Two weeks back I was sitting at the desk in my room working. Right outside my room is a street light that, come night time, always bathes me in a warm
yellow glow. I had grown used to it by now, so used to it that one night a while back when it didn’t come on I couldn’t concentrate on my work or
get to sleep. It was then I realised I depended on it like a child depends on a nightlight.
This night was different though. The streetlight was contending with another light for my attention. The second light was smaller than the
streetlight. Smaller because it was distant, not because it was actually smaller in size. It was red and seemed to be pulsating. A small, red,
pulsating light……so what? Well this light MOVED! It moved left then right, up then down. It came closer and then moved away. It was fast, not
super fast, but fast nonetheless. It did this for just over a minute and then it was gone. Disappearing behind the trees, gone.
I allowed myself a few minutes to be sceptical. It could have been this, it could have been that etc. But I knew I was just delaying the inevitable.
What I saw was a UFO. Now I wasn’t thinking I had just witnessed an alien air show, not at all. I mean UFO in its actual meaning – an Unidentified
Flying Object. Nothing more, nothing less.
Anyway I was happy. I had just witnessed my first UFO. Little did I know it would not be my last……
Five days later, it happened again. This time it lasted all of thirty seconds but was my favourite of the two sightings. It seemed to be the same
craft. With its distinctive red pulsating glow. However it was closer than before. What made this one so exciting was its exit. It didn’t move
behind some trees or stage left/right, out of my view. Instead it shot into the distance. Beyond the horizon and beyond the distance my eyes were
capable of seeing. It reminded me of the beginning of Star Trek: The Next Generation when the ship zooms off into the distance and turns into a bright
light. It was truly spectacular.
Now I know what you’re thinking because I would be thinking the exact same. Where are the photos? Well there aren’t any. Both sightings combined
lasted just over one minute thirty and I was too engrossed in what I was seeing to avert my gaze. I did think about it though, but I reminded myself
that my phone (I had no camera) was old and would be useless anyway.
I couldn’t believe it. Two sightings in the space of a week. Obviously I sat up late every night starring out of my window just in case it happened
again, but nothing.
But what happened next was even stranger……
It was Wednesday July 22nd. I was sitting in the bus depot waiting for my bus to take me home. I had been shopping, nothing had caught my eye. It was
raining, overcast and dark. Only two in the afternoon, but thanks to the black clouds, it was dark.
As I was sitting a man joined me. I say joined me and not sat next to me because he sat close like a friend would, not a stranger. I don’t know
about you but when faced with the same situation I tend to sit far enough away to give some space, but close enough as to be friendly and sociable.
I had noticed his proximity but continued to stare straight forward. In my peripheral I could see he was doing the same. It stayed that way for
several seconds before he spoke.
“Nice day isn’t it?”
His voice was deep, but not out of place. What I found interesting was the way he said it. There was not a hint of sarcasm. His face didn’t change.
He genuinely thought it was a nice day. Now I really don’t mind the rain or the cold, I actually quite like days like this. But when someone says
such a thing as that, even if they actually don’t mind such weather, they usually always say it sarcastically. It’s a good ice breaker in such
social situations.
Even though I had detected no sarcasm, I gave the usual affirmative sarcastic answer, “Yer, lovely.”
He stayed starring ahead but I looked to my left at him.
My first impression was that he definitely stood out. Even with him sitting I could tell he was tall. He must have been about 6’4, although I’m
not great at sizing people up. He was balding, with some hair around the sides and back of his head. He had dark brown eyes and a very distinct bone
structure. Like I said, if you were passing him in the street you may pay special notice to him, mainly because of his height, but he was nothing
Now I thought about whether or not to include the next section. Mainly because I thought that it may discredit me.
Me and my friends are always playing a game while were out and about. The look-a-like game. Its pretty self explanatory, if we see someone who looks
like a famous person we point them out. It has become somewhat of an obsession amongst us, with us all wanting to get the best one.
Why is he telling me this?
The man at the bus stop looked like this:
Now the reason I wasn’t going to include this bit may have become apparent to some of you. The man in the picture is an actor called Carel
Struycken. You may recognise him from the film Men In Black, I certainly did. A film in which he played an alien. Now do you see why?
Anyway, that’s what the man in the bus stop looked like. He was wearing a trench coat with a white polo top, beige trousers and dark shoes.