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China: Huge UFO event gets massive media coverage, photo

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posted on Jul, 27 2009 @ 11:54 AM

In the Deqing region of Guangdong province in China on July 22 schoolchildren gathered on the roof, much like millions of their fellow students, to witness the solar eclipse.

it turns out they saw much more than just the solar eclipse nor were they the only ones taking an interest in the event.

As they were concentrating on the sun a UFO was seen clearly by all the students as it directly obstructed their view.

The UFO was a classic silver disc shaped flying saucer. It zigzagged for a while and then after a few minutes shot off at a terrific speed.

One student managed to capture the UFO on a cellphone camera as seen below.The footage has been handed in to authorities for examination.

This UFO event has received massive media coverage and has been reported in all major Chinese newspapers.

Paranormal and UFO personality Michael Cohen noted that 'At first glance the UFO seems to be a very clear image of a classic Axthadan probe. This is an important image'


I sure hope this is the real deal. It seems so!


[edit on 27-7-2009 by silo13]

posted on Jul, 27 2009 @ 12:08 PM
Hey Silo13,
Not heard of that Michael Cohen guy,so I googled him,(Michael Cohen ufo),

First 3 results,404 not found.
4th result got to digg,then another 404!!

The pages were titled "government secrets about UFOs revealed".
No Joke.

posted on Jul, 27 2009 @ 12:10 PM

Originally posted by silo13
Paranormal and UFO personality Michael Cohen noted that 'At first glance the UFO seems to be a very clear image of a classic Axthadan probe. This is an important image'


But what's a Axthadan probe?

I sure hope this is the real deal. It seems so!



That is my question as well. It seems like if you don't know what a Axthadan probe is, you must be an idiot. I hope this guy isn't trying to say that this is an everyday occurrence. Cool pic and article. Thanks.

[edit on 27-7-2009 by silo13]

posted on Jul, 27 2009 @ 12:12 PM
Here's another UFO from about the same time, but, I'm going to have to look at a map to see how close they might have been in distance.

Multicolored UFO filmed in China, video

Changsha, the capital city of Hunan Province has had more than its fair share of UFO events. Earlier this year in April, All News Web posted a story about a UFO that was seen above the city twice in two days. This event received extensive media coverage within China. Since then there have been at least half a dozen UFO sightings by residents of the city.
This most recent footage (below) appears to have been filmed out of someone’s living room window. The UFO shown in the film was probably seen by numerous locals.

UFO and paranormal personality Michael Cohen is not convinced: ‘My research suggest that real extraterrestrial craft do not use flashing lights. This is probably a kite fitted with lighting but we cannot be certain’.

Hmm, I don't like the part about the kite, but, ya never know!


[edit on 27-7-2009 by silo13]

posted on Jul, 27 2009 @ 12:13 PM
Wow that actually is a very good picture. Hope this gets all the media attention it deserves to get this out to the open. Doubt we would have herad about over here in the West if it wasnt on here. Good Find.

posted on Jul, 27 2009 @ 12:13 PM
You can see what was there before the 404...
you should be able to just use the cache, suffice to say there was an article there by Cohen at one point.

Michael Cohen: Government UFO secrets revealed

Michael Cohen [email protected]
I have been researching the UFO phenomenon for around four years although lately it has become something of an obsession. Lately I have been doing a fair amount of radio interviews on the topic concentrating specifically on what I know and have discovered. I thought writing an article outlining my findings for All News Web readers might be a good idea.
Firstly I would like to briefly talk about where I get my information.


[edit on 27/7/2009 by revdrdrsunshine]

posted on Jul, 27 2009 @ 12:15 PM
Interesting, almost a little suspicious, that if someone/thing wants certain things to remain secret. (the existance of ET for eg) Then why show up, right at a time when you know there will be lots of people looking up.

And after a little googling, I'm none the wiser as to what a Axthadan probe is. I'm guessing that Axthadan refers to a race of alien, and they have probes of some sort. (allegedly, at least)

posted on Jul, 27 2009 @ 12:16 PM
reply to post by revdrdrsunshine

Hmmm, and this would all add up to what?

Something sinister? *wiggles eyebrows*...

posted on Jul, 27 2009 @ 12:18 PM
Michael Cohen: UFO secrets revealed

Michael Cohen [email protected]

I have been researching the UFO phenomenon for around four years although lately it has become something of an obsession. Lately I have been doing a fair amount of radio interviews on the topic concentrating specifically on what I know and have discovered. I thought writing an updated article outlining my findings for All News Web readers might be a good idea.

Firstly I would like to briefly talk about where I get my information:

All News Web constantly receives emails from various government departments asking for further information on the various sightings we report worldwide. One recent story I posted received no less than fifteen emails from various Government departments around the world. Often I am given inside information regarding UFOs by the parties who send me such emails.

I also have a good few senior-level informants within such relevant departments and for these individuals I am eternally grateful.

So here is what I know:

Unmanned surveillance discs that are about a meter in diameter are travelling to earth using some kind of vortex or set trajectory. The exit of this vortex moves around earth from time to time but currently appears to be located somewhere in Brazil’s mountainous district behind the city of Fortaleza.

These small silver discs are coming from a civilization who's home planet is referred to as Axthada and is located in Andromeda Galaxy. As such, the beings that inhabit this planet are referred to as Axthadans or Ax Thadans.

These discs essentially function like web-bots using artificial intelligence to move around and survey our planet. Governments around the world, from the US to China, are well aware of these discs and are studying them intensely.

Axthadan's communicate and send out messages in Earth's languages via these UFO probes. These messages can be picked up by receiver equipment mounted on aircraft that ‘chase’ the discs. It has now been confirmed that SETI is also receiving such signals.

Earth is located within the Axthadan's sphere of influence. These humanoid beings are many thousands of years more advanced than earthlings and have taken an interest in us since ancient times. We are essentially their property and it is up to them to decide when we are ready for open contact. The Axthadan's have subtly influenced human civilization's development over time.

I realise that much of what I write here is relatively new to most readers, but corroborative accounts are starting to filter through as new information regarding extraterrestrial affairs comes to light.


posted on Jul, 27 2009 @ 12:19 PM
reply to post by Silcone Synapse

Not heard of that Michael Cohen guy,so I googled him,(Michael Cohen ufo),

I'm not having a lot of luck with the Axthadan either, but, here in the West that might not be so unusual...


[edit on 27-7-2009 by silo13]

posted on Jul, 27 2009 @ 12:20 PM
The guy is bunk, i recieved a slightly abusive email from the guy after pointing out one of his videos on youtube was taken from a different source with commentary of what the original taper thought it was, but cohen used a copy with music and claimed it was an probe with the actual aliens in the background. After his correspondence with me he took the video down yesterday and claimed it was a hoax, today the video is back up in its original form and different blurb again. Which is suprising since he claimed the guy from Perth who filmed it was either a drug addict or had a mental illness.
Please do not bring any stories from his site to this. The Moderators here have banned all mention of it which is why your links dont work.

[edit on 27-7-2009 by pazcat]

posted on Jul, 27 2009 @ 12:22 PM
reply to post by pazcat

The information I posted came from Chinese newspapers, not from this guys site.

Just saying...

That is if you mean me...

posted on Jul, 27 2009 @ 12:23 PM
reply to post by revdrdrsunshine

Cheers!Yeah there used to be something there.Now I see it thanks.
Feel silly forgeting to check the cache...

For some reason -- is putting my heckles up...not sure why,but I have a feeling I got some disinfo from that place in the past...not sure yet though.

posted on Jul, 27 2009 @ 12:24 PM
reply to post by pazcat

that's probably the reason my google was a failure. I saw the allnewsw*b links and remembered how lolsome it was. (would lolsome have t L's? lollsome, it looks better for some reason...)

posted on Jul, 27 2009 @ 12:27 PM
Yes sorry, did not see your second link but the first one you used is from his site and hence why it wont work and he links the China news too.
Im just saying be careful if you post stuff from his site mods may give you a warning or just HOAX it right away.
Sorry if i sounded mean wasnt trying to be

posted on Jul, 27 2009 @ 12:33 PM
Michael Cohen is a fraud to add to the list with Hal Turner and the rest of the numpties. They should be strung up from a lamp-post.

Anyway to the more important issue:

The website can be translated to english here using google translate - zh-CN&tl=en&history_state0=

UFO discovered Yuecheng Deqing

At half past eight on July 22 about Wyatt, who lives in Deqing County, near the ancestral home town of Long Feng Yu secondary school students in their rooftop observing the solar eclipse for the roof and found the skies there is a suspected "UFO" over the singular bright spot, He was filmed by the camera (see left red circle Office). The highlight of the track is not run by the rules, but later turned into Olive, one will become oval-shaped, and or on or under, or left or right, very strange, just a few minutes away.

At present, the bright spot in what was the matter has not been confirmed that the ultimate authority departments.

You can see that Cohen has made up extra details (notably the Axthadan probe?) , and from the translation a rough indication can be made that somebody saw something possibly unexplained and nobody can say what it was for sure. Just like many hundreds of previous sightings. And there's a little photo of course that tells us very little.

People like Cohen distorts potentially credible sightings.

[edit on 27-7-2009 by john124]

posted on Jul, 27 2009 @ 12:37 PM

Hmmm...well, I guess it could be worse. The Axthadan are usually not that exponential and generally tend to stay away from trouble.
Still, I though this place was more remote. I guess things changed a lot in 15000 earthyears. Meh..

Anyhoo's nice pic, still bit unclear as to what it is. However, since China isn't shouting from the roofs that it is a US or Russian spycraft we can safely assume it is alien and by the looks of it the other dude is right, axthadan of origin. Well, company is always fun but don't expect the axthadan to land her. They usually have better things to do, like running their empire and making a few extra bucks.

[edit on 27-7-2009 by AncientShade]

posted on Jul, 27 2009 @ 12:38 PM
Hey this is terrific...we seem to be getting closer and closer to some kind of undeniable encounter.
Just for a joke, if it IS real it's probably the first thing sighted in our atmosphere that doesn't read MADE IN CHINA. Maybe they were looking for a new subcontractor!
Any image expert with a take on the authenticity yet??

posted on Jul, 27 2009 @ 12:39 PM

Originally posted by Silcone Synapse
reply to post by revdrdrsunshine

Cheers!Yeah there used to be something there.Now I see it thanks.
Feel silly forgeting to check the cache...

For some reason -- is putting my heckles up...not sure why,but I have a feeling I got some disinfo from that place in the past...not sure yet though.

Maybe the alien disclosure stuff earlier this year was from that same place. And several other crap articles which were predictions that never came to pass and inadequate reasons were given by the idiot cohen on his twitter that he was surprised as well that it didn't happen. ATS doens't need numpties like him distorting news stories. Of course nobody apart from cohen himself can be blamed for it.

posted on Jul, 27 2009 @ 12:40 PM
reply to post by silo13

That looks like the reflection of a kids toy filmed in the window. Why did the camera operator not open the window and film?

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