Originally posted by keldas
reply to post by TheAmused
Whilst your dream may be interesting I do not see the connection with your mother being able to predict disasters and yourself.
Are you saying you too can predict disasters and this dream is a portend of one. Have you ever predicted anything before which came true.
When about 15 years old i had the same dream for 5 day's.
The dream was always the same.
Wake up go back to sleep it started back where i woke up at.
Like someone pressed pause on a vcr lol
It was a Woman that i meet fall in love and have kid's.
It was always the same woman.. but different event's..and we aged but we was the same people just aged some.
After 5 day's of nothing but dreaming of her i could remember everything about her..face body hair eye's voice ect.. When i woke up i even day
dreamed i remember a few time's because the dreams was so real like.
But after a few days i let it all pass and wrote it off to a childhood dream.
Never to think of it again.
Now i was 25 years old when i met my wife.
And have plum forgot about any dreams i may have had..and had no reason to even dwell on it.Why would i you know.
Something seemed odd and familiar about her as if i knew her.
But i blew that off as to i was getting the good's..you know what i meen lol
Until one day 1 week after we was dating.
Was driving down the road and she turns to me and say's something.
For some unknown reason i knew exactly what she was gonna say...EXACTLY...
So i was looking at her like Wtf it must be dajavu or something...
Then i realize she is wearing the same cloths as the girl in my dreams 10 years ago and look's just like her..even sound's like her..and i remember
her asking me that exact same question...
For no reason after 10 Years i get dragged full circle kinda from a dream to reality.if you can get what im saying lol
And it hit's me like a brick the second i realized i do know this girl.
At least best way i can explain.
I can't and have not even tried to explain this to her.
But i did tell my mother my dream i was having when i was 15 and once i told her what the kid's name's was and the girl i was with.
I asked her last month after 18+ years of the dream if she remembered me telling her the names of the kids and wife i had in my dream.
She said not off hand but i wrote it in my diary..i write everything. in it.
The next day she call's me to come look what she wrote down...
But told me if i looked on the other pages she would kill me.
It was my wife of 9 year's name..
with both of my kid's i have now for real...names wrote down all those years ago.
Plus+++ i let her name the kid's i had no decisions in it what so ever.
Spooky to say the least at least for me.
That story i can confirm with a diary.
But prying a diary from a old lady is like stealing her med's..
Allso i find it funny that only 2 name's of my kid's was wrote down.
Because my wife is 4 month's pregnant..doctor's said it 100% healthy.
So it short yes i have done what my mother does with her dream's before.
Some i can't tell not because there personal.
But because i don't get the urge like i must tell someone..as with this dream i started post with.
I can't really explain why one vivid dream is more important than the next.
But it give's off a vibe or feeling you can't shake for day's or month's.
As if you are suppose to tell someone or a specific person maybe.idk
But all of it still weird's me out.