Physics- Obvious reasons here
Astronomy- Obvious reasons here as well
Specialist in Orbital Mechanics and Celestial Mechanics- This is necessary because UFOs occur in space too. Also it is necessary to try and
understand how these things work in space compared to our technology, especially in the cases where it is obvious the UFO is mechanical.
Cosmology- It is necessary to have some type of grasp of where these things may come from in the cosmos, this is to be used in addition
with astronomy because cosmology is more theoretical in nature and deals with the Universe as a whole.
Quantum Physics- Obvious reasons like understanding how they can travel so far if they are indeed alien, time travelers, or dimensional
‘hoppers’. Also it can help possibly develop efficient long range communication methods.
Astrophysics- Obvious reasons
Optical Physics- The team needs to be able to clearly define what is a hoax, prosaic object, or real.
Psychology- The team needs to explore the possibility that psychological issues may be involved in many sightings, the possibility that
some type of “mass delusion” is going on. Also they will be needed to offer an opinion of the psychological impact of first contact.
Historian- So we can look the more ancient UFO cases, as well look over past events that involved massive paradigm change (like the rise of
Theoretical and Conventional Biologist- Obvious reasons
Mathematician- Math is a universal language and likely the easiest way to communicate should there be no other apparent way. Also they
could help in advanced physics problems.
*Religious Scholars- To review and offer the best insight on the potential religious aspects of first contact.
Relevant Engineers- Obvious reasons
*Relevant Electronic (computer) Engineers- There will likely be a need to decipher any possible transmissions, possibly having to be done
by major re-writes or brand new computer operating protocol.
Metaphysicist – Even though there is no actual accredited degree in this field the knowledge is useful. This is due to the potential mix
of current religious and scientific aspects of reality one well versed in this field would be needed.
Ethics- Yes, ethics. This is needed to oversee the board and make sure investigations are handled properly, as well any disclosure made as
a result of said investigations.
Sociologist- To study the social ramifications and influence.
Evolutionist- Obvious reasons to complement the biologist.
*Political Scientist- To judge the possible political impact of first contact or disclosure should anything be found.
*Economist- To judge the potential economic impact should first contact or disclosure happen.
Multiple “field agents” highly trained in
chain of custody,
the scientific method, and witness/ field investigations.
Funding, funding, funding
Obviously all in this team will need to be versed in all the good cases as well the hoax cases.
The ultimate goal should be to try and achieve contact if possible and if it turns out UFOs are from an intelligent source. If this is not
possible then the other obvious goal would be to properly document this event and come to the best scientific conclusion we can.
*Not needed unless a potential disclosure or first contact situation should arise.
Obviously that is quite the team, and given ten years I sure bet we would have some interesting and ACCEPTED theories about this phenomenon, with
evidence to back it up. Either way this is what is needed if ufology is to take its rightful place as a legit science. But interestingly enough it
would take all of us to come together and unify as one.
Maybe that is a sign that we are not ready to know what UFOs are until we can do
What Can YOU Do???
You, me, anyone can do many things to help legitimatize, propagate, and strengthen the field of ufology.
Be Objective! Remember that we must use the
SCIENTIFIC METHOD to come to the
most logical conclusion. A light in the sky is not automatically a “Pleadian surveillance drone”! I know it can be hard sometimes but we MUST do
this if we want to ever get the “truth”.
Help out whenever you can. Research some cases, make some threads on ATS about some good cases or other ufology related events that APPEAR
LEGIT, please do not post hoaxes or obvious prosaic things. I know sometimes it is hard but always
ask someone if you are unsure. I do not know
all there is to know about ufology but you CAN u2u me if you are unsure, if I don’t know I will contact someone else and vice-versa. Donate to or
join a UFO research organization, press your political leaders, get the word out on the streets. There are many good cases posted on ATS, print them
or email them to people. Go out and research things outside of the internet if possible. Just do
anything proactive that you can.
LEARN, LEARN, AND LEARN: Try to brush up or learn of the classic cases and newer ones. Learn of the many techniques in ufology, learn
whatever you can. At worst you gained some knowledge.
Bias is NO GOOD: I know it is hard sometimes but always try to listen to other alternate explanations. Bickering between
is circular and no good. Sometimes you meet people, like ‘pseudos’ that only detract from this field.
MOVE ON, continue doing what you
Remember—WE MUST UNIFY: If we are to progress this legitimate field of study and find the truth we all claim we want then we all
NEED TO UNIFY AND SOONER, RATHER THAN LATER. The time is now, there is another UFO wave going on, technology is ever growing, and
ufology is gaining more legitimacy and popularity. We MUST stop fighting between ourselves, we MUST stop making accusations like “disinfo agent”,
“troll”, “close minded idiot”, “ignorant believer”, “ gullible fanatic”, and so on.
together can we really get to the REAL truth.
SPREAD THE WORD: Defend legit ufology in public, do not be ashamed to go against the norm and appear “different”. I can not tell you
how many people and places I plug ATS, ufology, and distribute cases. I am a young man with a decent bit of friends, friends you would not think would
care and would laugh at you, hell even strangers you would think would---BUT they DON’T if you are sincere and know your stuff. Do not be shy to
spread the word, give people credit before judging. A lot of people just do not know of the many solid cases in ufology and thus don’t think about
it. Some do not care but can be swayed to get interested—JUST TRY.
BELIEVE: Do not give up or lose faith, all good things come in time. Always remember the ultimate goal here is for ALL MANKIND, not just
YOU or ME.
Final Comments
In a way this is an urgent plea to all that I can reach on ATS that we need to UNIFY and get some ORGANIZATION and LEGITIMACY in ufology. We MUST stop
the internal fighting and competition, it is like a cancer to ufology. It is also time that all of us, “amateur ufologist” or “pro” step up
our game. It is time to make a push now, we all can do SOMETHING, regardless of our daily lives.
Anything helps, remember that. We also must
get the classic and top cases out to the masses. Like I said above, many just do not know about the cases. I am talking cases from the late forties to
There are many, and this is why I-personally- am rehashing the classic cases from the 40’s on to today here on ATS. People do not
realize how much evidence is within these cases and how a lot of them lead to a true unknown (and many lead to a strong ET hypothesis) conclusion,
even by official government agencies and scientists.
I realize that people want something new and shocking, like a
youtube video or skunk works type case. But we must remember that everything
takes time and a lot of times the real world stuff is not as entertaining as Hollywood, well at least not yet! It is time to get professional about
this, it is time to stop treating ufology like some freaky urban legend meant to scare us. This is a REAL phenomenon, we are just now getting to the
point where we aren’t scoffed at much. Please let us not take a step back for every half step we take.~Justin