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Did you know this, about the Theory of Light ?

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posted on Jul, 27 2009 @ 11:17 PM
reply to post by The Matrix Traveller

You have officially opened up my mind a little bit more and I thank you for that.

I never honestly knew this......This is actually something we can examine and study and have visible evidence of...

Maybe we should devote more attention to this before we can understand some of the other light based phenomenon..

S&F ...Very Interesting...

posted on Jul, 27 2009 @ 11:43 PM
reply to post by The Matrix Traveller

Matrix Traveller you have come across a very interesting subject, but all of your links have been knocked out. What is the web page that we must go to in order to see all of this for ourselves? Thanks.

posted on Jul, 28 2009 @ 12:41 AM
In my Last post, I showed the Two fringes of Black and White
extending from the slit or Gate.

Note:- One fringe is Inverted in relation to the Other!

From the Top and Bottom edges of The Slit or Gate.

So we have an Upper and Lower fringe or shadow that varies
in Greyness!

I remember from back in the 1950's, a demonstration of a disc
constructed in this fashion...

When this Disc is turned at the correct speed (Slowly)
in one direction, muddy Coloured Red rings appear on the Disc,
but when Rotated in the other Direction, they appear as Muddy
Coloured Blue Rings.

The Colours can be altered by the design of the disc.

And Now, if we leave off the Curved lines and rotate it
again at the correct speed Pale Yellow appears on the Disc!
As well as the appearance of different coloured patterns
formed Like Granule light appears amongst the pale Yellow.
These Patterns change in cycles and can be made to rotate
under the influence of thought in either Direction...

But more on this Phenomena later on.

The thing I want to point out at this stage, is that these colours
in the case of the Rotating Disc, are purely formed from
Black & White in Motion.

I will give a breakdown on this later in the thread and its origin.

When we consider the Phenomena of Complimentary Colours,
using a simple generator, that artists often use, we find this...

If we take a Red Spot on White Paper, and stare at it for a period
of time, and then rapidly slide another piece of white paper
over the Red Spot, so as to hide it, another Coloured Spot
is seen by The Mind. in this case it will change from Red to Green.

Yes I know that this is referred to as an illusion but...
Is it really, or has it something to do with the fundamental
Processing of the Experience or Program.

Now try this again using other Colours.

In the Case of Blue, it will change to Yellow!
And so on.
This method is often used to obtain the Complimentary Colours
in Art!

So what actually is a Complimentary Colour ???

The Colour in each case, is its Opposite no matter what
the Colour tested in this way!

The Name given to this phenomena “Complimentary”
is an extremely vague and loose term, that means very little.

It is at this stage, I should point out, that the Eyes or the Brain
can’t see anything at all, as they are the Decoding System
of another Process, that many are Not aware of.

It is only the Mind, often referred to Awareness, Consciousness,
or LIFE, that Sees, and NOT the Brain or Eyes.

But in saying this, the Eyes are a necessary interface, to see
our experience of this program, called Earth and its Universe.

Note also, that Both Black & White are Important Components
and are the Base Opposites.

All that exists, uses Opposites in its Logic Structures.

The Base Code, of the Mind consists of a Black & White,
similar to a Checker board, but a few more squares are involved... LOL.

In my next Post, I will get into the affects of The Prism,
and the Logic structure behind Colour.

posted on Jul, 28 2009 @ 06:41 AM
So how does this relate to the Christian belief that God is Light and Jesus is Light from Light, true God from true God?

Doesn't this belief they have reveal that God (Light) is the most powerful force in the universe?

posted on Jul, 28 2009 @ 06:58 AM
Light is aware. Here is a video to prove that light is aware. It changes properties based on the fact it is being observed so it is aware!

Wow eh? I know this vid is sort of childlike with cartoon but it gets the point across:

The ending is the best part

posted on Jul, 28 2009 @ 07:24 AM
reply to post by The Matrix Traveller

Matrix, I think in this post, with the rotating Black & White patterns, you're just seeing the results of optical illusions in the Human eye.

Our eye is not a camera. The images presented to the retina have to be interpreted by the brain, and the brain will see recognized patterns that either are from experience (learned) or are innate (evolved).

I would consider your absolute statements carefully, here. What I mean is, showing something interesting like 'color' from a B&W image when the Human eye looks at it is different than measuring it with a scientific instrument.

Just tuppence.

posted on Jul, 28 2009 @ 07:53 AM

Originally posted by weedwhacker
reply to post by The Matrix Traveller

Matrix, I think in this post, with the rotating Black & White patterns, you're just seeing the results of optical illusions in the Human eye.

Our eye is not a camera. The images presented to the retina have to be interpreted by the brain, and the brain will see recognized patterns that either are from experience (learned) or are innate (evolved).

I would consider your absolute statements carefully, here. What I mean is, showing something interesting like 'color' from a B&W image when the Human eye looks at it is different than measuring it with a scientific instrument.

Just tuppence.

I think what he is saying, is that these 'optical illusions' are not illusions at all, these are the fundamental states of light, or at least, refracted light, what our brain and eyes then interpret is the illusion.

Colour doesn't exist, it's only white light experienced a different way?

At least, thats what I think he's saying.

How are we MT, ain't seen you on here in a while, how goes the interface? Working hard I take it?

What I am curious about, are you saying that the two base opposites are balck and white, or that they are light and the absence of light? Still a little cloudy there.

There is definitely something more to light, I'm still unsure as to what it is though.


posted on Jul, 28 2009 @ 08:04 AM
light is both a wave and a particle.
it has mass.
since gravity travels faster than light, in that gravity is instantaneous, you can have a black hole.

posted on Jul, 28 2009 @ 02:23 PM
Is light disturbed by high voltage.
Light and flames and bolts and all sorts of light effects are caused
by electricity and wonder if any research noted light bending by
the electric field.
Fairly sure there is no magnetic effect on light waves.
The electric field of light has always been the cause of effects on
light as it traveled through different mediums.
ED: Colors are different frequencies of light.
The Prism equally separates the colors that bend by speed at
the interface of separate mediums due to electric field of the light.

[edit on 7/28/2009 by TeslaandLyne]

posted on Jul, 28 2009 @ 02:38 PM
Looking at the image the OP posted in regards to splitting the light based on an “open” slit; what happens to the white light in the center if it were to be filtered through another prism? Will it show the full gambit of colors (including the reds and purples) or will it only separate into the green hues?

posted on Jul, 28 2009 @ 03:33 PM
reply to post by The Matrix Traveller

There seems to be more to this than what meets the eye, so I am all ears and still captivated.
Bring on chapter 3.

posted on Jul, 28 2009 @ 04:00 PM
reply to post by Wormwood Squirm

You are indeed 101% Correct!


Light is actually the Result of,The Activity of the True Mind, which is LIFE!

This will give a little more understanding to those ancient writings that people argue about today... LOL

posted on Jul, 28 2009 @ 04:15 PM
reply to post by weedwhacker

Good to hear from you again Yes you are Quite correct in what you say but think about it for a Moment ??

The Eye Can't See nor can the Brain See but these are Interfaces, Interfacing the Experience with that which is Aware Namely The Mind which we often refer to as Awareness, Consciousness or LIFE.

Illusions play a major part in our daily experience in fact more than most realise.

Humankind is often ashamed of the experiences of illusion but must come to accept that illusions are in fact often involved in our processes.

After all as you know even a Movie is an Illusion of movement, produced by static pictures.

The world is very, very, mechanical and there is indeed a Processing system/systems at work or the nothing at all would happen and you and I would Not even know we exist ...LOL.

The rules that underpin the activity in the Universe including you and me are known as the Laws of Physics including those Laws yet to be discovered.

But you do get my point also that the Disc affect is an illusion of The Mind or Life...

But please do Not be disappointed by this fact but come to understand the processes behind all this.

I do intend this thread to lead into another thread involving the processing system and full details in how uit works that produces our experience.

posted on Jul, 28 2009 @ 04:33 PM
reply to post by ElectroMagnetic Multivers

What you quoted at the beginning I believe I understand him correctly so have a look at the answer I gave him.

The Important thing we must remember is that the Brain is an Interface and the Eyes are only an input port to the brain interface.

As for light Black is as much involved as White but many people fear Black and are superstitious and mistrusting as a result.

Many children and even adults often fear Darkness and also Black.

Darkness does Not lack Light but involves lack of Contrast.

People often confuse Black with Darkness but usually this is because many unconsciously fear Black.

The Light came out of Darkness in other words Black and White are the two components of Darkness which is Greyness or lack of Contrast as the two components Black & White are in mixed form.

It is also important that is our Life in other words our Awareness, Consciousness, or Mind that sees Not our Flesh.

Is it your Body that is aware of You your entity ???

Or is it you your entity, (Mind, Consciousness, Awareness or LIFE) that is Aware or can See ???

Yes I believe it is only My true Self that is Awareness, Consciousness, Mind or LIFE (all four being one and the same) that Sees!

The Mind is basically an Organised Comparator thus experiencing.

There are two ends to the Mind...

One end produces the "experience".

While the other end "experiences" the "Experience".

Through a Processing System that I will give full information on soon.

posted on Jul, 28 2009 @ 04:49 PM
reply to post by Lumpyloaf

Looking at the image the OP posted in regards to splitting the light based on an “open” slit; what happens to the white light in the center if it were to be filtered through another prism?[

I have indeed checked this out back in the 1970's but I will need to go back through the archives to quote..

But if my memory serves me correctly by introducing another Prism does Not change the Result...

But please do Not quote me, as I can Not remember 100% about this but as I have Not gone down the road of introducing another Prism I am assuming the outcome was still the same.

When and if I get a moment, I will check this out again for you, but you can do this easily yourself even at home, as the results are the same whether in controlled conditions in a Lab or at home.

As you are probably aware you can get these from optical devices, such as Binoculars (they are used as Mirrors inside)...

posted on Jul, 28 2009 @ 04:53 PM
reply to post by TeslaandLyne

Thank you for your interest and questions.

I would like to answer all your questions, but the best way to do this, is for you to keep watching this thread, as I post more to it.

Perhaps your understanding of light my develop more, as we go further into the subject.

posted on Jul, 28 2009 @ 04:55 PM
reply to post by The Matrix Traveller

I appreciate the reply! Unfortunately, I am still sitting here at work and don't have the time or means to experiment with it (but I will when I get home). It was more a question to satisfy my own curiosities of the properties of light, as I don't know near enough to be able to speculate one way or the other on your theories. It has definitely been interesting reading and filled my otherwise boring day with some research.

posted on Jul, 28 2009 @ 07:46 PM
reply to post by Wormwood Squirm

I just want to take a Moment and thank you for your Contribution to this thread!

I Love Science.....

Don't you Love it when, things come together and we Rediscover the Knowledge of The Mind or should I say Awareness, Consciousness or LIFE

Thanks One again.....

posted on Jul, 28 2009 @ 10:40 PM
"My body reflects what goes on in my heart. My heart reflects what goes on in my mind. My mind reflects what goes on in my body."

Very interesting thread btw.
Even though hard to understand.
I wish you would explain a little more about the darkness.

[edit on 28-7-2009 by cancerian42]

[edit on 28-7-2009 by cancerian42]

posted on Jul, 28 2009 @ 11:30 PM
reply to post by cancerian42

I wish you would explain a little more about the darkness.

Not a problem but just a little busty at present so I will get back to you ASAP..

Thank you for raising this question...

Often I take to much for granted, and forget that others want to know things I have perhaps take for granted wrongly...

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