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Ten Things You're Not Supposed to Know about the Swine Flu Vaccine

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+56 more 
posted on Jul, 27 2009 @ 10:57 PM
First, the article:

Let's not beat around the bush on this issue: The swine flu vaccines now being prepared for mass injection into infants, children, teens and adults have never been tested and won't be tested before the injections begin. In Europe, where flu vaccines are typically tested on hundreds (or thousands) of people before being unleashed on the masses, the European Medicines Agency is allowing companies to skip the testing process entirely.

And yet, amazingly, people are lining up to take the vaccine, absent any safety testing whatsoever. When the National Institutes of Health in the U.S. announced a swine flu vaccine trial beginning in early August, it was inundated with phone calls and emails from people desperate to play the role of human guinea pigs. The power of fear to herd sheeple into vaccine injections is simply amazing...


Notably, there is absolutely no safety data on the use of adjuvants in infants and expectant mothers -- the two groups being most aggressively targeted by the swine flu vaccine pushers. The leads us to the disturbing conclusion that the swine flu vaccine could be a modern medical disaster. It's untested and un-tried. Its ingredients are potentially quite dangerous, and the adjuvants being used in the European vaccines are suspected of causing neurological disorders.

The 10 things:

Ten things you're not supposed to know about the swine flu vaccine

(At least, not by anyone in authority...)

#1 - The vaccine production was "rushed" and the vaccine has never been tested on humans. Do you like to play guinea pig for Big Pharma? If so, line up for your swine flu vaccine this fall...

#2 - Swine flu vaccines contain dangerous adjuvants that cause an inflammatory response in the body. This is why they are suspected of causing autism and other neurological disorders.

#3 - The swine flu vaccine could actually increase your risk of death from swine flu by altering (or suppressing) your immune system response. There is zero evidence that even seasonal flu shots offer any meaningful protection for people who take the jabs. Vaccines are the snake oil of modern medicine.

#4 - Doctors still don't know why the 1976 swine flu vaccines paralyzed so many people. And that means they really have no clue whether the upcoming vaccine might cause the same devastating side effects. (And they're not testing it, either...)

#5 - Even if the swine flu vaccine kills you, the drug companies aren't responsible. The U.S. government has granted drug companies complete immunity against vaccine product liability. Thanks to that blanket immunity, drug companies have no incentive to make safe vaccines, because they only get paid based on quantity, not safety (zero liability).

#6 - No swine flu vaccine works as well as vitamin D to protect you from influenza. That's an inconvenient scientific fact that the U.S. government, the FDA and Big Pharma hope the people never realize.

#7 - Even if the swine flu vaccine actually works, mathematically speaking if everyone else around you gets the vaccine, you don't need one! (Because it can't spread through the population you hang with.) So even if you believe in the vaccine, all you need to do is encourage your friends to go get vaccinated...

#8 - Drug companies are making billions of dollars from the production of swine flu vaccines. That money comes out of your pocket -- even if you don't get the jab -- because it's all paid by the taxpayers.

#9 - When people start dying in larger numbers from the swine flu, rest assured that many of them will be the very people who got the swine flu vaccine. Doctors will explain this away with their typical Big Pharma logic: "The number saved is far greater than the number lost." Of course, the number "saved" is entirely fictional... imaginary... and exists only in their own warped heads.

#10 - The swine flu vaccine centers that will crop up all over the world in the coming months aren't completely useless: They will provide an easy way to identify large groups of really stupid people. (Too bad there isn't some sort of blue dye that we could tag 'em with for future reference...)

Yes yes I know, this is Natural News, and most of us here are aware of the dangers of this "vaccine."

I just thought it was a rather good summation of the facts on the topic and wanted to share.

Related thread:

posted on Jul, 27 2009 @ 11:04 PM
reply to post by schrodingers dog

People need to consider these facts when the government tries to make this a mandatory vaccination. This really feels sinister but I really think it just boils down to massive profits for someone who lobbied the government.

posted on Jul, 27 2009 @ 11:07 PM
There is talk in the media here in Australia about the upcoming immunizations.

I've already made it clear to my family I refuse to take this vaccine and would have to be knocked out and forcefully jabbed if it became mandatory.

They don't understand my reasoning... but then again, they don't understand a lot of things.

posted on Jul, 27 2009 @ 11:22 PM
They forgot one which is theres a good chance the nurse or doctor giving you your flu shot refused to get one there self.

posted on Jul, 27 2009 @ 11:31 PM
reply to post by schrodingers dog

I took the shot in the fall of '76. I remember going back to my dorm room and getting the shakes real bad. I developed a fever (101) and slept for about 7 or 8 hours. When I awoke, I was sore and aching. It was like getting the flu real fast and intense, but by the next evening it seemed like a bad nightmare - as all symptoms were gone.

Needless to say, not again!

posted on Jul, 27 2009 @ 11:36 PM
reply to post by skycopilot

Oh, sorry to hear you had to go through that ...

I wonder if they're going to do any of these snazzy commercials to get us this time around?

I'll take my chances with a little vitamin C/D and my immune system.

posted on Jul, 27 2009 @ 11:40 PM
reply to post by schrodingers dog

Thanks. But you know when you are a kid in your 20's you never think anything bad will happen. And besides, even though watergate was still 'warm', who knew about the NWO?

+3 more 
posted on Jul, 27 2009 @ 11:41 PM
I have said it MANY times and I will say it again here...

The fact that it is impossible to sue the vaccine makers now is VERY FREAKING TELLING on the properties and effectiveness of vaccines.

Que Bono. Who Benefits? First question that is asked in any investigation of a crime. Who benefited?

The vaccine makers are the only ones.

Nuff said. If you can't see the logic in just that alone, there's nothing more that CAN be said.

posted on Jul, 27 2009 @ 11:41 PM

Originally posted by Karlhungis
This really feels sinister but I really think it just boils down to massive profits for someone who lobbied the government.

C'mon Karlhungis...I've read your posts and you are smarter than that.

Drug companies using the government to make massive profits isn't sinister enough for you? Especially if they make it mandatory - via government regulation - that you take their poison...

If someone makes a crappy product then you don't have to buy it. But when an industry cashes in on a manufactured 'crisis' that is different. Sounds pretty sinister to me when a large corporation can use the force of government to make you accept their dangerous product.

We're not talking about making you buy a crummy electric car or solar panels. We're talking about injecting poison into your body.

[edit on 27-7-2009 by passenger]

posted on Jul, 27 2009 @ 11:44 PM
reply to post by schrodingers dog

Oh god i remember both of those commercials

Thanks for the (really freakin bad) memories there Dogdog lol

posted on Jul, 27 2009 @ 11:49 PM
Knew there was a great reason why I friended you

I can't remember who said it and I feel terrible not being able to credit them where credit is due. But someone in another thread made a good point.

Essentially, to unleash an extremely deadly virus on mankind is a very risky move for the powers. Instead, they released a very non-lethal virus ("millions infects"... hundreds of deaths...) then decide who to kill by who gets the vaccines.

I think seniors are going to be some of the first to get the vaccines, so it should be interesting to watch them drop like flys with their already compromised immune systems.

+20 more 
posted on Jul, 27 2009 @ 11:51 PM

Originally posted by schrodingers dog

#2 - Swine flu vaccines contain dangerous adjuvants that cause an inflammatory response in the body. This is why they are suspected of causing autism and other neurological disorders.

By the way, I just had to mention in regards to number 2 there, that, yes, despite the propaganda that says that vaccines do not cause autism, they very well freakin do.

I know from experience.

My son, who up until the time that he had one of his "mandatory vaccines", was well ahead of the curve, suddenly went into a downward spiral. Within 2 weeks of having his vaccine.

2 weeks after his vaccine, the downward spiral began.

I am sorry, but no one will ever tell me different. I know what caused it. He now is irreparably damaged. Officially his condition is called Childhood Disintegrative Disorder, and is one dang nasty thing to have.

It was not long after this event that the news came out about the vaccine companies getting full immunities to any damage done by their vaccines.

Oh yeah. No one, I do not care what studies you throw into my face, no one will ever tell me differently. I saw it first hand. I was there, comforting him in all of his confusion, and to this day, look into his eyes and see what's behind them, and know just what those *&#$%rds did to my, until then, happy, completely normal child.

ahem. Sorry. Just really... very... pissed off.

No. I definitely will NOT be getting this vaccine. Not for any reason. Nor will any of my family.

[edit on 27-7-2009 by Jomina]

posted on Jul, 28 2009 @ 12:00 AM
reply to post by schrodingers dog

How about the great irony that is lost on so many of the younger generation; that the first time was also a SWINE FLU?! They poisoned a bunch of people that time but, ehhh, this time will be different! The vaccine is NEW AND IMPROVED! With MORE Swine Flu fighting power!!!

All those losers that got screwed from the first swine flu vaccine are probably best forgotten. This time, we've got a much better product.

(cue adorable child looking at mother) "Please Mom, can I have MORE swine flu vaccine?"
(mother looks exasperated but happy) "Ha ha...ok Johnny - but just ONE more!"
(cut to sunset scene with happy family frolicking)(end scene)

posted on Jul, 28 2009 @ 12:32 AM

Originally posted by passenger
reply to post by schrodingers dog

How about the great irony that is lost on so many of the younger generation; that the first time was also a SWINE FLU?! They poisoned a bunch of people that time but, ehhh, this time will be different! The vaccine is NEW AND IMPROVED! With MORE Swine Flu fighting power!!!

All those losers that got screwed from the first swine flu vaccine are probably best forgotten. This time, we've got a much better product.

(cue adorable child looking at mother) "Please Mom, can I have MORE swine flu vaccine?"
(mother looks exasperated but happy) "Ha ha...ok Johnny - but just ONE more!"
(cut to sunset scene with happy family frolicking)(end scene)

hah .. yeah.. .a more "vacciney" vaccine, indeed.

Can we maybe get that in a cereal? I bet they could market it to kids with a big guy in a needle costume.

Heck if it failed, they could always market it to heroine addicts.

posted on Jul, 28 2009 @ 12:47 AM

All the information of the 1976 "swine flu" is right here.

This was an expose done by a very reputable doctor, her book is even better, this isn't the half of it!!

If you can not convince those around you, get some colloidal silver from a health food store and use it properly and give it to everyone you know "Before" they get the vaccine. The silver should kill the vaccine if you have enough in your system. This had been proven. Silver will render the vaccine nuetral. It will ruin it.

I have used it for 8 months now and feel great. I won't turn blue because I'm not an idiot. 20-30 ppm a day at 8-12 ounces and thats it. Not 450 ppm at a gallon and a half a day like those smurf morons.

Silver is the only thing that will kill the vaccine, Vitamin D and C will help.

posted on Jul, 28 2009 @ 12:55 AM

Que Bono. Who Benefits? First question that is asked in any investigation of a crime. Who benefited?

Who benefits? Donald Rumsfeld, owns a large portion of tamiflu stock, big surprise huh?

posted on Jul, 28 2009 @ 12:59 AM

Originally posted by djzombie

Que Bono. Who Benefits? First question that is asked in any investigation of a crime. Who benefited?

Who benefits? Donald Rumsfeld, owns a large portion of tamiflu stock, big surprise huh?

indeed, do you see the shock on my face?

There's one good lead, indeed. Thank you for finding that. I am sure the further you go into it, the more you are going to find that would sicken you. If you weren't already sickened by the vaccines.

ugh. Gotta love the mess we've made, hmm?

posted on Jul, 28 2009 @ 01:03 AM
thanks for the info. there's no way me or my family are touching a vaccine. ive had 2 crazy flu's in the last 2 months so bring on the swine flu. im ready to take it on!!

[edit on 28-7-2009 by grantbeed]

posted on Jul, 28 2009 @ 01:15 AM
No thanks, I'll pass. Told my family I'll be happily refusing to take such a risk with the vaccine.

We'll see what happens if it becomes mandatory.

posted on Jul, 28 2009 @ 01:31 AM
reply to post by schrodingers dog

That commercial for the swine flu seems like fear mongering. Good manipulation.

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