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Some Grey Aliens may not actually be Aliens at all.

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posted on Jul, 28 2009 @ 07:13 AM
There seems to be several types of Grey aliens. There are the ones below 5 foot from the Zeta Reticulan star system and the taller ones , often known as The Tall Greys from Orion.

Now Im not sure about the Tall Greys, Ive heard some even say they are of good intent, but what about the smaller Greys, what if they are NOT Aliens at all, what if they are infact LOWER Astrals?

For those not familiar the lowers astral planes are full of lower astral entities that feed off our emotions and fear. They use these as life force energy as they are not connected to the higher light as we are. We are incarnated souls with a connection to our source with an ability to constantly replace our light energy. I believe lower astrals are entities or thought forms that have at one point being brought into being by the power of thought. They are elementary energy manifestations awaiting full growth into our dimension. They have no ability to replace or take in light as a full soul so they spend their time leaching off our energy.

The way lower astrals maintain their form is through higher dimensional beings energy. Our energy.

Now I have been abducted but I never saw what did it but due to the popular thinking I assumed it was by Greys because the whole experience was frightening. I had the classic missing time, taken up through the ceiling and memories of being operated on. Since that day I have given thought AND energy to the fact it was the Greys that did it. I spent 2 years every night in absolute FEAR it would happen again. In other words I gave my energy from fear to them for two years.

When I started meditating I saw many Grey faces and Grey aliens. I saw them astrally and in my 3rd eye. This developed an even greater fear of them, my fear then generated psychic energy that I believe they take. My point is Ive never physically seen a Grey, Ive seen other beings but never a Grey.

The other day a portal opened in front of me. I have had this happen several times. They appear as a dark vortex of energy swirling, almost like a worm hole and has a very dark feeling to it, it attempts to pull your spirit up into it and it becomes a battle of wills not to be over come by its energy. From this vortex an entity started to appear. It was a Grey but in a small body, much smaller than four feet, it almost looked like a Greys face on a toddlers body. Behind it was a man! My theory is that some Greys are not aliens at all, they are lower astrals using our fear of them to actually give them energy and actually allow them through the dimensions into ours as a physical manifestation.

To become manifested they need lots of 3D beings to give them thought and energy. This is exactly what we do. The media by pushing Greys as aliens is helping these lower astrals through and Im sure some 3D people are in on this (hence the man behind the Grey in the portal) Those who know about this have most probably seen some great persoanl use in bringing these astrals through to our dimension.

I know many claim to have seen Greys in the physical. Maybe these are The Tall Greys or what they thought was a physical meeting was infact an astral meeting.

I realize this is a strange theory but last week when that hideous Grey creature started to come through with its classice dark black wrap around eyes I just thought these arnt Aliens at all they are Lower Astrals.

posted on Jul, 28 2009 @ 11:08 AM
You know, I have thought that very same thing... That led me to do allot of reading into the Djinn.

Maybe those shadow people exist, occasionally manefesting into what we think of as grey aliens in order to manipulate. What you said about fear... Yeah almost every night for years and years I've been in fear over it, so it does seem to be that manipulation to make people feel fear is apart of it.

I've wondered if it's always been this way; these things manefesting as various things in order to create fear to energy suck off of people. Maybe they are aliens now because of popular culture. Maybe years and years ago they manefested as dragons, or sea creatures, witches, goblins, etc...

I also have to think about the whitley Streiber book Communion. The grays made it very clear that they did not really look like that and they had zero intentions of ever letting him see what they really do look like...

posted on Jul, 28 2009 @ 11:29 AM

Originally posted by The Real Josh
You know, I have thought that very same thing... That led me to do allot of reading into the Djinn.

Maybe those shadow people exist, occasionally manefesting into what we think of as grey aliens in order to manipulate. What you said about fear... Yeah almost every night for years and years I've been in fear over it, so it does seem to be that manipulation to make people feel fear is apart of it.

Hi thanks for your reply. Its good to know that others have thought this too as a possible theory as to where these actual greys originated from. You mention fear...

As the soul progresses, and the link between the Astral body and the physical body becomes stronger, lower astral entities are attracted. These lower astral entities are normally of a playful nature, but can also be malevolent and can sometimes cause great disturbances to the aspiring soul who is blithely unaware of what is happening. In a sensitive person this is a difficult and sometimes fearful time, however in fairly insensitive people little or no impression is made, except for minor physical disturbances, i.e. feelings of physical discomfort. Sensitive people may possibly be subject to mischievious activities by unknown entities, particularly at night.

The best way to overcome these annoying astral entities is to:-
(a) Laugh at them (metaphorica:lly speaking) and tell them to go away.
(b) Never on any occasion fear them or take them too seriously. (They feed on fear.)
(c) Create a shell of astral matter around you through which nothing can enter.
(d) Create an aura of blue or white light around you.
(e) Raise your vibrations and consciousness to a level beyond their reach.
(g) Invoke the protection of a Higher Being.

Note point (b) above, they feed on FEAR. I know this to be so true. I once saw a Grey then after it had taken my energy it appeared again but as a BRIGHT WHITE Grey being! Now how come it got so white? It had taken something from me Im sure of it. I could have been seeing a Tall Grey maybe attempting to warn me I just dont know, but to see this Grey as glowing white seemed like an awarness of what was actually going on.

One of my friends in meditation several years ago saw several Greys with tubes in their mouths sucking some sort of energy/food up. When they told me this I just thought YUK.

I've wondered if it's always been this way; these things manefesting as various things in order to create fear to energy suck off of people. Maybe they are aliens now because of popular culture. Maybe years and years ago they manefested as dragons, or sea creatures, witches, goblins, etc...

I also have to think about the whitley Streiber book Communion. The grays made it very clear that they did not really look like that and they had zero intentions of ever letting him see what they really do look like...

Really I had no idea that they had told him this was not their real form and they had zero intention of showing what they really looked like.

I think its highly possible that we as 3D beings have radiated fear for many years and actually manifested these aliens in some way as lower astrals. Now they want to come through to our dimension as physical looking Alien Greys.

posted on Jul, 28 2009 @ 12:20 PM
reply to post by Mr Green

Hey MG...Hmmm interesting and I don't know about the term lower astral but it's a possibility. My belief is that when we are not conscious and or protected when asleep all matter of entities can manipulate or take energy from us. Just my belief (no proof here folks). Now I have had interactions with the Grey's only on the Astral, never bad but I still don't like them.

I think that they are one in the same and can work on that level as they are not bound as we are really not bound by limitations of dimensions but who knows.

Did you ever see the Disney movie "Monsters Inc." what fuels there world? Fear! So I do definetly think not fearing them is a must.

I too have seen them in meditation and I just say go away and they do.

I could go on but for now.....

posted on Jul, 28 2009 @ 01:13 PM

Originally posted by cindymars

I too have seen them in meditation and I just say go away and they do.

I could go on but for now.....

I wonder what would happen if we all gained the awarness to do this, to just say go away? Would "Grey abductions" begin to stop because we were no longer feeding them with fear?

Thanks for your post.

posted on Jul, 28 2009 @ 02:22 PM
reply to post by Mr Green

Interesting post.

I have two thoughts on this..

Firstly, it came to mind that your abduction experience might of been implanted into your mind by powerful dark entities. Why? To put you in this situation, to give you a reason to generate fear. They may have done this through a hijacked dream that left you feeling like it was a real event. Your spirit knows it wasn't a nightmare but an implanted dream, so it still feels like you were messed with.

Second, try to embrace them rather than pushing them away. If you were to shine your love brightly and welcome them to you, that might have a better result. By doing that you disregard fear and let them know they are not as scary as they think, it just makes you more powerful and takes their power away.

posted on Jul, 28 2009 @ 02:23 PM
Good subject.
I think its possible that greys or astral thought creational beings are one and the same.
They possibly do get manifested into a solid reality with misguided fear and intent.
They definitely do shapeshift and plough for fear in the astral.
Its quite simple do not progect fear or get caught up in their mind manipulations.
Before sleep calm down and be content and happy. If you are stressing or have had a bad day they will read your mind and will start a fear based storyline that you will get sucked into..
Its probably more complicated with the cases of Greys, abductions alien craft etc.
Perhaps its all been manifested and if the greater consciousness of mankind stopped believing in these illusions they would stop.
As it is we do not understand fully our world so dont give thoughts energy and where its possible we must co,exist

posted on Jul, 28 2009 @ 05:54 PM
This topic reminds me of an article I read a while ago.

'They [the Nagas] want to make the world less compassionate', he said and then smiled, 'so they use water magic to make you afraid' Lama Kalsang handed me a large satchel of fat, brown tablets and went on to explain that to combat bile I must, whenever possible, sit in a cool, dry and well-ventilated room and take tablets to regulate the fluids in my body. He smiled broadly and said 'you do not need to be afraid. Fear is the illusion they want you to have'.

One of those things that everyone insists on is that nonphysical entities are running around causing mischief. There's the quote above and then there's Richard M. Dolan's opinion that these entities could be manipulating people, and Jacques Vallée and Hynek's suppositions that abductions and UFO's are not completely what they seem.

"There is sufficient evidence to defend both the ETI and the EDI hypothesis," Hynek continued. As evidence for the ETI (extraterrestrial intelligence) he mentioned, as examples, the radar cases as good evidence of something solid, and the physical-trace cases. Then he turned to defending the EDI (extradimensional intelligence) hypothesis. Besides the aspect of materialization and dematerialization he cited the "poltergeist" phenomenon experienced by some people after a close encounter; the photographs of UFOs, some times on only one frame, not seen by the witnesses; the changing form right before the witnesses' eyes; the puzzling question of telepathic communication; or that in close encounters of the third kind the creatures seem to be at home in earth's gravity and atmosphere; the sudden stillness in the presence of the craft; levitation of cars or persons; the development by some of psychic abilities after an encounter. "Do we have two aspects of one phenomenon or two different sets of phenomena?" Hynek asked.[14]

I definitely find these explanations to be soo much more interesting than just ET being the main culprits. But also more troubling because it's one thing to defend against creatures so advanced that our current level of technology is insignificant to them. But how do you defend against extradimensional entities of advanced technological and dimensional powers? I was wondering about that and came across a website for David Jacobs (author of The Threat) and according to him, hypnosis and such revealed that for the people who claimed that telling the greys to go away or calling upon Jesus this was only an illusion as the aliens really blanked out their memories of everything except the moment they arrived and the moment they left, so it just looked like they were repelled.

All of this seriously keeps me up at night wondering about the possibilities. What are the odds of meeting one of these people? And what does one do? Haha, I try though to just remain calm whenever I start worrying about abductions and all of that, which works to make me worry less.

edit because im very incoherent

[edit on 28-7-2009 by misterglad]

posted on Jul, 28 2009 @ 06:33 PM
If your experience included paralysis, there is a very scientific explanation for what is wrong.

Sleep paralysis -

Sleep paralysis is most often associated with narcolepsy, a neurological condition in which the person has uncontrollable naps. However, there are many people who experience sleep paralysis without having signs of narcolepsy. Sometimes it runs in families. There is no known explanation why some people experience this paralysis. It is not harmful, although most people report feeling very afraid because they do not know what is happening, and within minutes they gradually or abruptly are able to move again; the episode is often terminated by a sound or a touch on the body.

In some cases, when hypnogogic hallucinations are present, people feel that someone is in the room with them, some experience the feeling that someone or something is sitting on their chest and they feel impending death and suffocation.That has been called the “Hag Phenomena” and has been happening to people over the centuries. These things cause people much anxiety and terror, but there is no physical harm.

[edit on 28-7-2009 by Pathos]

posted on Jul, 28 2009 @ 06:54 PM
The Key to all things in all reality is pure infinite love. Show sincere love in oneness of heart and anything that you come across will automatically yield either by becoming one or running away back in to the shadows

posted on Jul, 28 2009 @ 10:44 PM

Originally posted by Mr Green
what if they are NOT Aliens at all, what if they are infact LOWER Astrals?

well i think your post would make a bit more sense (to me at least) if you just questioned if they were "demons or lower astrals" being the question... rather than "as opposd to "ALIENS" ...

I mean .. what are you actually conceptualizing the term "ALIEN" as?
an Extraterrestrial Alien? meaning an intelligent biological entity not of earth?

the small greys have been known to be described as highly infused bio-technological robots... called "Programmable Biological Entities" PBEs.
"worker drones" to carry out myriad of repetitive tasks that require unbiased and cold logic so that emotion would not impair the necessary task at hand's success.

the tall greys you're talking about were to my knowledge.. referred to as "Tall Whites" .. akin to the type you see creating the clones in the Star Wars film "Attack of the Clones" .

interesting parallel there from hollywood...

tall whites making clones...
tall whites making PBEs...

either way .. there's nothing preventing HUMAN groups of scientists from creating something similar looking... and shove it on the public saying that they're aliens.

and i doubt anyone is going to listen to you about their astral status when they're running for their lives out of burning buildings and cars.

hell.. MAN is DE-MONIC... as in DE-MONAD.. separate from the MONO separate from the ALL the WHOLE.. "GOD" ..
any whom have not lierally fused with a constant connection to the pervasive consciouness of the universe.. are not of the Monad.. hence DE-MONic.

we love pointing our fingers at a Satan that's OUT THERE.. or OVER HERE..
when our own animal instinct is tempting us to obey its urges 24-7...
animal body = satan.

work on that challenge within yourself.. then you get to tell tall white beings whether they are lower astral or .. higher astral or whatever that means.

and then and only then.. do you get to perceive whether they really care or not about what astral level you've designated them to have to be at according to your speculations.

IF they ARE "lower vibe guys" or whatevs.. and they have ultra advanced tech..
then i doubt we'd even be here able to discuss this.
what's keeping an angry "lower vibe" type from creating a weapon that would destroy the universe?
what's keeping 1,000,000 angry, "lower vibe astrals" types from using 1,000,000,000 identical weapons to destroy the universe?

IMO.. you don't get to be allowed out of your "quarantine" star system.. until you've spiritually developed as a race to maintain love and respect for all.. as a STANDARD... and hence have no fear and no impetus to use tech in a negative manner.

ie: no such thing as a lower vibe bad guy alien with ultra technology.. because disgruntled angsty ones would have already destroyed the universe by now.

you can go with the sci-fi/new age crows in their made up alien mythologies about goodies and baddies etc... and believe it al lyou want for it's entertainment and paranoia aspects..

but i have meditated on the concept and it's Mutually assured destruction when you have negative spiritually immature kids at the wheel.

so i doubt it's allowed..
if it IS allowed.. then why is the universe still here?

im sirius.


[edit on 28-7-2009 by prevenge]

posted on Jul, 29 2009 @ 07:39 AM
To me anyway, there is nothing more terrifying looking than a grey alien.

So, it does make sense that perhaps numerous beings "disguise" as that form!

posted on Jul, 29 2009 @ 08:11 AM

Originally posted by YourForever
reply to post by Mr Green

Interesting post.

I have two thoughts on this..

Firstly, it came to mind that your abduction experience might of been implanted into your mind by powerful dark entities. Why? To put you in this situation, to give you a reason to generate fear. They may have done this through a hijacked dream that left you feeling like it was a real event. Your spirit knows it wasn't a nightmare but an implanted dream, so it still feels like you were messed with.

Mmm good point I never looked at it this way, however I do remember getting up to go into the front room as I had heard a disturbance, I physically got up and then it seems I was taken from the front room up through the ceiling and I was gone ages. On my return they pushed me back into the bed with force and I had bruises the next day. This makes me think it was a physical being that did this but I never got to see it. On the other hand I have seen Greys astrally and in these energy vortexs, which makes me wonder if they arnt just lower Astral entities.

Interesting point though that the whole abduction was created by dark entities to bring on the fear to which would then feed them.

posted on Jul, 29 2009 @ 10:05 AM
reply to post by Mr Green

Yeah. It is mostly speculation but I do not think you would be left with bruises after a real abduction - and it's well known that astrals can inflict soft tissue injuries, usually while sleeping. When it comes to spirit and the paranormal I have one golden rule: never assume you know what something is. When you believe you reinforce the energy.

posted on Jul, 29 2009 @ 10:10 AM
Mr. Green,

You sound like a Schizophrenic. Do you have these delusions of self importance on a regular basis? What makes you so special? Why do you believe you have the key to humanity?

posted on Jul, 29 2009 @ 10:14 AM
reply to post by Pathos

I really do not get that impression. Are you sure you aren't the one who's self-important, putting down other people's experiences?

posted on Jul, 29 2009 @ 10:29 AM

Originally posted by YourForever
reply to post by Pathos

I really do not get that impression. Are you sure you aren't the one who's self-important, putting down other people's experiences?

Actually I provided a scientific basis, (in my original post), which may have been the cause of his delusions. I'm worried that ATS has become a magnet for individuals who are suffering from psychological trauma. Something in this person's life has seriously affected his/her perception of reality. When other ATS visitors start supporting these type of stories, they are reinforcing the original poster's hallucinations.

Upon entering a thread like this, your should ask yourself some quick questions:
(1) What age is this individual?
(2) What gender is this individual?
(3) Where does this individual live?
(4) Does their story reflect a traumatic life experience? Other words, does this person have something in their past, which they cannot confront on a fundamental level? Has it become manifested in other ways, which will allow them to cope with the onset of stress?

Age, gender, and location can also tell you about their living environment. My unprofessional opinion is that they are either a schizophrenic, or he/she is compensating for their lack of coping skill?

(1) Did someone close to them die?
(2) Were they raped when they were younger?
(3) Do they live in a tense environment? (Divorcing parents, war, etc...)
(4) Were they in an uncontrollable circumstance, which has left them feeling helpless? Has it become so overwhelming that it has manifested into dreams or an altered sense of reality?

[edit on 29-7-2009 by Pathos]

posted on Jul, 29 2009 @ 10:51 AM

Originally posted by Mr Green
Now I have been abducted but I never saw what did it but due to the popular thinking I assumed it was by Greys because the whole experience was frightening. I had the classic missing time, taken up through the ceiling and memories of being operated on. Since that day I have given thought AND energy to the fact it was the Greys that did it. I spent 2 years every night in absolute FEAR it would happen again. In other words I gave my energy from fear to them for two years.

(1) I have been abducted - What he is saying is, "Something traumatic occurred to me, and it was out of my control."

(2) the whole experience was frightening - What he is saying is, "I'm very scared that it will happen again."

(3) taken up through the ceiling - What he is saying is, "I want to escape my life, for I can't cope with life."

(4) memories of being operated on - What he is saying is, "I have no control."

(5) I gave my energy from fear to them for two years. - What he is saying is, "I'm getting tired of all this pain."

Something traumatic occurred in his life, which he has avoid to confront on a fundamental level. Instead of the actual events being played out, he has replaced it with an alter perceptions of what actually occurred.

He needs to speak to his folks.

posted on Jul, 29 2009 @ 11:18 AM
reply to post by Pathos

Something traumatic occurred in his life, which he has avoid to confront on a fundamental level. Instead of the actual events being played out, he has replaced it with an alter perceptions of what actually occurred.

He needs to speak to his folks.


He is actually a she.

This happened whilst I was on holiday in Cyprus several years ago, no trauma what so ever, infact I was having quite a good time until half way through the holiday this happened to me i can tell you.

The abduction is not what this thread is about, I dont know what did it and I never will, this thread is about the possibility that Greys, or some of them, are infact lower astrals.

Are you saying that everyone who has an alien encounter or awarness of the astral dimensions is covering up a traumatic event in their life?

Im a normal person, no trauma what so ever has happened to me, I have led a very normal life, or I did until this all started happening .

posted on Jul, 29 2009 @ 11:26 AM

Originally posted by Pathos
Mr. Green,

You sound like a Schizophrenic. Do you have these delusions of self importance on a regular basis? What makes you so special? Why do you believe you have the key to humanity?

Do I? Well I know Im not so thats alright.

I do not have the key to humanity ! Where did I say that? Hey be nice if I did but no Im just trying to find answers like lots of other ATS members.

Do you have any experience of aliens or the astrals at all? Im wondering what drew you to this thread?

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