posted on Aug, 5 2009 @ 09:16 PM
See in some way I can understand why they done what they did... BUT!!! Wait for it wait for it !! ...........
If girl 2 did not know about girl 1 then she should of been left alone, I am not a type of person to go to someone else and get them to back me up
like girl 1 did. I would just beat the living hell out of him, and maybe give the girl 2 a single slap saying "back the hell off" ....
But, I don't agree with all three of them beating on him.... not fair in the slightest, and it is completely wrong for the men then to turn on girl
2. Yes have girl 1 slap her up a bit, but her attention should of been on the cheater....
This is what I would have done, but then, there are different morals and rules for each place in this world....