posted on Jul, 27 2009 @ 04:11 PM
Happened locally,I heard the horrible details first thing this am over my coffee,the newscaster could barely get the story out without breaking
I sat and cried a bit for the poor angel's little soul and also saw my man tear up.
I am not going to try and sugar-coat this: in South Texas so far this year I wake up to these HORRIBLE stories of crimes against small children at
least once a week,the child-abuse has become rampant and it's mostly carried on by young parents.Drugs are commonly involved but many of them have
these babies in order to "collect" more from the system.The problem is out of is the abuse.
Jeeze...they can get their fine young asses into the office to apply for assistance fast enough but not for "help" if they feel they are unable or
unwilling to care for the babies? They CAN get help with post-partum issues and meds f they need them,the programs are everywhere down here.
There are sooooooooo many that would have loved this baby out there.
You can argue any which way but I live here,see it up close and personal in my community and despair because the situation is getting worse...they
have "rights" according to the law so they breed without restraint so they can collect from the government,disdain birth-control due to "Catholic
beliefs" (convienient card to play...) and again,there hasn't been a week that's gone by in recent months where some story of extreme violence
towards a little one hasn't started my day.
Regardless of "what" motivated her,she had a baby she could not care for and now no doubt,we'll be paying for her care and treatment for years to
She has been charged with murder.
I personally do not have "sympathy" for this woman,only hope that the murder charge sticks and that she will be punished accordingly.
[edit on 27-7-2009 by irishchic]