posted on Jul, 31 2009 @ 02:56 PM
Here is a Dream I had July 6 2008
I was in School Again…..we were all told to hang around outside of our home rooms and await the naming of our New Class President…?? Pharaoh?? I
find myself sure of myself…I see the vice principal..t people…he looks really busy today…well of course he is busy…deciding the next class
president is always tough. I don't talk to any one but I have a smile on my face…they ask me how my life is and so forth…I don't say a word…I
just keep smiling…I think to myself…."With Pharaoh gone who will take his position as Leader of our fine school. I have no idea the methods of
ascension . The Ruling Class of the School/City never really told us…we were just told of how things were not of how things worked. That was the
rest of the Country though…We Of This city…the City by the river….we were all Priest and Acolytes in Training. We Would keep the prayers
said….the rites invoked. We Would guide the spiritual evolution of Our Pharaohs Glorious Rule. The Head Priest is flanked by two female
acolytes…one holds the heart and liver of our deceased pharaoh 'may Anubis keep his spirit and guide him into the next World.' While the other
holds His Heart. The New Spiritual Successor would in affect become the new King of Our Land. The Symbolic representation of our the passing of the
Guard. I wish He Was Here…For He was a Just King. And I could only hope that the next would do even better. Then Suddenly the High Priest of the
Temple Of Ra stops the busy vice principal and then takes him into this office…Woah I think…The Leader Of The Temple Of Ra Would Not Take him
aside like that if it were not important…such actions like that decide the fate of nations…
.. ..
They Leave The Office at a resolution…the vice principal walks past me…then he Walks past me…we never make eye contact…Its Time He Says To
me…he smiles but never faces me…I would never say it…not in front of the people…"I will Do my best."
.. ..
The two acolytes rush to my side and shove the Kings Heart And Liver Into my hands.
Ok they say as they rush me into the temples inner recess…here they would symbolically pass the Torch to me…It is my Oath Ceremony to the Gods
Accepting in my acceptance of this Great Responsibility. The Priest says a bunch of stuff so fast…Anubis this and That The Great Boat into the
underworld…..things I have heard many times before…but now as they are directed to me…my mind is jumbled…I barely spit out the Sacred response
to the Diatribe…Then The Two Female acolytes burst out laughing…I could see the mirth in their faces and laugh…I knew what they were thinking. A
King Who didn't even know responses a first level acolyte knew by heart…I guess I was that kind of student…who dreamed more than studied…but
dream of what??
.. ..
Then Said a sacred prayer which I cannot reveal here…then asked me for my name and title….and this is where my logical mind conflicted with my
dream mind…my name is SolCore…..and I tried to give it a best fit translation into ancient Egyptian. I knew Sol Meant Ra…the Sun…but Core….I
didn't…but I didn't know the word for Core…I cursed myself…a King Who Didn't even know his own Name…So I just repied to him in English…My
name Is SolCore…Of Same Temper And Steel As Joyeuse, Cortana And Durandal….And They Smiled At Me….For I had spoken my true name. They Knew That
Ra Was The core Of All Things…I smiled myself as I realized this….I was pharaoh now…the Core Of ....Egypt....…I smiled…
.. ..
Then I woke up.
[edit on 7/31/2009 by Kalki Maitreya]