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Multiculturalism and Miscegenation. Benefit to Civilisation or grave danger ?

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posted on Jul, 29 2009 @ 02:15 PM
When I was 10 years old I remember wondering why I was born a white girl instead of a black boy. I didn't knew people hated each other because of their skin, but once I found out, I was appalled. The epitomy of ignorance gone wild.

posted on Jul, 29 2009 @ 03:23 PM

Originally posted by Hazelnut
When I was 10 years old I remember wondering why I was born a white girl instead of a black boy. I didn't knew people hated each other because of their skin, but once I found out, I was appalled. The epitomy of ignorance gone wild.

Absolutely true.
Star for you.

posted on Jul, 29 2009 @ 05:56 PM

Originally posted by Aeons
Horse poop.

Africa has shifts. Just because they aren't as extreme on the cold end does not mean they aren't there. You survive a day of +50C.

Innu and Innuit should be the smartest people on the planet by your theory.

An Australian Aboriginie would kill you off by taking you for a walk on a big empty seeming plain, and then "losing" you - because they have WAY better spatial perception. Survive that smarty pants.

So it is: the Eskimo peoples are, on average better than whites on IQ tests, and a looot better than the average Blacks, which not necessarily means that they are worse humans. About the plus 50 C temperatures: we talk here more about the inteligence not personal tolerance/resistance to the hot climate.
Anyway you forgot still the Russians, the Slavs in general who would kill You off simply by inviting you to their vodka party )

[edit on 29-7-2009 by ZenOnKwalsky]

posted on Jul, 29 2009 @ 10:41 PM
reply to post by DaisyAnne

Opinions based on emotions or ideological nonsense are just pathetic. Which is exactly what you are doing. You are infatuated with the egalitarian ideal of everyone being made equal that you cannot see it any other way, even though scientific data and evidence point to the contrary. You my friend are what people would call a fanatic.

So i can freely admit that "racism" is wrong when it is based on raw emotions or an ideology when there is no data or evidence to back it up. But the thing is, this book has all the data and evidence and makes quite alot of sense. So what now, even though the data and evidence proves some races are superiour to others, we are suppose to just ignore it because it is different to mass opinion and not the answer we want it to be? That my friend is a tyrannical soviet way of thinking that will only lead to grave problems down the line in the future.

So please, deny ignorance and open your eyes to the truth.

PS. and for your information, when you claim that by my logic the innuit should score higher then whites. That is a plane lie which shows you obviously have no understanding of what you read. The logic which i stated would show that the innuit would not score higher because they are not subjected to the seasonal conditions that white people are, they are only subjected to the freezing cold.

posted on Jul, 29 2009 @ 11:26 PM
reply to post by fapython

First of all, I did not say anything about Inuits. I'm afraid that you have me mixed up with another poster. It helps if you actually read the responses properly before responding.

Secondly, you ask, so what now? Let me try and put this simply for you:

Human beings are massively complex, seething balls of contradictions. We are all shades of grey, we are all different. If you honestly think that every single person of one race is either superior or inferior to every single person in another race, then I feel sorry for you. I really do.

I did a google search on this book you are frantically using to support your opinions, which I suspect you formed long before reading it. What I came across was that the people who were raving about it were all on racist, white supremacist messageboards. Now, at least those people were not trying to hide their horrible ideals behind the facade that you are. What would you like to call it? Anti-Miscegenation? Race-Realism? Politically Incorrect? Well, whatever you call it, it is just the rotting carcass of racism dressed in new clothes. I can see through you as plain as day.

You speak of scientific data? Another man used scientific data to prove that Africans were in fact smarter than whites.

"In an analysis of Census Bureau data by the Journal of Blacks in higher education, African immigrants to the United States were found more likely to be college educated than any other immigrant group, which included those from Europe, North America and Asia (see also Nisbett, 2002; U.S. Bureau of the Census, 2000)."

"African immigrants have also been shown to be more highly educated than any native-born ethnic group including white and Asian Americans (Logan & Deane, 2003; Williams, 2005; The Economist, 1996; Arthur, 2000; Selassie, 1998; Nisbett, 2002)."

"The United States, when matched for IQ with Whites, American Blacks have been shown to demonstrate superior “Working Memory” (Nijenhuis et al., 2004). This is an interesting finding, as African Americans are typically taught by less qualified teachers (e.g. non-certified teachers and teachers with limited experience) than their white counterparts, and are provided with less challenging school work (Hallinan 1994; Diamond et al., 2004; Uhlenberg and Brown 2004). In Chicago, for example, the vast majority of schools placed on academic probation as part of the district accountability efforts were majority African-American and low-income (Diamond and Spillane 2004). Thus, it is somewhat surprising that African Americans should outperform white Americans on any portion of a paper and pencil test designed to mimic the structures of western style schooling (Richardson, 2000, 2002)."

Scientific data is just that -- data. It can be interpreted to fit the given pet theory. In fact, if you are as determined as the man who wrote this book, or the man who wrote the above paragraphs that I quoted, then I guarantee that if you started off with any old premise, and went through sifting out only the data that you needed to support your already formed theory, you could accomplish the affirmation of any number of outlandish claims.

I'm not trying to change your mind, because I can see that there is no hope for you. But I will not sit quietly by whilst people spew out hateful garbage like this.

posted on Jul, 30 2009 @ 02:22 AM
reply to post by DaisyAnne

OK. My mistake, i misread who posted it.

so first off

Human beings are massively complex, seething balls of contradictions

Can you please explain what is so contradictory about humans.

Secondly, don't put words into my mouth, i never said that every single person of one race is superiour or inferiour to every single person of the other race. There are outliers in every population, you can get a genius negro and you can also get a retarded european the fact of the matter is the vast majority is superiour. People are less individual then you actually think. Genetics has alot more to say in the way we live our lives then people would believe. This can explain why the British have more explorers disproportionatley compared with other peoples, and why negroes are disproportionately represented in prison system compared to the other racial groups.

With your claim on how this man used sd to prove africans were smarter then whites, this is entirely not true, he hasn't shown that what so ever. By showing that African Immigrants to the US we more likely to be college educated even to europeans. Does that honestly suprise you ? with affirmative action and other government sponsored nonsense, like the amount of certain races you need. The africans can enter college being heavily subsidised by the government, they need lower marks and can get in with a lower standard on alot of things. This for your information is also true in everything, such as jobs etc.

This reason can also explain your second point of being more highly educated.

You then go on to explain how negroes have superiour Working Memory. That proves nothing about intelligence.

Working memory is a theoretical construct within cognitive psychology as to the structures and processes used for temporarily storing and manipulating information in short-term memory.

Since when is intelligence measured in short term memory ? and also the United States is hardly the place where you would get accurate data for your studies as the majority have been heavily indoctrinated with egalitarian nonsense, and treated like second class citisens.

You claim you did a google search and that the people raving about it where white supremacist message board. Can i ask what did you honestly expect to find? if the average every day person read this, society now wouldn't be in such a blightful situation we find ourselves in today. Can you please name a country in this whole entire world, where white people are treated as first class citisens ?

and i would like to end this on this note. You call this "Hateful Garbage" ;when you haven't read this book i might add, but every single white population in the world has a declining birth rate and an ageing population. Every single white nation has mass immigration (there was no referendum or asking whether the inhabitants of the country wanted this). Immigrants from the third world, who want to keep their degenerate culture, who have a soaring birthrate will soon out breed us. By 2050, every single white nation on this planet, we will be a minority. By 2100 we shall equate to 0.9% of the whole entire worlds population, when 200 years before we were 33%. The immigrants who are minority now, get all the benefits, lower standards, school places, jobs etc. over us. If they get arrested or do something wrong, the police are labelled racist, the immigrant is really the victim of racism. If people dont want this, or question it, they are labelled racist and white supremacist (racism = word created by trotsky of soviet union to control the soviets peoples thinking). The government of our country at the moment just let it happen, they do nothing to alleviate our ills, or our declining birth rate. They just import more immigrants. What do you think destroyed the Persians, Egyptians, Greeks, Romans and is now in the process of destroying us, Mass Immigration.

My problem is that there is evidence out there that the races are inferiour/superiour but our governments ignore it, and keep on bringing unwanted people in and allow them to mix which in the long term will be very bad for the people. The coloured people of the world hated it when their countries were being colonised by foreigners, so why should we Europeans be any different ???

It's people like you who are blinded by this egalitarian utopian ideology that everyone is equal, that will eventually kill off the Europeans. I hope you will put aside your idiocracy and read the book, then hopefully your opinion will change and if not, i feel sorry for you.

posted on Jul, 30 2009 @ 03:00 AM
This ''mix it up'' strategy is an attack. It is an anti-Western and anti-Capitalist attack. This idea is pushed in mainstream media and especially television shows, movies and cartoons. Non-Jewish persons are supposed to accept this call to interbreed and lose their identity.

The more people blend together, the more they lose their identity and strength.

Notice that the Jewish people are by definition the most racist by keeping to themselves and breeding within the Jewish population. Only rarely do they breed with outsiders and then it is a Jewish woman breeding with a non-Jewish man in order to gain entry into new territory such as ''black community'' or ''politically powerful family'' or ''wealthy family''. This way the offspring is Jewish from a Jewish woman, and that offspring will pay allegiance to Jewish identity and Jewish group strategy. A Jewish male breeding with a non-Jewish female will not be looked upon kindly.

I have personally heard Jews express dislike for other races. To them, they think it is alright for you, not them. They would like to see you interbreed.

My post is not telling you that interbreeding is bad or telling you to do it or not to do it. You do what you want. I have no opinion on the matter. You do what you want. Men and women make their choices.

posted on Jul, 30 2009 @ 03:18 AM
reply to post by NathanNewZealand

I don't care what people say, there is NO justification for racism of any kind and white supremacism is utter garbage that should stay where it belongs, which is in a trash can.

posted on Jul, 30 2009 @ 03:20 AM
reply to post by THX-1138

I think that without interbreeding, we wouldn't be here.

It's pretty sad to read about the mentalities of some folks here.

posted on Jul, 30 2009 @ 03:30 AM

Originally posted by Janitor From Mars
reply to post by NathanNewZealand

I don't care what people say, there is NO justification for racism of any kind and white supremacism is utter garbage that should stay where it belongs, which is in a trash can.

So Black supremacism and jewish supremacism is alright then ? Racism is what protects races. If it wasn't for the racism of our forfathers look at where we would be today.

Look for example at mexico, the people there are a result of mixing the white european spaniards with the coloured native american indians. They are a "Mixed" race and look at the state of mexico. Crime is rampant, 2nd or 3rd world country, people want to leave and go to other country. Kidnapping happens all the time etc. This will happen to Europe and the other western countries if we don't stop it. Wake up from your ignorance

[edit on 30/7/09 by fapython]

posted on Jul, 30 2009 @ 06:44 PM
reply to post by fapython

I'd be happy to explain what is so contradictory about human beings. We are a mass of neuroses, nature, nurture, complexes, emotions, impulses. These parts of ourselves contradict each other on a regular basis. We are complex creatures.

IQ tests do not take into account any socio-economic factors, and therefore the experiment is impure. If you took two boys of different races, raised in exactly the same way, having had exactly the same life experiences, exactly the same education, exactly the same emotional development, then you could have yourself a pure experiment. This is not the case, however.

As to your contention that African immigrants are better educated than European immigrants because they get special treatment, I must correct you. I am talking about African immigrants from Africa, and if you are trying to tell me that the education system in Africa is superior to the education systems in Europe, then I cannot conceive of how far your head is buried in the sand.

You want to believe that your race is superior.
This is all you are going to believe.
Your opinion is skewed and no matter what you want to hide it behind, it is racism.

posted on Jul, 30 2009 @ 11:01 PM
reply to post by fapython

White supremacists seem to have several voices here, hence the reply. When black or jewish supremacists show up, they'll be ridiculed too as well.

Hal Turner has said some interesting things over time but when the dust settles, he is still a hateful white supremacist.

[edit on 30-7-2009 by Janitor From Mars]

posted on Aug, 1 2009 @ 12:24 AM

Originally posted by DaisyAnne
reply to post by fapython

I'd be happy to explain what is so contradictory about human beings. We are a mass of neuroses, nature, nurture, complexes, emotions, impulses. These parts of ourselves contradict each other on a regular basis. We are complex creatures.

IQ tests do not take into account any socio-economic factors, and therefore the experiment is impure. If you took two boys of different races, raised in exactly the same way, having had exactly the same life experiences, exactly the same education, exactly the same emotional development, then you could have yourself a pure experiment. This is not the case, however.

As to your contention that African immigrants are better educated than European immigrants because they get special treatment, I must correct you. I am talking about African immigrants from Africa, and if you are trying to tell me that the education system in Africa is superior to the education systems in Europe, then I cannot conceive of how far your head is buried in the sand.

You want to believe that your race is superior.
This is all you are going to believe.
Your opinion is skewed and no matter what you want to hide it behind, it is racism.

Then You must know quite diffrent kind of african immigrants... Sorry I really hard tried to stay silent- I know some inteligent , well educated and simply good African peoples- its because of my respect for them, not because of PC I will tell the minimum possible but here in Europe we have seemingly, concerning the newcomers from Africa some kind of negative selection (I dont know from how many years)...thats all.
Or being in America and talking about "the african immigrants" You mean B. Obama?? from statistic point of view- for how many average immigrants you count him?!)

The second question:
If You believe in evolution why then you exclude the humans from its influence???? If there was hundrets of thausands of years of tough natural conditions, eliminating the less adopted organisms(HUMANS) so then some of us are better and some worse adopted to certain natural conditions, climates etc. Or you negate Evolution theory?...are you???
You need to face this : PEOPLE ARE NOT THE SAME- we are not robot-units, or the Fords-T model, but differently painted- there is more differences between us that the "paint"...from the same factory! And the live is more interesting because of it...
There is only one way we can be percieved as the same (maybe the most important) Its in the eyes of God...

[edit on 1-8-2009 by ZenOnKwalsky]

posted on Aug, 1 2009 @ 01:26 AM
Wow, using a "test" to learn the IQ of other cultures, how drool. Personally, i thought that line of thinking was extinct in light of other factors.

Oh well, i guess those that actually think they are genetically superior to others based on skin color will use fallible arguments to back up their position.

I wonder what the critics and pundits think of this piece..

posted on Aug, 1 2009 @ 01:45 AM
reply to post by fapython

Look at the claims that book makes man. It's completely ludicrous! (Ludda!
I know because i'm reading the site, i bookmarked it, me and my boys have are gonna clown this fool, just because you have a degree it doesn't make you smarter than the next person.

Why don't they test some of those chinese peasents..and see how smart they are!

I love how in chapte 15, this guy uses a book from 1974 with an obvious cultural bias, this junk is hilarous because people like you are taking it seriously! Must be some exhausting "research". To totally blow that whole chapter out of the water and the books whole hypothesis..then how do you explain the pre-columbian central american empires!

Definitely, hits the bricks have some more research to do.

posted on Aug, 1 2009 @ 01:48 AM
reply to post by fapython

In response to have no idea of how those tribal Africans live or what they do. Colder climates require smarter people, ha!

Then the eskimos are smarter than Caucasians because that's what your implying.

Your views on this matter are just plain racist man, that is why you are clinging to your viewpoints and using this horrendous book to back up your claim. Peroid.

If it walks like a duck and quacks like a duck, then...?

[edit on 1-8-2009 by cenpuppie]

posted on Aug, 1 2009 @ 01:52 AM
reply to post by DaisyAnne

That right hit'em in the mouth!!

posted on Aug, 1 2009 @ 03:52 AM
reply to post by cenpuppie

Oh well, i guess those that actually think they are genetically superior to others based on skin color will use fallible arguments to back up their position.

I couldn't agree more, to say you are superiour based on skin colour alone is rediculous so they would need to use fallible arguments. BUT, for those who think they are superiour based on all their genes is quite a different matter. The dna for skin colour is based on a few sequences of genetic information out of a billions, which is why this book is saying Europeans are superiour not because of their skin colour but on all their DNA not )ust a minute section.
Honestly you cant believe we are all identical apart from skin colour ?

To totally blow that whole chapter out of the water and the books whole hypothesis..then how do you explain the pre-columbian central american empires!

Well im sorry to burst your bubble, but the aztec and mayan civilisations were only really architectually advanced, not really in any other way. It was also stated that they believed a white man started their cultures, which is why they thought the Spaniards were the Gods returning to them.

In response to have no idea of how those tribal Africans live or what they do. Colder climates require smarter people, ha! Then the eskimos are smarter than Caucasians because that's what your implying.

Don't put words into my mouth, i never said that. What i said was that season climates needed smarter people, as they are both hot and cold. They would have to have planned to store the foods for the colder months when the food levels would be lower. Eskimo's wouldn't be smarter then caucasians because where they lived is cold all the time, so there food source would be the same all year round. So either you dont have the intelligence necessary to understand this or you simply mis-interpreted what i have said.

posted on Aug, 1 2009 @ 03:06 PM
reply to post by fapython

I would reply, but its apparent from our clashing that you actually believe white people are superior to others, you ARE using that terrible source to back up your imma leave you to your ignorance..

[edit on 1-8-2009 by cenpuppie]

posted on Aug, 4 2009 @ 03:48 PM

Originally posted by cenpuppie
reply to post by fapython

I would reply, but its apparent from our clashing that you actually believe white people are superior to others, you ARE using that terrible source to back up your imma leave you to your ignorance..

[edit on 1-8-2009 by cenpuppie]
Sorry but we are the same only in the eyes of GOD. Period.
The rest upon this Planet depends of what kind of standards You use but if we regard modern world...what we see??...I mean it will probably change in a few decades, considering the topic we talk about here (Multiculturalism etc) But most of the posters here speak, or try to speak English (me!);( All of us here uses the computers invented by peoples of the european origin, when we have to attend important event we dress ourselfes with european styled ties, smokings, dresses simply not to look stupid with some kind of our "native " costumes simply not to look stupid...... and we mostly live in the european styled environment...thats amongst the others why we can still express our opinions least till now...

[edit on 4-8-2009 by ZenOnKwalsky]

[edit on 4-8-2009 by ZenOnKwalsky]

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