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How Would You.......?

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posted on Oct, 13 2009 @ 02:54 PM
To be honest I would not want anything left of us, if everything was destroyed with the exception of a few people this would give them the opportunity do hopefully get it right, we are not the best example.

posted on Oct, 13 2009 @ 04:58 PM
I would do as the ancients did.
Build large geometric structures all over the world.
The key is mathematics and geometry.
A universal language.
Then i would create a masonic lodge.

posted on Oct, 13 2009 @ 05:23 PM

Originally posted by Cosmic4life
I would do as the ancients did.
Build large geometric structures all over the world.
The key is mathematics and geometry.
A universal language.
Then i would create a masonic lodge.

Was the last one a joke?

posted on Feb, 24 2010 @ 07:15 AM
Scott, first post in here so don't beat me up too bad :-p

I personally think 2012 is a bunch of hooey but if I really wanted to I would hard copy everything in several languages and put the data into those nuclear transport bins that uyou see on the orad taking nuclear waste. Those things are terrifically strong and then bury them. Of course then you have to find a way to get the future to unearth them


posted on Feb, 24 2010 @ 07:40 AM
I guess the best thing to do would be create large stone tablets made from some material that will last. On these tablets I would place simple looking pictures of man, and earth as it looked to us, the earth in relation to the solar system and the sun stars location within the solar system. This would atleast give humanity the oppurtunity to see we today possessed intelligence of the stars and beyond. On these many tables which would be the size of 50 yrds by 50 yrds some may be smaller I would then place pictures of the most important things humanity will face from primitive phase AGAIN SMH such as visuals of human masses dying from disease -famine and wars SHOWING THE MAJOR MISTAKES HUMANITY HAS ENCOUNTERED hopefully preventing them from doing simular mistakes. I would place very informitive data about the current situation that humanity is facing with the INCOMMING e.l.e issue IN GREAT VISUAL DETAIL atleast letting them know SOMETHING HAPPENS EVERY NOW AND THEN THAT RESETS HUMANITY hopefully beginning a process of preperation from that point giving humanity a head start on dealing with potential e.l.e issue EARLY that should help. This way they understand the star the earth and the solar system and how celestial VISITORS INTERACT FROM BEYOND THAT EFFECT EARTH (NEMISIS OF COURSE IM REFERENCING). Hopefully this would help humanity but if this is the FINAL UNIVERSAL CLOSING THEN THIS INFORMATION WOULD MAKE IT TO NO BEING but its still interesting to see how people would try to help out. My 2 cents enjoy

[edit on 2/24/10 by Ophiuchus 13]

posted on Feb, 24 2010 @ 07:47 AM
I saw lots of great thoughts..Crystal imprinting would be interesting. But would prob make it so with light shining through you see the message. Not laser read..Artic seed place I thought would probably be under water,But then who know what would happen. Def would have then all over the place within Things that have been known to last but stick to one langauge. I wouldn't want them learning things to rapidly about anything save what I left them.. Base guidelines things that are common knowledge "Like be good to your neighbor". Religion maybe, but cut down to a deeper earth respecting type.

Seasons and the times of the year,Easier way to grow crops. Maybe some herbology, which plants are good for sickness.Thats imagining of course the flora remains the same.
Plants would have found a new way to adapt, therein taking on a completely different scope of understanding. Allot of what was left I suppose would come in handy only to help a little.

Maybe place one hardest to find and decypher with the message of our doom. How and Why it came to be. Warning people to watch what they do.. Maybe by the time they get to the point of understanding it. It will be a needful message.

Would not mention utopia or atlantis. These might inspire people but they can also lead to people hating their life's for no tangible reason.

I guess thats about it.. But as rule one I suppose I would have to say I am not qualified to lead or assist any other generation of man when I can't even help myself in our present circumstance.. Why put so much work into it,when I don't try to find away to keep tomorrow from happening.

posted on May, 23 2011 @ 11:52 PM
reply to post by Scott Creighton

This is a most interesting Thread ( and exercise ). The Title HOW WOULD YOU.......? almost renders the response of a leader ( of sorts )... I'll explain...

"I" would gather a krewe ( crew ) of like-minded individuals ONLY and NO groups. After a process of "selection through ordeal" ( testing ) I would refine the Krewe and vanish from all records of the very process, creating a very "secret society". The purpose of the society would be not only ( by proxy ) to establish the various agendas you ask about, but also to prepare for thousands of years of maintaining the knowledge and basic "culture" already acquired.... This will require the society to not partake in the worlds cultures as they rise and fall... and ONLY affect and effect the "world" by proxy or "secret" means.

As to establishing records and some sort of "survival" of certain things for a future time of revelation... A few simple things would be implemented..

1. Three places with identical "records" in positions well hidden, VERY well hidden. The memory and location of same ONLY held by the secret society. Within a few thousand years the knowledge of same will be planted in various societies yet NOT revealed. So the "leaking" of the FACT would still be cryptic and for future generations, not the ones being given the hints. Otherwise exposure would be untimely, to say the least.

2. Music will be used to hand down "a hint of knowledge and awareness" for many, many thousands of years.. This example can already be noticed in the history of music in these times... The "science" of vibrations, even basic science ( and rules ) are the same from many global ancient regions and cultures.. Though many think 'Pythagoras'' and "Greek" in relation to this... Pythagoras learned in Egypt for 40 years, then from the Persians in their lands BEFORE his famous time of Samos.... The intervals and musical "science" has been found in Egyptian flutes from thousands of years BEFORE Pythagoras.. The same intervals are found in Central and South American ancient cultures.... Handing down "hints" such as this example, through thousands of years for a "future" time to notice and recognize is one of the purposes I "We" would use music...

3. Same as 2. yet regarding "symbols and Emblems" as language ( Globally and Regionally ). Leaving an "Archetype Language" ( to be tweaked by the secret society when and as required through the ages, using the ever useful "invisible hand").

One of the main efforts would need be mathematics and geometry... this almost demands to be hand in hand with the music endeavors... but this language is independent of subjective cultures... example would be True North... Solstice and Equinox etc etc... The latitudes are not subjective to cultures in the sense that the north and south make it VERY relative... BUT the Longitude is relative.. see? If for instance the society chooses The Great Pyramid in Giza for 0 degree longitude.... some future growing collective age might choose a location called Greenwich as the Prime Meridian of the World.

Using Astronomy / Astrology would be an excellent mathematical and geometric "language" to "hide" the awareness and knowledge of these times.. For instance... if a Shifting of the Poles happens.. the knowledge of the previous "position" as well as the "new earth and heavens" position can be illustrated and handed down through the ages...

Granted much will become myth and legends and a secret society will have much work in keeping such things inline through the ages, yet the secret society will not be like the vast lost cultures that rise and fall ( including the idiosyncratic cultures and beliefs they can create! ).. The society will not enlighten the masses.. at least not till the world catches up intellectually and emotionally.I guess one can wonder such a secret society may find there's a REAL society that's been working from the very beginning?

I guess a final example if not warning.. lol .. is that many people imagine Burning Witches a thing of the past... while all the while "Witches and Wizards" are "burned" practically every day, to this very day! A secret society would need be very secret and NOT like the various secret societies that will naturally be created in the process of future cultures...

What I would really "do" and not do... is relative to such times and not relative to basic "ideals and ideas" relayed here... So in a word... I'd leave the world parables and those close "Truth"... I would seek to do as told. How? hmmmm being a musician I have to say this! Practice Practice Practice!!!!.. lol or in another word... Application. after all books can be burned like any Ol Witch, but the ideas within the book can be eternal...

This endeavor can last for 50,000 years if not much, much longer as required.

posted on Jul, 10 2011 @ 09:16 PM
Since a time capsule is supposed to be a summary of our history and a glimpse of what we were like, and not bunch of preachiness and do's and don't's, I think I'd take a page from the ancients. I'd build a mausoleum, made from granite and bedrock and constructed in the Himalayan plateau. In it would be a room dedicated to various aspects of our existence(ie: one for science, one for art/literature, one for basic historical timeline, one for religions, one for cultures, and one for political systems); highlighting every defining feature. I would employ pictography to draw a visual story of each thing, carved into the granite walls. No language barriers, little interpretive error, no "guiding" or "teaching". They will be intelligent enough to know what it means. They will see what not to do, and maybe learn something about the nature of humans as they develope. There's no need to be cryptic about it. It's a story book, not a rite of passage.

posted on Apr, 6 2012 @ 07:04 PM
id just leave a space probe in orbit. that way only a sufficiently advanced civilisation would be able to gain access to it or become aware of its existence.

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