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Homosexuality Should Be Banned -

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posted on Jul, 29 2009 @ 01:31 AM
Am I a complete moron or does your thread title have absolutely no relevance to your post?

Maybe I am missing something here? Are you trying to use a shocking headline to lure people into your thread? If so it worked for me. I came to see what the reasoning would be for banning Homosexuality. Is my ATS messed up or something?

That is like me starting a thread saying "New Video of UFO!" and then having a thread discussing Soccer.

posted on Jul, 29 2009 @ 01:33 AM

Originally posted by audas

That would be religion - specifically Christianity which is about the most intolerant of all the bigoted one eyed repressive regimes ever to rule humanity - without the most intolerant organised association on the planet - I really can not think of anything as intolerant - Nazism hasn't even killed as many people for being - well - different....

Wow kid, Jesus pissed in your cornflakes and now you got to rant like an intolerant bibliobigoted brat announcing the galaxies that evil Christianity has invaded and the trillions and trillions of people it killed being the cause of every war and lets not forget the billions and billions of woman burned for being witchs. to think something like that was done by idiots you say?

And now it is almost dead? That all depends on which study you look at and where. I do agree with the title though as misleading as it had to be to get anyone in here otherwise just so we can see yet ONE MORE Christian hating bigot whining like someone beat you up for your milk money again. Christianity is an anvil that has worn out more hammers of liltle forum warriors like yourself using ATS to mount your activist assault on that damn Christianity with all its stupid retarded idiots who just can't get it, just don't seem to notice how great you are with your staggering intellect. They will be around longer than you'll ever live long enough to appreciate.

Your thread isn't going to change thatm in the mean time, you might want to try some anger management courses or subject yourself to some Bible study to learn tolerance.

I hear the kids having problems tolerating gays get taught a lot a stuff about fisting and barebacking because it will make the kids real tolerant of gays. It seems to be doing the opposite with the kids parents however and they seem to be coming BACK to church again.

Strange,, I wonder what could be causing that

BTW, Global Warming is the most idiotic form of junk science ever to insult the average human intelligence. I don't even know how you can talk about how stupid Religion is in the same voice you let us all know where your own lack of gray matter has led you to believe.

You probably think Al Gore really did invent the internet

Global warming pfffft sheesh that was funny

[edit on 29-7-2009 by Cypher-X]

posted on Jul, 29 2009 @ 01:44 AM
Interesting that someone with no first hand experience or real grounds for argument would label a diverse country of 300-350 million people as backwards and bigoted. Even more interesting is that you label a religion so open to interpretation as set in stone, and compounding on top of that you ignore the fact that it worships the same god as Judaism and Islam, with more or less the same "peace, love, compassion" message taught by their respective chosen prophets.

In fact, you seem more bigoted against religion than the leaders you claim to disdain are bigoted against gays (they're not [openly] against gays, just gay marriage. And many gays, btw, are christian, i happen to know a handful myself).

And this isn't even getting into all the good churches do for their communities. They're truly a force of good in most cases.

Also, it seems to escape a lot of peoples minds, but we're a decidedly SECULAR state, and have been for some 220 years now.

And we're a republic, not a democracy, thank you very much.

[edit on 29-7-2009 by djon01]

posted on Jul, 29 2009 @ 02:12 AM
reply to post by djon01

First and foremost, Christianity does not worship the same god as islam or )udaism, they are vastly different. the Muslim god and )ewish god preach hate and destruction, Whereas the Christian God preaches love and peace. )ust look at the difference between the God in the old testament ( )ewish God ) and the God of the New Testament ( Christian God) the old testament is vengeful and angry, whereas the New Testament God is full of Love, compassion and Forgiveness. Our farcial Governments now days would have us believe that the Gods are the same, but there is only one god, God, Father of Lord )esus Christ. Go to any Muslim country or Israel, and you will find that they do not consider the Gods to be the same at all.

And America is a "Presidential Democracy" not a republic

[edit on 29/7/09 by fapython]

posted on Jul, 29 2009 @ 03:37 AM
reply to post by audas

Its a shame that people such as yourself are so intolerant of other people's beliefs... such as the belief that gay sex is a sin. I believe extorted taxes is a wrong. Yet you may very well support involuntary taxes. And if so I'm not going to hate on you for that. I just wish people wouldn't hate on Christians for their beliefs like the man in the video. He couldn't even think straight he was so filled with hate. He was trying to give a speech and couldn't do it because of hate. Maybe you think its great the guy has a very severe superiority complex and arrogance about him but I find it disgusting.

A few people say "religion is the root of all evil", yet if there was no religion people would simply do the same exact things for different reasons. Lack of religion didn't stop Stalin. If people didn't dislike homosexuality due to what the Bible told them they'd simply dislike it for other reasons. You would probably say the Bible was entirely made up. If so, they put in the part about homosexuality being a sin for non-religious reasons. The idea came from somewhere and if not from God then from a guy who just plain thought homosexuality was a sin so much that they added that belief into their religion when it wasn't there in the first place.

posted on Jul, 29 2009 @ 03:51 AM
reply to post by djon01

You might say you are a secular state but i've yet to hear of a President who doesn't have to be a Christian (or at least, pretend to be).

posted on Jul, 29 2009 @ 10:11 AM
OP not here so it seems he would not mind. We say exactly as he stated:

posted on Jul, 29 2009 @ 10:20 AM

Originally posted by fapython
reply to post by djon01

First and foremost, Christianity does not worship the same god as islam or )udaism, they are vastly different. the Muslim god and )ewish god preach hate and destruction, Whereas the Christian God preaches love and peace. )ust look at the difference between the God in the old testament ( )ewish God ) and the God of the New Testament ( Christian God) the old testament is vengeful and angry, whereas the New Testament God is full of Love, compassion and Forgiveness. Our farcial Governments now days would have us believe that the Gods are the same, but there is only one god, God, Father of Lord )esus Christ. Go to any Muslim country or Israel, and you will find that they do not consider the Gods to be the same at all.

And America is a "Presidential Democracy" not a republic

[edit on 29/7/09 by fapython]

You're damn wrong about this.

BEFORE 1940s-1960s AD, Jewish could stop by and pray in any Muslim mosque.

posted on Jul, 29 2009 @ 10:22 AM
Well I agree that homosexuals should be banned...but only the male ones!
there is nothing more beautiful than two gorgeous women kissing.

[edit on 29-7-2009 by PainRain]

posted on Jul, 29 2009 @ 11:21 AM
reply to post by fapython

We elect officials to lead the country, we don't all have a direct vote for policy.
last i checked that was a republic.

It's like Benjamin Franklin said to the woman as he walked out of the constitutional convention. She asked "what have you given us?" and he replied "A republic, if you can keep it."

posted on Jul, 29 2009 @ 11:25 AM
reply to post by phoenix103

People elect our leaders, unfortunately, based on who they identify with. As most of our country is Christian, this makes a Christian the obvious choice. However, we do NOT allow preaching in public schools, nor do we allow any law restricting or imposing religious beliefs.

Hell, our founding fathers weren't even (proper) Christians.... though George Washington did speak of "Providence" (his name for god) often in his journal.

posted on Jul, 29 2009 @ 01:07 PM
reply to post by audas

Wow, you are so misinformed. Your distorted xenophobic view of americans is simply ridiculous. If you weren't discredited after "religion is almost entirely dead amongst well educated", you were discredited the next line down with every other word you typed. And what? you post a video to an American crime show? What the heck is your point?

Just because you see a clint eastwood movie doesn't mean it's how all Americans act. My guess is you don't have any American friends, and you've never been to America. So stick to what you know please. America isn't to blame, we all are. Take responsibility and stop looking for a scapegoat. You are the one in denial, my friend.

Religious fanaticism is everywhere. Go to the middle east. Go to Europe, Go to North Korea. it's not in one place. It's all point of view.

& BTW I'm not American. I'm England born and raised. (But I do live in America).

I don't know why you're so bitter over Americans (or christians), but I honestly hope that you find peace with yourself and stop looking to add more hatred to the world.

(I won't get into global warming, because most people just blindly believe it's all man made without seeing any scientific proof, so figure it out yourself. But if you came to America you'd see how much of the "green" revolution is all over the country. We're obsessed.)


posted on Dec, 5 2009 @ 01:51 AM
Did you know that some animals and plants are hermaphroditism?

In humans, hermaphroditism is an extremely rare sex anomaly. A true hermaphrodite is an individual who has both ovarian and testicular tissue. The ovarian and testicular tissue may be separate, or the two may be combined in what is called an ovotestis. Hermaphrodites have sex chromosomes showing male-female mosaicism (where one individual possesses both the male XY and female XX chromosome pairs). Most often, but not always, the chromosome complement is 46,XX, and in every such individual there also exists evidence of Y chromosomal material on one of the autosomes (any of the 22 pairs of chromosomes other than the sex chromosomes). Individuals with a 46,XX chromosome complement usually have ambiguous external genitalia with a sizable phallus and are therefore often reared as males. However, they develop breasts during puberty and menstruate and in only rare cases actually produce sperm. Individuals with the external appearance of one sex but the chromosomal constitution and reproductive organs of the opposite sex are examples of pseudohermaphroditism.

Did you know that there are many species of animals that display homosexuality as well:
Homosexual behavior is widespread amongst social birds and mammals, particularly the sea mammals and the primates.[3]

"No species has been found in which homosexual behaviour has not been shown to exist, with the exception of species that never have sex at all, such as sea urchins and aphids. Moreover, a part of the animal kingdom is hermaphroditic, truly bisexual. For them, homosexuality is not an issue."
—Petter Bøckman[3]

Animal sexual behavior takes many different forms, even within the same species and the motivations for and implications of their behaviors have yet to be fully understood. Bagemihl's research shows that homosexual behavior, not necessarily sex, has been observed in close to 1500 species, ranging from primates to gut worms, and is well documented for 500 of them.[5][6]

There is another good article on this here:

What if mankind is developing towards that end on a physical level?

Some theorist that say there are many different species of "alien" life forms and that the human specie's DNA has been and is being "tinkered with yet again" by splicing in various other specie's DNA, mixing it in with our own and that some of these various species are themselves hermaphrodite or homosexual as well.

In a previous post I said the soul has no color, no gender.

We as a species must stop the hate and the being so judgemental of another as long as that "other" is not forcing "another" against their will.

If there are two conscenting adults, it is really no one elses business whom "another" choses to love.

Human kind is "evolving" faster and faster. Maybe our "sexuality" is evolving as well. With the sheer number of people on our planet, we no longer have to "reproduce". There are already enough of us. Sex was meant to also "be fun", a "pleasure".

Sometimes as well we cannot chose whom to love, it just happens (and I am talking about real love not physical / sex).

In the long scheme of things, we "humans" really don't know that much. Some of us think we know it all and try to force others to live their lives the way we think they should even when nobody is being hurt.

Some of us are hanging onto what I personally consider very "primitive" mindsets (religion / not spirituality) and these "mindsets" while in the beginning were useful to bring man along to the point we are at now. However, again in my humble opinion, "religion(s) have outlived their "usefulness".

It is most of these primitive religious beliefs that are holding humanity back from realizing his/her true potential.

Mankind and Earth are evolving.

We are coming closer to "The creator source / the whole"

Many can feel it, like a storm coming. Particularly the younger ones.

Possibly instead of discussing who is mating with whom we should all really be discussing the "Garbage Patch"

The Great Pacific Garbage Patch, also described as the Eastern Garbage Patch or the Pacific Trash Vortex, is a gyre of marine litter in the central North Pacific Ocean located roughly between 135° to 155°W and 35° to 42°N and estimated to be twice the size of Texas.[1] The patch is characterized by exceptionally high concentrations of suspended plastic and other debris that have been trapped by the currents of the North Pacific Gyre. Despite its size and density, the patch is not visible from satellite photography because it consists of very, very small pieces, almost invisible to the naked eye [2] and most of its contents are suspended beneath the surface of the ocean. [3]

or Why we are all allowing the statistics below to continue to our fellow brothers and sisters.

On the average, 1 person dies every second as a result of hunger - 4000 every hour - 100 000 each day - 36 million each year - 58 % of all deaths (2001-2004 estimates).[10][11][12]

On the average, 1 child dies every 5 seconds as a result of hunger - 700 every hour - 16 000 each day - 6 million each year - 60% of all child deaths (2002-2008 estimates) (Warning picture at this site are very disturbing.

Globally between 13 to 18 million die each year from starvation.

That last sentence alone should have brought a gut wrenching reaction from you.

If it didn't you maybe are not human or if most people reading that last sentence don't care, maybe we as a species should be allowed to become extinct like the dinosaurs.

I base that statistical number from here year from starvation on this planet.

There are so many stupid threads that are getting attention here on ATS: Why did God let the dinosaurs die, why does "god" not heal amputees, heck ask why "God" lets 13-18 millions souls starve to death each year (many are innocent children).

Folks, we all of us together are "god". Religion, at one time was useful. Now it's holding us back from our true spiritual potential.

If we as a species are truely ever going to progress, we have got to stop the hate and the indifference.

Whom one choses to love and be with is really nobody else's business.

Just maybe worry about your own individual soul's progress. Are you showing love and kindness towards others (humans and animals)?

How about the many hugh problems we as a species are having on this planet right now that if not "solved" might very well mean the termination of our very own species?

The underlining cause of most major problems we as a species face today is due in part to either hate, indifference and the stubborn hanging onto outdated beliefs.

Mankind needs to evolve (grow up).

Religion is dying out because it has outlived it's usefulness and is now a detriment to the planet.

All the killing, the wars, the misery - in the name of religion and "god".

We all together are "god" - like drops of water (us) and the ocean (god).

Each person reading this has experienced a "longing" a "yearning".

That "yearning" is the individual soul, the deep innerness of you that has splintered off from the "whole/god" wanting to get back to that whole but forgetting how to get back.

The answer is love and trying to be a decent, kind loving "service to others" type of person.

Not the smiling, barbie doll perky smile and saying have a nice day and then playing some "office games" so "you can survive" at the expense of someone else even though you innerly know it's wrong, or cutting someone off in traffic or knowing someone is walking towards the same elevator you are on and if you would hold that elevator just a minute longer they could make it.

Each day, in tiny little ways we humans are "tested" we experience our karma and make or pay back that karma (what goes around comes around).

So many important issues and ATS and I guess many of the people here just don't pick up on the really important stuff that could make a difference.

Whom someone choses to love, no matter what sex is really nobody else's business.

I wonder why the Fundamentalist have to keep picking away at this all in the name of "god".

Lastly love don't hate. It is the hate that is holding all of us back.

Start worrying about the major stuff we as a species need to address and leave the silly stuff (Lucy loves Lulu) to Lucy and Lulu.

I will give you a list of what I consider important issues we all should be addressing:

World population -
Starvation -

Birth control -
Disease -
Exploiting of human resources (greed of some for the whole pie and how the rest of us let them do this by our voting in people who compromise their moral obligations)
Cleaning up our planet so we all don't drown in our own poop

Child abuse
Animal abuse
Elderly abuse
War and the number of victims (souls) that alone claims each year and forever scares the family that soul leaves behind
Our corrupt politicians .......................the list goes on

We are all in this together. We are all interconnected like legos.

Live long & prosper.

[edit on 5-12-2009 by ofhumandescent]

posted on Dec, 5 2009 @ 02:03 AM

Are you serious, Christianity is still held by over 1/3 of the entire world:

· Christianity: 2.1 billion
· Islam: 1.5 billion
· Secular/Nonreligious/Agnostic/Atheist: 1.1 billion
· Hinduism: 900 million
· Chinese traditional religion: 394 million
· Buddhism: 376 million
· primal-indigenous: 300 million
· African Traditional & Diasporic: 100 million
· Sikhism: 23 million
· Juche: 19 million
· Spiritism: 15 million
· Judaism: 14 million
· Baha'i: 7 million
· Jainism: 4.2 million
· Shinto: 4 million
· Cao Dai: 4 million
· Zoroastrianism: 2.6 million
· Tenrikyo: 2 million
· Neo-Paganism: 1 million
· Unitarian-Universalism: 800 thousand
· Rastafarianism: 600 thousand
· Scientology: 500 thousand

But go ahead and delude yourself for awhile if it makes you feel better, because Islam is going to surpass Christianity shortly. Then you are going to find out what a suppressive religion of control actually is. You think that Christians are tough on the topic of Homosexuality, in Muslim countries it carries a death sentence. The day will come when the folks of the homosexual lobby will be saying “man I miss the Christians, we had it good back in those days”, mark my words…

posted on Dec, 5 2009 @ 02:32 AM
reply to post by defcon5

Just because everyone thought the world was flat 500 years ago did not make it so.

All the wars, the torturing, the murdering in the many names of "god".

Humanity needs to grow up.

Live long and prosper.

posted on Dec, 5 2009 @ 02:47 AM

Originally posted by ofhumandescent
Just because everyone thought the world was flat 500 years ago did not make it so.

This statement is historically inaccurate as many of the claims about the evils of Christianity. Its like a rumor that uneducated people keep spreading around because they heard it somewhere and it sounds like a good slam against the Christians.

first recorded around the 4th century BC by natural philosophers of Classical Greece that the Earth is spherical. The false belief that medieval Christianity believed in a flat earth has been referred to as The Myth of the Flat Earth. In 1945, it was listed by the Historical Association (of Britain) as the second of 20 in a pamphlet on common errors in history.

Originally posted by ofhumandescent
All the wars, the torturing, the murdering in the many names of "god".

Another quote used by the Christian haters of this world, which is grossly inaccurate. Please tell me what religious wars that the Lutherans, Baptists, Methodists, Presbyterians, etc… have fought against others of another religion?

There are only three religions that I am aware of killing people over religion, Muslims, Jews, and Roman Catholics. Muslims fight even amoung themselves, and their war with the Jews is over property not religion. The Crusades and the Inquisitions of the Roman Catholic Church are due to the fact that Roman Catholicism is an extension of the Pagan Roman Empire, and is not considered to be a Christian faith by many Christian Protestant Faiths.

Originally posted by ofhumandescent
Humanity needs to grow up.

And the Christian haters need to not only grow up, but go learn history for themselves and stop spreading the same false anti-Christian rhetoric that they hear from their anti-Christian friends.

Originally posted by ofhumandescent
Live long and prosper.


posted on Dec, 5 2009 @ 02:54 AM

Originally posted by audas
Christianity, along with most other theist religions from the early middle ages, is almost entirely dead amongst well educated, post industrial western democracies -

The delusion of American religion is only matched by the American denial of global warming.........

Says you?, Your data is your own and people like you, it doesn't hold any truth to itself just by your humorous looking declaration. Christianity is only dead within your own heart and through your own eyes. And since you see it as dead, you obviously wouldn't see it alive anywhere , no matter where you looked. I have seen more and more just like you who are always making these claims like you are making and it, and it seems the reason you and they are claiming it quite often is to get confirmation of it from others because you need confirmation you are right, in other words, are you not sure?. Religions dont hurt people, People hurt people and then blame a religion. Even the Catholic Church of the infamous dark ages was not the criminal at that time! IT WAS THE EVIL MEN AND WOMEN that commited attrocities and they did not represent God in any way. They represented themselves only and their own twisted beliefs, which were far from being even remotely Christian. Reverend Wright calls himself a Christian, but he is not a Christian because his acts and his feelings are not Christ like. Does that clarify the situation for you?
Because of your self imposed 5 degree field of view vision, you are sadly missing out on all the amazing wonders the universe has to offer. I hope some day you get to truly see.

posted on Dec, 5 2009 @ 03:15 AM

Originally posted by TurkeyBurgers
Am I a complete moron or does your thread title have absolutely no relevance to your post?

Maybe I am missing something here? Are you trying to use a shocking headline to lure people into your thread? If so it worked for me. I came to see what the reasoning would be for banning Homosexuality. Is my ATS messed up or something?

That is like me starting a thread saying "New Video of UFO!" and then having a thread discussing Soccer.

I concer entirely and don't feel it is possible to respond to the post. It makes an opening statement that portrays the thread out to be on homosexuality, and then goes on to generalize upon religion.
this title/thread combination is either a mistake or deliberate false advertising.
To the replies that want to ban homosexuality - how exactly will you do that? Will you lock us in prison? (No homosexuality there of course - ha!). You better be ready to lock up all your teenage sons, who go through a natural phase of experimentation.
It's pretty obvious that the more homophobic a group or people are on the surface, the more gay sex goes on behind the scenes (a case of "forbidden fruit" tasting the sweetest?). Considering this, be prepared to lock up or cruelly stone to death many of your evangelists, priests and pastors.

posted on Dec, 5 2009 @ 03:40 AM

Originally posted by halfoldman
Considering this, be prepared to lock up or cruelly stone to death many of your evangelists, priests and pastors.

No, only Priests.
Out of the mainstream religions, this is only a problem in the Roman Catholic Church. There is a reason why it is a problem with them, it has to do with their doctrine, and their place in history. First off the RCC came from the Roman Empire, where such things were somewhat common. Even going back at least as far as Ancient Greece, maybe even back past Babylon. Basically, in all the “Beast” Empires of the world that are mentioned in the Bible, such things seemed to occur. The second reason why is because the RCC is the only church which, in contradiction to the Bible, celibacy is a requirement for their members of the cloth. There is a reason why the Bible says that a Bishop is to be “Husband to one wife”, its because they are to be married, and thereby less apt to any type of temptation.

posted on Dec, 5 2009 @ 11:43 AM
reply to post by defcon5

I was referring to adult homosexuality and not pedophilia. The child abuse in the Catholic Church is also not gender specific, the revelations in Ireland for example include several cases of raped and molested girls. I suppose the access to boys is easier for priests. Some other organizations that have recently faced law suits from former abuse victims are the Mormons and Boy Scouts.
In Islam some of the most fundamentalist groups have been implicated in pedophilia (FrontPage Magazine - Boys of the Taliban In Hinduism modern gay relationships have been controversial, but the faith allows for a third gender - men who live like women, engage in homosexuality and even marry the God Aravan. Before colonialism the eastern faiths had ferw sanctions against homosexuality.
Fundamentalist Christian gay scandals are numerous (see According to Rick Ross' "Cult News" a more high-profile scandal involved TBN's Paul Crouch, and the organization paid off a former employee $450 000 not to take Crouch to court (well with a wife like that, are we surprised? - a nice use of tithe money however). Despite the happy family act on screen, Paul and Jan apparently live apart in private.
What is more common (we've had some cases in South Africa and Uganda) is pastors who sleep with their daughters and even sometimes use Lot's incest in Genesis 19 as a justification. Here is a more shocking US version:
The argument that abuse or even consenting adult homosexuality is limited to any one church is thus totally wrong. The idea that marriage saves people from temptation is also not proven in any sense.

[edit on 5-12-2009 by halfoldman]

[edit on 5-12-2009 by halfoldman]

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