posted on Jul, 27 2009 @ 10:27 PM
Well, as I've seen, many people have solidified their beliefs (whether UFO's are a real phenomena) through many self proclaimed points that in fact
have a lot of holes in the arguments. Ultra believers won't do proper research with good references, assume too much, and keep getting stuck in all
the new age crap out there. Ultra skeptics won't accept that years of government research, gov contractors experiences, military interaction, and
extremely bizarre trace evidence counts for more than just a slide off the table.
In reality, neither side's opinion matters because the truth is no individual is probably going to make any smoking gun discoveries for or against
it. It's the approach that you take, given all the sets of data. And neither of these trains of thought have give a valid or even scientific basis
for a reasonable belief system that really should be in the gray area.
So now that we have that all out of the way...Do you want to know what it exactly the same about both of these thought processes? Neither of them
require you to think. Yes, that's right. Skeptics too can ignore the facts.