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What ultra believers and ultra skeptics have in common

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posted on Jul, 27 2009 @ 10:27 PM
Well, as I've seen, many people have solidified their beliefs (whether UFO's are a real phenomena) through many self proclaimed points that in fact have a lot of holes in the arguments. Ultra believers won't do proper research with good references, assume too much, and keep getting stuck in all the new age crap out there. Ultra skeptics won't accept that years of government research, gov contractors experiences, military interaction, and extremely bizarre trace evidence counts for more than just a slide off the table.

In reality, neither side's opinion matters because the truth is no individual is probably going to make any smoking gun discoveries for or against it. It's the approach that you take, given all the sets of data. And neither of these trains of thought have give a valid or even scientific basis for a reasonable belief system that really should be in the gray area.

So now that we have that all out of the way...Do you want to know what it exactly the same about both of these thought processes? Neither of them require you to think. Yes, that's right. Skeptics too can ignore the facts.

posted on Jul, 27 2009 @ 10:36 PM
funny how you mention ignoring facts.

you pretty much paint both sides with the same GIGANTIC brush.

sweeping generalizations about both sides.


posted on Jul, 27 2009 @ 10:54 PM
There are many threads about these "ultra-believers/skeptics".Actually the correct term is "Pseudoskeptic/believer".

A Brief Perspective On The UFO Phenomena

Debunking Pseudoskepticism: Common Fallacies

UFOs: Lets cut the crap already

The Dark Side of “Conspiracy Theory”

Skeptics and Believers don’t exist

Here is my opinion on the matter:

Psuedoskeptics: These persons are not skeptics, they are simply individuals that will attempt to discredit ANYTHING for ANY REASON for their OWN PURPOSE. Likely because they can not shift their paradigm or take the “ego shock” that would obviously come with the disclosure of ET life. There people have no desire to truthfully investigate UFOs and related phenomena and should be discarded AS SOON as discovered.

• True Ufologist: These are the true members of ufology. Those that use the scientific method and logic to dissect cases. A true ufologist will remain skeptical until the evidence outweighs common knowledge. Persons in this category will always remain neutral until presented with non-debatable facts in either direction (for or against a legit UFO case). Persons in this category may appear as skeptics at times and believers at others. This is because their opinions vary, depending on the case and strength of evidence presented. A true ufologist will always remain open, even in the smallest percentage, to any alternate possibilities, regardless of the result.

• Pseudobeleivers: These are the individuals at the opposite end of the spectrum from the pseduoskeptics . They are just like pseudoskeptics except they fanatically and erroneously believe anything, regardless of the evidence against it. These, like pseudoskeptics, will also try to force there beliefs on you. It is like saying you are either with me or against me, this again is analogous with religious fanaticism and is zealot-like. Like their counterparts on the other side, this group believes blindly in something that is thought to be false, or has been proven to be false. They continue to belief anyways because not to would be paradigm shattering , as well as ego destroying for many. This is not where one wants to fall into, the middle region (True Ufologist) is where one wants to fall into.

The whole commonality is that they both are bad for true ufology, they both prevent ufology from reaching its goal. A true ufologist, or ANYONE researching/interested in UFOs will ALWAYS remain neutral (as much as humanly possible) and wait until the empirical evidence sways them one way or another.

posted on Jul, 27 2009 @ 11:31 PM
reply to post by jkrog08

Good points, you got it basically right in a nutshell.

Just as with any type of thing that has not been 100% conclusively proven (and even some which are lol), there will be fanatics on both sides of the issue, and usually they are very loud and very obnoxious.

Most people fall into the "prove it to me, and I will believe you" mind set, and that's not half bad

posted on Jul, 28 2009 @ 12:02 AM

Originally posted by ELECTRICkoolaidZOMBIEtest
funny how you mention ignoring facts.

you pretty much paint both sides with the same GIGANTIC brush.

sweeping generalizations about both sides.


What generalizations? You mean that pseudo believers don't do proper research? Well, if they did, then the concept of pseudo believer wouldn't exist.

Secondly, pseudo skeptics obviously don't believe in UFO's (that's the whole point...neither would this concept exist), so anything reported that would be reasonably arguable does not fit into their belief system,which includes, but is not limited to, the things I listed.

My question is...who are you defending by saying this? That really makes me more curious than anything. You are defending two systems that are by definition, detrimental.

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