posted on Jul, 27 2009 @ 02:45 PM
The Above Politics show 70 - Is healthcare insurance worth the
Homer and Martin talk about President Obama's proposed Government Healthcare Insurance. And Homer is no fan. Is this just a scheme to get the
insurance premiums to the Government? Or is this a plan to take the healthcare sector into Government Ownership or create more jobs? Will Alaska
forgive Sarah Palin for leaving early and will she give the GOP the boost it needs? Homer predicts that Sarah Palin may head up a new party!! Will
Honduras resolve who is the legal president? And is US Intelligence involved? And finally we turn to the UK and discuss the troubles of Prime Minister
Brown. The Labour party lost the Norwich North by election. Does this spell the end of Brown and when it rains, it pours. We talk about Sir Richard
Dannatt stating the military need more equipment.
length: 47:07
size: 16800k
status: live (at time of posting)