posted on Jul, 29 2009 @ 03:15 PM
Will be keeping an eye on this thread to see what transpires re: the video and the guy who claims he's been driven crazy by the talking-orbs for the
past 14 years.
I've just spent hours reading through threads on the site which features the whole thing (something and Monsters) and watching heaps of his
Like just about everyone else, I was stunned by what I saw. Never given much credence to the orb stuff before, but this Paul guy was thrashing a towel
around in several of the videos to get rid of the orbs, yet they continued to zoom around the room, which put a different perspective on the usual
'orbs are just dust motes' explanation. The orbs in the videos (on You Tube) do seem to have an intelligence and are nothing like dust motes,
So, I'd just about accepted it (although the fact it's just after 6am. here might have something to do with that) UNTIL I read the above post about
Human Faced Carp ! And although I'd like to believe the vids and 'face' are legit, I have to admit that the alleged 'Face' does very strongly
resemble the carp.
Anyway, maybe the guy will put up the original vids and maybe the resemblance to the carp is a trick used by the alleged entities to discredit this
guy Paul/Stanley. Watching with interest ...