posted on Jul, 29 2009 @ 12:51 AM
What do u mean by TSHTF? Like a nuclear war... a giant meteor hitting Earth, polar shift?
I wouldnt survive by myself for one thing. I would survive with a group of people. All around my age. Which is 15. Since i live up in the mountains, i
would probably make a hole as a shelter. Find a hight point, then dig down from there. So i wouldnt have to worry about floods or getting covered in
stuff. If i knew it was coming, would buy the lights that plants can grow with. So i can grow food right in my home. Maybe it could be a
semi-permanent shelter. Not just to weather out the shtf, but also to be afterwards.
I already made a drawing of this, all i need to do is dig it out and buy the seeds and lamps.