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Are cities preparing for "worst case" scenarios?

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posted on Jul, 28 2009 @ 01:59 PM
In Denver, a few days back, the National Guard flew choppers into public areas, as they practiced for an NBC attack (nuclear, chemical, and most importantly, biological). This was near the Pepsi center, and this was also conducted in Colorado Springs and Pueblo, so three major cities in Colorado on the same day.

Link to the article:

This could be nothing, I've felt the swine flu "scare" has been over-hyped from the beginning. However, I don't recall such an event here in the near past. The last such event was practice before the Democratic National Convention rolled into town. Other than that, these are typically done on-base, not in downtown Denver.

Of course, this could just be extra precaution on the part of city officials, they may not be in the "know" of any expected worse breakouts come this fall. Has an other cities been parent to these sorts of drills / practice lately? If so, which cities, and which military or other organizations were involved. If this were more widespread, then that imo, would be a more telling reason to be concerned, than anything else.

posted on Jul, 28 2009 @ 02:31 PM
reply to post by fleabit

I think this all relates to problems with Iran more than the flu stuff. Should a bombing run take place Bushehr would be an obvious target. There are about 1500 Russian workers there and Putin doesn't appear to want to pull them.

There will be Russian casualties. The west seems to feel that Russia should "stand down" during a major confrontation. During the start of the last Olympics a little action was started in South Ossetia. The Russians could have backed off and ceded the area. They didn't.

It was crucial, I feel, to deny access to Russian forces. The operation failed.

To make a long story short, I feel that the Russians will resupply the Iranians in the event anything occurs. Why? Because if they don't the missile defense shield will be expanded.

And Russia is next on the list.

posted on Jul, 28 2009 @ 02:42 PM
reply to post by fleabit

Also, there is another Russian option on Iran. If they feel it is going to be occupied they may think that they could best administer the north and northwest half of the country. Effectively cutting it in half.

The Russians would have the half that has the oil and natural gas. The US would get the other half.

[edit on 28-7-2009 by son of total newbie]

posted on Jul, 28 2009 @ 03:04 PM
What does a nuclear power plant in Russia have to do with National Guard NBC training in Denver, CO?

posted on Jul, 28 2009 @ 04:06 PM

Originally posted by fleabit
What does a nuclear power plant in Russia have to do with National Guard NBC training in Denver, CO?

Good question! There are no bad questions only bad answers.

Bushehr is in Iran, not Russia. For nine long years the Russians have been putting bricks into it in the morning and removing them at night. It is the line in the sand for the Israelis.

The US and Israel would flatten Iran quickly if it weren't for the Russians. Two years ago Putin actually pulled the Russian workers from Bushehr and showed up himself!

There was a Topoff exercise in the US at the time. Looked like another false flagger, this time in Portland. This looked like a "green light" to go until the last day.

Russians start around the clock test bombing runs and training exercises shortly after. Last year during opening ceremonies for the Olympics a problem started in Georgia.

Looked like Russian armored columns were to be drawn out and hit with precision munitions. The Russians brought out the mobile ss-20 rocket launchers.

The west wants another "cakewalk" in Iran. The Russians will resupply Iran, I feel, just the same way they resupplied North Vietnam.

The situation could turn big and nasty in quick order.

[edit on 28-7-2009 by son of total newbie]

posted on Jul, 28 2009 @ 04:21 PM
I don't think this was any sort of training for a military operation. It was the National Guard. I think they were preparing for events on our own soil. The question is if they are planning for the flu outbreak. I can't recall the last time there was such an operation here in Colorado (and in all 3 major cities, as well).

posted on Jul, 28 2009 @ 04:34 PM
reply to post by fleabit

I don't work for any letter agencies, but if I did my assessment on this matter would be the same. Say for instance, if I had to advise a big politician.

It all boils down to this, the Russians will probably resupply the Iranians if they are hit.

The ss-18 is an awesome weapon capable of carrying multiple warheads. If just one of these missiles were to get through everything on the east coast from Washington to Atlanta would be wiped out.

TPTB may not care too much. They have their bunkers and a complete continuity of government backup in Denver.


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