely interested, because since they've been wrong three years running, they may need to change their methods. It is obvious to anyone who has looked into it that CO2 is not the driving factor in our climate, at least not to the extent the IPCC (who the Met Office agrees with) claims.
I do agree with you on one point though. There is an educational problem in both the media and the public.

posted on Jul, 29 2009 @ 02:40 PM
reply to post by Curious and Concerned

Good bit of work there Curious and Concerned not sure i understand the graph's properly but i find this very interesting just stopped raining now is PM.
I want to see blue sky's it's summer after all at least there won't be a hosepipe ban.
I went thorough the flood a couple of years ago don't want another.


posted on Jul, 30 2009 @ 02:35 AM
reply to post by mars1

Thanks mars1. I've invested a fair amount of time into researching the claims of climate change, and why these claims are made. What the graphs basically say is that we have had a warming trend for the latter part of last century, which is logical since we are warming up from the so called "little ice age" roughly 150 years ago.

The important thing to recognize is that our climate has constantly changed well before you and I, and our ancestors, were around. And there is no reason to expect it to stop now. However there are people in our society who wish to profit off of the scare stories being published by global warming alarmists, and their political puppets such as the UN's IPCC.

The second graph shows the global temperature since 2002, which is dropping, compared to the atmospheric CO2 levels. This goes against what the IPCC and Al Gore predictied, and it is now becoming obvious that the IPCC's projections (they don't call them predictions) are obviously flawed, and are pushing human caused climate change for a pre planned agenda.

The fact that our media still spews climate change scare stories, with little to no evidence showing that human induced global warming is the cause, while ignoring the multitudes of scientists claiming different opinions, goes to show how much is riding on AGW being a reality. I started a thread here showing how the UN has been planning for over 15 years to introduce a pollution tax (carbon tax) to fund reform of the UN, not to reduce global warming. But with "climate change" (which is what it's called now, just to cover all bases if we get cooling) as the excuse, it's all on.

Well all the best for you in the UK, hopefully you get some sun shine up there

We are in the middle of our (NZ) coldest winter in a long time, but hopefully we'll get a good snow season like last year.

posted on Jul, 30 2009 @ 06:19 AM
reply to post by Curious and Concerned

Thanks for that i understand a little more now and no its raining again today beginning to forget what a blue sky looks like just kidding.


posted on Jul, 30 2009 @ 08:58 AM
Just incase you like cricket
This wonderful weather


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